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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Honeywell has a new steam humidifier coming out soon or may be out already.Has a remote steam jenny and tube to the plenum for tight installations.Anyone have one yet and what do you think of it? Joe
  2. Careful planting them catfish.Them fins stay sharp for years after the cat is dead and will still stick you. Joe
  3. I'll be there if I can catch a ride with someone. Joe
  4. I am so sorry to hear this Rich.Dogs are one of lifes greatest gifts. Joe
  5. Didn't your last place have a hole into the attic also?I have heard stories about racoons liking them attic spaces. Joe
  6. Was clearing out a fence row yesterday and found some green plants under the leaves and the swamp maple has red buds on it.Calling for snow Friday though. Joe
  7. I love Willie but I think he may have smoked a few too many fatties.
  8. Wow Its even happening in Virginia!
  9. You obviousley dont know me at all.Scared little punk and rolling over are not words that people would use to describe me.Your attitude will change one day,when you have a family to watch over.
  10. Snow for the mid Atlantic states tomorrow.Tonadoes in the south. Joe
  11. Bonghitts,I can tell you that being confrontational with the police is not a good plan.The prisons are full of jailhouse lawyers.For the most part cops are just doing what they have to do to get thru the day.They put their life on the line for people who they dont even know.They have to make decisions that may kill them or other innocent people on very short notice.Its very easy to be a Monday morning quarterback and hindsite is 20/20.I have never been mistreated by the cops in any way shape or form.I pretty much follow T-guys procedure when I get pulled over.As people get older and wiser their perspective changes.I wonder what your age is and what you do for a living now.I also wonder if your perspective will change in 20 years.BTW,love the handle! Joe
  12. Here are a few tips on how not to get your butt kicked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76MTseMsE2c
  13. I think I seen that feller sneakin around my goat shed the other night.Did he have any rock salt stuck in his hide. Joe
  14. Looks like they have posted the standings already.I am not unhappy. Joe
  15. I thought I was the only one who ever heard that song!Good stuff dawg. Joe
  16. A little boring to be sure,they could cut that race down to 300 miles and it would be fine with me. Joe
  17. Good thing you took the wheels off of the house bud.Them tornados love to play with them trailers!Glad you dodged the bullet again been a little rough down there this year bud. Joe
  18. That is one incredable machine!I could have my firewood cut up for a year in an hour or two.Looks like they are using it on new growth stuff.Prolly saves lives of loggers in the long run. Joe
  19. Very true,exercise will make you feel better doing just about anything. Joe
  20. Great news Jack,was wondering how things were going.They make camo bikinis for your moobs if needed. Joe
  21. Two questions already answered before the season even gets underway. Will JR win this year? Yes Will Toyota win this year? Yes. Pressure is off for Toyota and JR. I was hoping Carpentier would make it into the show,he will be just fine this year I think. Tomorrow night is the truck race,the best racing in NASCAR.Go Johnny Benson. Joe
  22. If you can smoke and drink while doing it=not a sport! Joe
  23. My feelings exactly Rick.Home inspectors should be held accountable just like I would be.I have seen them miss obviuos stuff and nit pick stuff that ends up costing people money.One of the slimyist professions out there for sure.If they knew what they were talking about they would have a trade and make some money.Go after him Rick but I dont think you will be sucessful.Most wont even return a phone call when I try to contact them about an inspection they have done. Joe
  24. Kabuki rigs?...Whew for a minute I thought you said Bukake rigs.Dont wanna see that! Joe
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