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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Great news Rick.You dedication to your bud is admirable. Joe
  2. Lots of hoodlums there now
  3. Good luck Rick..Let us know..... Joe
  4. I was discovering girls and Led Zeppelin.Good times to be sure.I collect old Popular Mechanics and Mechanics Illustrated from the 50's to the 70's.I love seeing all the stuff that they predicted would happen. Joe
  5. Good job bud,hope you get to put some venison in the fridge! Joe
  6. Very nice comment.I think we have a new attention Ho here!Rick is and has always been a class act .Why dont you save us the drama of you trying to get banned and just leave on your own accord? Joe
  7. Nice fish...and damn nice hat there bubba! Joe
  8. The old street sweeper with a slight modification.Very nice duck gun...Just so you know,only 3 shells allowed in your gun for hunting here in Virginia. Joe
  9. I have been to the Hanover one.It was OK but the one by Detroit was better.Both of you guys are about 1 1/2 hrs away from Art and I.Maybe meet on the river for some fishing sometime. Joe
  10. Cant get this song out of my head.Google some of the band members you might learn something. Joe http://haha.nu/beautiful/they-might-be-gia...-mesopotamians/
  11. My old guy is around 10 or eleven.We found him eating roadkill in 96 or 97.He was a handful when we first got him but he passed his therapy dog test a couple of years ago and is the best dog you could hope for.Here is T-bone with his therapy dog tag . Here is his best bud.She is my dog and does not let me out of her sight.She is a 3 yr old Labradoodle.she goes for 85 lbs and will hunt! Joe
  12. Just glad Cal Ripkin was not on that list. Joe
  13. I have the Blade CX copter,twin rotor.Easy to learn on but cant fly upside down.Great for terrorizing chickens and goats. Joe
  14. Your name is it in chat but you aren't answering any questions..you should come back to defend your honor
  15. That working out thing is over rated.It never works,just makes you tired. Joe
  16. One word comes to mind...Wow!!Great job and kudos to the people who helped you. Joe
  17. Down here if you dont register to vote you dont get picked for jury duty.If you are self employed you can be excused or serve if you choose to.I know a few sucessful people who take the time to do their civic duty and would have no problem giving up a day or two to do so,but a week would get me in hot water with my customers.Good on you for doing your duty! Joe
  18. The Wild America series was a great show.Most of the shots are from a distance and the sounds are edited in later but the wildlife video is second to none!Thanx for posting . Joe
  19. Congrats on makin it a year almost.Its not so easy but the worst is over.Good job! Joe
  20. Rest up buddy,cant have you getting everyone here sick. Joe
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