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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Just fly into Sudbury or where ever and we'll meet you at the airport,cuffs in hand!Good to see you here Tom. Joe
  2. Some pretty serious double barrel action going on there!What part of Alabannannas did y"all say you was from? Joe
  3. I will vouch for Lakair.The owners are very nice,the cabins are clean and the boats and motors reliable.The fishing can be great and it can be slow.If you are going to fish the "Near North"you can not expect to catch them like a remote fly in trip.The fish see a fair amount of pressure but are catchable.Best of luck! Joe
  4. I think Art may be chasing some blues on the Chesapeake this weekend,prolly has room for a couple on the boat.I'll be working on the new barn. Joe
  5. Of course they will,hell I've eaten worse than that! Joe
  6. Thats not so bad Dawg.Just need to get some big ol' Kitties to go with them bass.When do the crappies start up down there? Joe
  7. Happy to ya bud.Maybe you will get a hair cut for your birthday! Joe
  8. I love the new configuration,my boy Johnny B won the truck race the other night and the racing was the best.Who is your best guess?I'm going with Tony,I think he can figure out a track quicker than anyone. Joe
  9. My first real job I got 30 days vacation,not bad for an 18 year old.Had full medical and dental and tons of travel.Spent two years in Bermuda!That was the Navy.Now I haven't had a paid vacation for 17 years....go figure. Joe
  10. Yer scarin me,Dawg.Good to see you out fishin.Shame you cant afford a decent shirt to cover yer belly. Joe
  11. Great news,that old VW scared the crap out of me! Joe
  12. Those are my local anchors here but I dont remember that particular segment.Roy you may want to try a pair of those shoes,they look like you could gain a few inches...... Joe
  13. November 2006 Popular Mechanics did a test on them.http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/upgrade/4199414.html Not sure if this will help. Joe
  14. Lose your camera Phil??I think Dawg and I got most of the fish out of the west arm in June.I was surprised they let you back into Canada after last year! Joe
  15. Good stuff Lew,I have seen cluods like that on the upper French and they mean business!Nice Pike Corey got there. Joe
  16. I think them US guys should find their own fishing group!Nice flatfish there,some of the best eatin fish around.Didn't know that there were winter and summer flounders.I can remember as a kid gigging flounder and collecting softshells at night in Bay St Louis Mississippi.
  17. Tomorrow @ 10:00 am .Espn 2 I think in the US. JOe
  18. When I was young in the swamps it was what you did to gars.The Alligator gars get really big and eat all of the game fish.As soon as you saw a gar the fish stopped biting and that was it.Any gar that was caught was killed.Dont know how they do it now. Joe
  19. As fast as the races go at Michigan I wouldn't be surprised if they squeeze it in between the drops tomorrow.Sort of a snoozefest race anyway. Joe
  20. In Arts big aluminium boat they warn you about haveing any steel nuts or bolts in the bilge.It may not be a problem with a boat that doesn't live in the water.He has 3 or 4 big honkin sacrificial anodes to battle galvonic reactions.All if the stainless brightwork is protected by rubber gaskets.Thats all I know about that!.Cant wait to see the rig next year. Joe
  21. Looking good bud.Make sure you use aluminium rivets and you should be set. Joe
  22. Glad to see you got out for some fishing and kid time.Nice report and pictures. Joe
  23. I think I need to get my mucking boots on ....
  24. What did I miss Raf?What happened to your leg?The yellow jacketed guy and Kevin will put you onto some fish. Joe
  25. Great to see y'all had a good time up north.Nice Musky Ed! Joe
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