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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Those are great!Wonder if they are availble in the states?I know I could sell a few of them here.When I first saw the post I thought that the bowl was glass also.Ewwwwwww. Joe
  2. Nice deer,love to see the pics.Muzzle loader opened last Saturday and my buddy got one in my woodlot.I haven't got out yet but its getting cold enough to feel like hunting! Joe
  3. I had some issues about 5 years ago that included what you are describing.One thing that I found is exercise will give you more energy.Just an hour work out 3 or 4 days a week will do wonders for your energy level.Good on you for getting this stuff checked out. Joe
  4. Good job Mo! Whatcha gonna name her? Joe
  5. What is this chat thing? Joe
  6. Be there in a bit. Joe
  7. PM sent! Joe
  8. Good stuff TJ.We had what I thought was the last of the tenderloins Saturday night.Dredged in flour,pan fried in butter and sprinkled with greek seasoning.It dont get no better!Found one more in the freezer tonite while looking for some meat to make jerky.Might try the Montreal steak seasoning on the BBQ for this one.Looks pretty good to me. Joe
  9. Nice hat!!!.That shirt looks sorta like a walleye catching shirt.Are you still wearing the same clothes that you were wearing in June?I know you believe in lucky fishing lures but you snag one wall-ice and you wear the same clothes for 4 months?You aint right.. Joe
  10. Well?????WE are waiting....
  11. Well said Bernie.I agree. Joe
  12. I had one of my neighbors pit bull get into my pasture and run my sheep one day.I had every right in the state of Virginia to kill his dog on the spot.I chased him back thru the fence and went to work on the fence where the dog got thru.The owner came out and helped me and he thanked me for not shooting his dog.This farmer probably knew the dogs and the owners.He should also know that you have to live with your neighbors and just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should.The Pit Bull never harassed my sheep again and I still get along with my neighbor. Joe
  13. I'll second that,I've heard him talk and it ain't pretty..Good thread!I think I'll go juggin fer cats! Joe
  14. Great news and congradulations!Didja name her yet?Good luck with her. Joe
  15. Nice trip there Bubba.Good to see Brian and Dons mug out there in the beautiful Gulf.Them other coonasses looked a bit shady! Joe
  16. Here is one a few miles from my house.Dunno if this is what you are looking for. http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/boa/426805138.html
  17. If you are looking for cheap boats try Craigslist.You can check out different cities and may find a better deal closer to home.Good luck. Joe
  18. Good luck tomorrow guys,it may not be the best system but its a lot better than many people in this world have.If you dont vote you have no right to complain about the outcome. Joe
  19. Is Brian down there with you also?Pretty sure Don can talk them dumass salt water fishes into the boat.Good luck to all y'all down there . Joe edited to say:Nice fish by the way,gonna blacken that one?
  20. I remember that day well bud...my thoughts are with you and yours. Joe
  21. Chickens are just the same way.
  22. I'm with you bud..was a real snoozefest.Drivin in circles hoping yer junk dont blow up till after the checkers.The COT on a plate track is crap. Joe
  23. I think cicso is correct.A well place 150 grain bullet will take out whatever you want.What caliber are you using?I use a .270 150 grain federal and have had great results but I have not shot a moose with one.A few cows and 1 horse but no mooses.You would think the farmers around here would put bells or saddles on their farm animals so they wouldn't be mis identified by hunters. Joe
  24. I usually use a deep fat fryer and do it outside on the deck.Baked catfish just doesn't taste so good to me. Joe
  25. Happy Thanksgiving to my northern brothers and sisters.Does this mean that if I can get up there this weekend I get to have two turkey day dinners this year?How sweet is that?? Joe
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