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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Good job Jon and Chris and Rich.Its soooo worth it! Joe
  2. Thanx guys,Shaun where are you staying?We will be at the Iberostar Bavaro Resort. Joe
  3. Y'all got a good thing going up there to be sure. "Keep your stck on the ice"truer words have never been spoken! Joe
  4. I dont think I would notice .50 but if I did I would mention it to the manager next time I was there.Only to ward off the bad karma of the ill gotten gain.Its not about the amount or looking down your snoot,its knowing that you didn't pay your dues.To each his own... Joe
  5. Talkin bout fishin!
  6. I disagree,I think most are comfortable here giving there names and opinions.For the most part over the years this group of people does do the right thing. Joe
  7. Thems some good looking dawgs bud. Joe
  8. Tons of great advice here.Am I the only one who has not been there?I'll post pics when I get back. Joe
  9. Kirk,I will call you a cynic.I am sure you are not the only one wondering though.I wont beat a dead horse on this.Plain and simple bud,you either believe in doing the right thing for whatever reason or you believe that if someone makes a mistake in your favor its just too bad for them.The driving back to the store and all that without compensation have no bearing on right or wrong.You went thru the hassle of driving there to buy something,right?Be it Karma,Christianity,Budda or The gods of the flaot suit the people that will return and pay have a compelling inner reason to do it and no amount of disbelieving will change that.Did you ever have anyone tell you a really nasty rumor about someone?Did you feel good that they told you cause they could trust you?Or did you wonder why this person thought you were the type that would enjoy such crap?That is the crux of this argument.Which person are you?Not to single you out Kirk,you have been here a long time and I enjoy your posts,just speaking up for the "other" side.We are not all the same and that is what makes this world so great. Joe
  10. Looking good there Bernie. Joe
  11. Thanks for all of the replies.I have already packed my speedo so I should fit right in!I will be very careful about what I drink.Shaun,my flight leaves at 8 am from Dulles airport. Joe
  12. I am headed to The Dominican Republic this Thursday for a week.I did a search and read the posts and am wondering if anyone has any more input.I am taking a medium spinning set up and a small assortment of jigs,spoons,plastics and crankbaits.Any other suggestions for things to do there? Joe
  13. That was a for sure to shake up the standings kind of race! Joe
  14. Yer killin me here Doogles.The pic is a red X but I can imagine Davey and his stupid clay mation dawg saying that. Joe
  15. Absolutley without a pause I would take it back and pay for it.Serious bad Karma to take something that you knowingly didn't earn or pay for.Many fruitless fishing trips while wearing the suit will insue. Joe
  16. Thats pretty sweet!I dont think I would eat anything other Crappie and crawfish if I was to move down there. Joe
  17. Are you stuck?Are you sure?Good ,then I'll just help my self to some.
  18. The freezing water will be an issue for sure.Read the installation instructions for winterizing the unit to get an idea on how hard it will be to deal with.May be as easy as putting a splash of antifreeze in the trap before you leave.The drain line itself may need a bit of heat tape while it is running if it runs thru an uncondotioned space. Joe
  19. Chat is open and totally free.Already a few there
  20. That coffee stuff is full of humididy for sure..I miss that cup of joe in the morning for sure, Joe
  21. Post them already enough car guys here to enjoy them for sure.
  22. I am concerned about the mineral deposits as we are on well water.My parents have a steam shower but so far so good with that unit.Our well should be about the same.I would love to talk to someone who has seen and installed one of these units but it doesn't look like it is available yet.It looks like they have addressed many of the maintanance issues. Joe
  23. I saw that link while searching and it may be that one.I left the spec sheet at my parents house.If I can find it I'll let you know.Found this also http://www.airassurance.com/hotproducts/humidifier.cfm and this..Not available until April.The price looks good though. http://www.cleanairsystemsinc.net/humidifiers.html Joe
  24. Let me know if you find anything.Its not the clunky plenum mounted,but the new one.Should sell for around 5-600 American. Joe
  25. I cant find them on line yet.They were hyping them at the trade show and were to be released in late January.Was hoping someone had seen or installed one. Joe
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