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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Happy hatch day to ya bud.
  2. He was doing good till he pulled out the gaf to land him. Joe
  3. Join the Navy.It will change your life forever in a good way.In the states you can take courses and the govt pays for it.You can save up a bunch of money and use it for school after you get out. Joe
  4. Thanx for the link. Joe
  5. To each his own,I dont get the Tat thing though.The finger thing was the bomb!Do you have a link to that? Joe
  6. Roy knows a guy... Joe
  7. Having been in the Navy I will try to anwer this so you will understand it.Just because the military does it does not make it economically efficient in any way shape or form.We had multi fueler trucks that ran on anything from cooking oil to diesel fuel and more.Cost to set one up was more than you would ever recoup from running french fry oil in the states but if you were low on fuel in Diego Garcia it was worth the extra bux for that multi fuel option to be able to run on home brew corn squeezings to complete your mission.I am sure if they can run stuff with a water mix the payback is not yet economically feasible at this point.I also know they spend more money on a hammer or toilet seat than you or I would ever.The reason they would develop this technology for the Hummer(I dont really believe they are) would be more for versatility of the Hummer and not for economy. Joe
  8. Take me there please....I was there in 1976 for a minute,the water was cold but it was spectacular,still is to be sure.Bex and I are in for the next trip up there MR Gallant. Joe
  9. Go to the doc and tell him the situation.More than likely its sprained,broke fingers are pretty obvious.Splint it or tape it to next finger and bobs your uncle.Get it checked out though.. Joe
  10. Whereaboots is this connass from?
  11. Specially if he had hooked him right in the f-in' eye!Love ya Dawg.. Joe
  12. I'm not so happy about this stuff.Total lack of respect for the animal.Prolly shot it out of the window of his truck.No wonder us hunters are under fire from the anti hunters.I know it is his right to display his horns but it doesn't do us any favors. Joe
  13. Ask lots of questions but only one per e-mail.Ask if it had had the recall work done on it.Ask when the last time it was in the water.Ask for more pics and tell them that the pics are the dreaded red X.Tell them that you have family in the area and you want to do a cash deal and your family will look the boat over and pay cash on the spot.Do this last because they will not respond other than to say that they are not able to meet you there and the boat is already at the shipping company.I hate scammers.
  14. I have seen Dawg in person,he dont look a day over 25,sorta like an older brother to me. Joe
  15. Weightless,hooked weedless thru the head.A short flouro leader and a swivel.Works like a champ! Joe
  16. I hope some guys familiar with the area PM you a few places and tactics to get on some fish.I was soooo ate up with fishing when I was your age and I know the feeling.What are you targeting?Bass,Walleye,Pike or Muskie?Best of luck on your trip and take some pics! Joe
  17. A few people at Lakair were asking about an hour meter/Tachometer for their boat motors.I have been using Tiny Tachs since 1990 or so on my Jet Ski motors as well as my boat motors.Very cheap and reliable.They will custom make the length of the leads for your boat and install in minutes.I have no connection with this company or interest other than I have used their products and they really work. http://www.tinytach.com/tinytach/index.php Joe
  18. How many RPM's?Boat size and prop pictch will also detemine speed.Check Manufactorers rpm recommendations and prop the motor to that rpm.That will give you your max. Joe
  19. The pattern will be different to be sure.Do a search there is a ton of info on that area here,from all different times of year. Joe
  20. How could you even touch that thing ,Dawg?I woulda thrown my pole in the water as soon as I saw that pile of stuff on the end of my line.Nice report though... Joe
  21. My geek said not to update Zone alarm because it will try to do anti virus and they aren't so good at that.I use AVG for that.Thanx for the heads up Rick. Joe
  22. Change the plugs.My motor was acting up at Lakair this year.I pulled the plugs and found the ceramic had cracked on one plug.This caused it to miss intermittantly and drop almost off of plane. Joe
  23. I'm with you TJ.I hate this place!I'm looking for a new place to hang out,bunch of phonies who hide behind their keyboards here.Most dont even fish,let alone meet up with other members for a weekend on fishing.Even when they do meet another member they dont talk about fishing all of the time.Bunch of phonies! Joe
  24. First off,great catch!That is one prime Sac a Lait!The finest freshwater fish you will ever taste.Second,mention this website and send a link to this thread and all the buzz it generated.I have heard of Advanced and I live 14+ hours south of there.Maybe an OFC discount or an advertisement with the community would help them out also.Good job! Joe
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