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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. 2lbs 14 oz is much bigger than 2.24 lbs.Very nice fish indeed. Joe
  2. I inherited a 1968 Fiat 124 like this from my sister after she killed the clutch.I also had a Gremlin for a couple of years while I was in the NAVY.Very fun little car for sure.I gave it to my brother in law to learn to drive on and he passed it on to his younger brother.Just couldn't kill that Gremlin.
  3. Thanx Doogles.We always feel bad about not cooking for the pot luck so we do what we can to make up for it.One day y'all can say you knew Faux Farm before it blew up.....(literally...moonshine and what not). Joe
  4. Thanx for all of the concerns.I'm doing just fine.They shot my whole hand up with novacaine and I still cant feel my finger.No pain killers yet but might take one tonight cause when that Novacaine wears off it mat sting a bit.There have been some discussions about health care on the forum lately so I will tell the story about this problem. I got back from The GTG on Sunday the 22nd of June.I walked into the docs office(was in the neighborhood) on the 24th.Had an appointment on the 25Th.They looked at my records,took an x'ray and set me up for Surgery on the 26th.I told them I needed more time as I had work set up for that date.I chose the following Thursday (today) and other than a surgery gone long before me it was all good.My surgery was set for 1:15,they told me it would be a 2 hour delay.They put me under at 2:30 and I was out the door at 3:15.My total out of pocket will be $348.00.Its not always a nightmare down here.Not trying to restart a big discussion here,just a little insight into how this case was handled.Thanx again for the kind concern..y'all rock! Joe
  5. Take care over there bud.Enjoy your time abroad and take lots of pics. Joe
  6. Thanx for the well wishes and replies.I have had 3 Cortizone shots in the finger in the last year and a half but it is a very temporary fix.If I make a fist I have to pull the finger straight and it makes a popping noise and hurts like h*ll.Down here they write where they are going to operate on the patient with a magic marker.I'll let y'all know how it turns out. Joe
  7. I am going in tomorrow morning for surgery to fix trigger finger on my right ring finger.Anyone had it done?How quick was the recovery?I know what the doctors have said but would like to hear from people who have had the surgery. Joe
  8. I am so hoping that Bill super glued that hat to yer punkin head!Happy b-day to ya. Joe
  9. Was good to see y'all again.Wish we had some more time to catch from last year.Thanx for taking the time to report. Joe
  10. Our best to Leslie and her family.As usual the GTG was the highlight of our summer.Did you get that report done yet??? Joe
  11. Was great to see you again and meet Patsy and the girls.You are very lucky that Kia didin't get in the truck when I was pulling out Sunday. Joe
  12. Was good to meet Dawson and see you and Ed again.Its scary how fast they grow up,seems like yesterday I was fishing every second I could when we would go on vacation. Joe
  13. That belongs to Don(deg).It is unbelievable!Still smelled like a new boat inside. Joe
  14. last one.Wish I knew a better way to resize the pics witout loosing so much quality.
  15. Here are a couple of pics.Did not take all that many this year.Most of mine were pics of Rich and Spiels dogs! Joe
  16. Nice fish Lew but that Moustache looks photoshopped!Good job Lew!! Joe
  17. I haven't heard anything yet.He was picking up his pup in Atlanta this evening and heading home.He'll prolly check in shortly. Joe
  18. Where can I get me one of them hats? Joe
  19. Kelvin is a first class guy.Good job.
  20. Nice pics and nice to meet you.For those that missed the GTG Kicking Frog fit right in and was pretty much the official photgrapher of the GTG.
  21. Was a blast to be sure.I had to wrestle a big furry bear for a shirt. Joe
  22. Art ,Pops,GCD and I arrived in Virginia safe and sound.Dawg still has 12 hrs ahead of him tomorrow.Was a great GTG,I seem to only have pics of Rich and Spiels dogs. Joe
  23. Ack! I'm logged in as Joe. No wonder I felt so strange...
  24. Sorry for the lack o' pics...no Photoshop on this computer and the size limit is prohibitive. Hope all of you in Lakair are having fun. No trade on the puppies. They are more precious than the boyZ. Becky
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