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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Working out is way over rated.Take up smoking it will keep the pounds off for sure. Joe
  2. Looks good.You may want to have a mechanic do a quick once over but for that price it may not be worth the expence. Joe
  3. By the way...nice hat.Faux Farm in Paeonian Springs is getting famous.Nice fish! Joe
  4. Nice pics,I recognize a few there,where is my dog? Joe
  5. Thanx for the pics and the report.Wish I was there. Joe
  6. Was wonderin if y'all made it back.Sorry I couldn't make it up there. Joe
  7. I was looking for info on fishing the upper French many moons ago.Thought it was strange that a big old hairy lawyer from Pittsburg was helpful on a Canadian board.I cant tell you how much fun this place has been over the years.I have been lucky enough to share a wobbly pop and fish stories with a bunch here in person. Joe
  8. Wishing you and Jackie many more ! Joe
  9. Rest in peace bud.

  10. This is a shock to be sure.My best to the family.He is with his best friend now. Joe
  11. Nice fish...looks like it would have gone for 6 lbs if it had a tail.
  12. That Blue aint the same Blue as in Canada.I can get it here but its not as potent.I am getting ready to watch the fast cars myself..and enjoy a real Blue from the Beer Store in Canada. Joe
  13. Like I said Cliff,glad to have you here. Joe
  14. Very nice clean fish there JR.Good job! Joe
  15. Dont get me started on how stupid the fine citizens of New Orleans were during the Katrina storm.My family went thru Camille and Betsy down there and it was nothing like Katrina.When they say evacuate that means leave!Do not stay behind to loot your neighbors stuff.Do not stay behind to keep your neighbor from looting your stuff.....just leave!Do not expect the govt to bail you out because you chose to live in an area that is below sea level and you dont have insurance cause it was too expensive.Most of my family live much farther inland now and are better off for it.I hope this one misses the New Orleans/Mississippi area but I do hope that people leave for safety instead of riding it out.This painting of Americans with the broad brush here is wearing a bit thin here lately,we are mostly just regular folks down here. Joe
  16. What kind of nut takes their aunt,dad and kids on their anniversary to a place called get jiggy jiggy with it?Congrats on the 19th Monique you could have done better but thanx for taking him off of the streets.He is one ugly ,hairy street walker.By the way,I wore that shirt that I got from TJ the other day and there was a fiver in the pocket! Thanx bud. Joe
  17. Very nice,them West Arm skiis are cooperating this year.Looks good on you! Joe
  18. Very nice pooch there, Jack.Big or small they complete our lives. Joe
  19. Good to see your summer is going well bud.I knew it was just a matter of time before the West Arm Muskies bowed to your will.Good job! Joe
  20. Yank that pic fast.I cant believe you would wear a shirt that didn't have a tobacco,gun,truck or beer logo on it!Dis-f-ing-graceful for a redneck of your caliber. Joe
  21. Some said it was a flower,others a weed,we never give it no thought.Then one day i was talkin to my brother and I bent down to get a weed to chew on.things got fuzzy and then got blurry and then everything was gone.... Joe
  22. Good stuff bud.Been wonderin what you been up to. Joe
  23. Hope Phelps used waterproof chaulk under his fingernails.But hopefully not urineproof chaulk.Your conspiracy theory is making you look a bit foolish. Joe
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