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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Fran kwas one of my favorites but whne he was with the Wings,Alex Dellvecchio and Gordie Howe on the same line.Lou Francischetti and Rod Langway werealso some of my favs
  2. If Dawg is in then I will try to make it.Art ,Dawg,myPops and I will be there from the 17th to the 22nd. Joe
  3. Enjoy yourself and take lots of pics! Joe
  4. Same message her Jack. Joe
  5. what the heck ,a Boudreaux fish?Looks like a miniature striper to me.Nice report bud. Joe
  6. Here is some more incentive.Great job quitting! http://whyquit.com/
  7. They are not anglers,they are poachers!Like calling a shoplifter a shopper. Joe
  8. Lots of stuff going on
  9. Its really second nature to us primates.Take a few lessons you will feel better for it. Joe
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5630232691030937242 Joe
  11. Sorry to edit your response but these lines sre the crux of OFC.Well said! Joe
  12. I like the part about the rules in Alabannannas saying that if you catch the fish in the head its all good.In the fine state of Virginia I haven't heard of such a thing.Then again,we are allowed to shoot some species with a bow and arrow and or shotgun. Joe
  13. Here ia a link to 1 pic. http://blueherald.com/2008/05/850-lb-mako-shark/
  14. Happy to ya Joey! Joe
  15. Hope you have a good one. Joe
  16. See you around NWB...your time is limited here.See you on your regular name unless Rick figures out what that name is,then we may not see you again. Joe
  17. You aint left yet?Go on...git! Joe
  18. I dont think GCD has ever taken a fish home from Canada yet in the last few years I have fished with him.I also know that the resources in the lower 48 are not so raped as you think.I have seen more than a few postst from my northern brothers enjoying the largemouth and striper fishing down here.For the same reasons I enjoy catching(and releasing)Esox from the north.I would like to know what your usual handle is here and why you are posting under an alias.Rich has had guys crawl out from under the rocks to bash him before and I suspect you are one of them.Nice cats Rich and dont worry about depleteing them in many of our lifetimes.They are survivors....like cockroaches you can eat! Joe
  19. Looks like a little slice of heaven to me. Joe
  20. Nope..none here,cept for that pesky dwarf.Wecome aboard. Joe
  21. How can a guy with the name "Tookie" steer you wrong? Joe
  22. Sorry bud,just saw this post.When they pump out the tank they should take care of the problem.The inlet side of the tank has a Tee turned pependicular to the horizon.The tank will always appear full but the stppaoge is likely at the Tee.Punch a digging bar thru the Tee and it will likely clear the stoppage.The pumper truck guy will explain why the tank looks full.Pump it anyway should be done once in a while..Stay away from Charmin...no matter how oh so sweet it feels on yer ass.Let me know how it works our bud. Joe
  23. Nice read bud,we could be brothers,the water thing,the Navy thing(I was a Seabee),the charter thing,the 100% thing.We should talk more this year at Laikair. Joe
  24. Its all fun and games till you hit your mid 40's.That stuff will haunt you every time the weather changes.....and yes,its worth it! Joe
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