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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. You might want to brush up on your goat breeds before you start naming them lunch and supper.They are obviousley milk goats,check into boer goats they got some meat on them.I once had sheep named lunch and dinner and two others called Bubble and Squeak...mmmmmm lamb chops! Joe
  2. At the risk of sounding like a broken record.......http://whyquit.com/.Just do it!Drink more...smoke less! Joe
  3. Saturday morning we loaded up the truck and went to pick up some Lamancha mix goats.The ears are supposed to be like that.They should get to 100 lbs or so when full grown.We call them chipper and shredder because they will eat anything. Last week I was working a a customers house and commented on the old Kawasaki in the garage.He said it was his sons and was for sale.A couple of days later I called the son and he said he wanted $500 for it.Art said he would go in half on it so Sunday we picked it up.I know I dont need a bike but I like the old KZ bikes.This one is a 1979,I am sure some of y'all geezers have had one of these. Joe
  4. Congradulations bud.Keep up the exercise,you will feel better.PM sent. Joe
  5. Thats some kinda toasty water temp there bud. Joe
  6. Great report Thomas.I dont think I have ever seen a pic of you with a fish. Joe
  7. Sweet!I can see the OFC stickers on it now!Good job bud! Joe
  8. I have done well catching them under docks.
  9. I am sorry you feel that way Joe.My father was in the medical field and my wife writes and edits medical journals and publications.I can tell you without a doubt that doctors care more for their patients than money.If they can cure you they will.They spend a long time in school and continuing education even after they go into practice.I have some doubts about doctors that do boob jobs and face lifts,they are prolly in it for the money.Oncologists,radiologists,pediatricians are not glamorous and dont bring in the big bux like the elective surgery guys,I believe these people really want to help people. If the baking soda treatment worked it would be great.It doesn't..if it did there would be field trials with documentaion by more than one doctor.There would be a publication of the trials and a peer review.Then there would be an paper presented to the general medical community.Doctors really do want to cure patients and if this was a plausable cure they would be all over it.I am sure that more than one doctors wife has died of breast cancer.Do you think that if this procedure was as wildly successful as it is said that the doctor would have his wife die before trying it? Joe
  10. I didn't mean snip as in being "snippy".I meant snip as in I edited or shortened it to make the reply more relavent.I could never get "snippy" with you,Paul is a different story. Joe
  11. Sorry to snip your reply,we agree in gereral on probiotics.I dont think the economy would suffer.Those same people doing Cancer research could use thier resources to combat the many other diseases that are around.Alzheimers,Arthritus and Heart disease come to mind.Most(I would say all but you never know) doctors are humans who have loved ones and families and parents and know the feeling when a loved one dies.I really do believe that doctors want to cure their patients. Joe
  12. Looks like there may be more to the story. http://www.dokterlutser.nl/archives/tullio...-cancer-fungus/ They sorta omitted this little tid-bit. Simoncini has some great points about eating and living habits.
  13. Very interesting read but it loses a bit of credibility when they imply that Cancer is a "profitable" disease.I would believe that if this treatment worked a country like Canada with its "free" healthcare would be all over this treatment.It is not productive for a health care system to go through expensive procedures and drain the resources that could be used elsewhere.I would love to believe it works though. Joe
  14. Happy birthday to both of you.Hope fishing is part of your day. Joe
  15. Yup you sure figgered out all us Americans.Ask around here a bit and you will find that Dawg and I are always out to get someones money.Did you get enough attention yet? Joe
  16. No comment on the Shimano rods but have had very little isues with the reels.I had one low end baitcaster that would "slip" when I work heavy jerkbaits but still worked well as a trolling reel.The Diawa stuff is not all bad either.Sel that Okamau stuff till they work out the bugs. Joe
  17. Sencos are the real deal.If the bite is hot you can use the knock offs but I always start off with Sencos. Joe
  18. I am a plumber so nail biting is not an option.That being said...Do you really want to die on that hill with your daughter?I was real tough on my daughter about stuff like picking up her room and finishing her dinner when she was young.Things change and kids work stuff out.I would get real worked up about stuff and looking back(she is 26 now)it was all small stuff,mice nuts!The amount of wasted energy trying to bend her to my will just drove a wedge between us that took a while to straighten out when she was in her teens.We are all good now but you have to pick your battles for sure. Joe
  19. Me too Dan. Joe
  20. Bump..Cant help you out from down here...just wanted to give you a bump! Joe
  21. I have one you can borrow if you want.Not so good on gas but she runs pretty good in skinny water. Joe
  22. No sand crab here bud.My dad was in the airforce and was stationed there.Art was born in Hawaii and he mostly coonass. Joe
  23. I was born there in Panama city but left there 46 years ago.Green trout(bass) are prolly still hanging out there ,Dawg prolly knows what he is talikin bout. Joe
  24. Terry ,that may be the photoshop of the year!Dawg has already saved and done a mass e-mail of that one to be sure. Joe
  25. The river is the Potomac river and is a large river 1/2 mile at some of it wider points. The Catfish we are catching are mainly Channel Cats but the biger ones are Blue Cats. ART
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