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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Nice. That second fish is thick and healthy. Gotta love calm days!
  2. Actually, spoiling a vote is a tangible action, not voting is a non-action. Spoiling means a lot more than not voting at all and is the best way to say that you are not pleased with our current political options. I'm just making sure people know there is another option on the ballot.
  3. Spoiling a vote is a valid vote. If more than 5 or 10% of votes were counted as "none of the above ", I bet it would garner a lot of attention. At this time less than 1% of people throw their ballots, so no one talks about it; I blame that on the fact that election canada doesn't even mention this option in any of their literature. not voting is pointless; voting for none of the above is a clear statement.
  4. Seriously consider throwing your ballot Garret, if they see high volumes of discarded ballots that is the best way to send the message that we dont like any of our options.
  5. [quote name="JimC" post="854654" Regarding the subject of this thread, I truly believe there is hope for a renewed and more effective OMNR, IF the Progressive Conservatives are able to win a majority. Why? Because Tim Hudak's right-hand-man, Vic Fedeli (MPP-Nipissing) will personally champion this cause. The ineffective OMNR has been on his radar screen for a long long time, and he definitely has the leader's ear. I also believe Vic would be a front runner to lead the party, if and when Mr. Hudak steps aside. If you like scientifically accurate and responsible comments like: "everyone knows the wind only blows at night", and "I have complete faith in the oil and gas sector", then you'll love Vic Fedeli.
  6. There is!! You can 'Decline' a ballot, which is a vote for non-of-the-above and shows your disatisfaction with the current choices. Declined ballot 53. An elector who has received a ballot and returns it to the deputy returning officer declining to vote, forfeits the right to vote and the deputy returning officer shall immediately write the word “declined” upon the back of the ballot and preserve it to be returned to the returning officer and shall cause an entry to be made in the poll record that the elector declined to vote. R.S.O. 1990, c. E.6, s. 53.“ I wish this was advertised along with every campaign ad. Honestly, I'm considering voting for 'none of the above' and hoping more people do it. Elections Canada should better educate people that this is an option. In Nipissing riding in 2012, only 12 people declined their vote.
  7. isn't the MNR considered Non-essential public service? Out of the 100,000 public service cuts, I imagine a few would be in the MNR and MOE. I don't see any government aiming to increase MNR presence...pretty much the NDP would be most likely to increase the size and scope of the government.
  8. You're already a better and more versatile fisheman than most people on this site, including myself haha. Great report... I need to get down to my river soon for some speckies.
  9. Great report Matt. I honestly think you guys may be camping at the same spots I used to camp at with my Dad. Even if it's not the same lake, you have a wonderful location there! Those were Cinnamon Ferns. Mildly toxic, and generally not recommended to eat unless you are one of those people who find poisonous foods to be the most adventurous Actually they are apparently 'edible', but taste gross and do contain carcinogens which must be washed and blanched away first.
  10. Great report. I once had bear spray leak in the same pocket where resided my toilet paper . Probaby the worst couple hours of my life.
  11. Cutting wood, moving logs, installing fences, building the garden, random ATVing, bonfires, breeding some rabbits (bow chicka...) aaaaannnd, hopefully a few casts for trout.
  12. We ate our first meal of Fiddleheads tonight. I put them in a souvlaki/tsaziki/rice wrap.
  13. Ya, great little hole. Even the creek specks are fun.
  14. Those inlander 'bows fight like crazy. Did it crash the surface a few times? Good catch Luc!
  15. Dont eat those Joey! Poison man. Edible fiddleheads are almost always on sandy river banks.
  16. too cold to read meters??? uhhhh, I worked outside and fished outside, as did soooo many other canadians and likely their meter readers as well all winter. Too cold? Too cold? ha! I wouldn't buy that for a second.
  17. Good to know. I'm looking for new spots closer to home.
  18. Can't wait for fiddlehead season. I plan on freezing a bunch this year. If you want to stock your freezer, make sure you blanche them first. Freezing them non-blanched is a waste of good fiddleheads.
  19. oh ya, that's a nice tub! A good excuse to fish more often
  20. Advice for Newfoundland: Don't do this. "Those in charge will not only remember what to do, they'll certainly remember what not to do" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBgThvB_IDQ
  21. I'd say runoff and the spring turnover (which mixed the stratified water) have the most major impact on water turbidity, although Scugog likely doesn't have a turnover due to it's shallow nature.
  22. I went to www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com for fishing gear.... baaaad idea

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