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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Hey Vance, you can sleep at my place in exchange for tapping work! I wanted to tap for the first time this year, but with a kid on the way and other big things going on, it might not be my year. I'll be watching you experience tappers closely this year! Maybe I'll do the very minimum this year just plan things out for next year.
  2. If he had body odor, would they have used stink lines?
  3. This will seem like a very trivial mistake to some. I guess he should have sent that big girl back to her home.
  4. I did my full courses this past summer. I come from a hunting family/community so it was literally the easiest written test I've ever taken. For the practical portion, just take your time and think of what you are doing, don't be all nervous and weird like some of the people; who probably shouldn't be holding guns at all haha.
  5. Challenge conquered! As a mainly nipissing fisherman where most keepers are around the 14" mark, a 3lbs eater makes me quite jealous. There would be more meat on that 3lber than in a typical double nipissing limit.
  6. Nice shots! I do find it odd however that the MNR is bothering with deer when there are hundreds of other species that are actually at risk.
  7. I once hooked a pike by the tail and it caught a bunch of panfish for me! Kidding. We used red yarn and no hooks to catch a few small bullheads (barbotte) when I was younger. Apparently the old guys on that small lake preferred that method. The bullheads would stay clamped on until you dipped their tail into a buck of water. Dumb fish I guess.
  8. I sprayed down Jeep today and at least 100lbs of ice came off the undercarriage!
  9. Long held plans are hard to break. Doesn't matter if it means waking up at 4am facing 90km/hr gusts and a thick blanket of snow. Doesn't matter. Nick (NAW) and Jason (LivinFishin) and I met up in Callander at 545am as we picked a fight with Lake Nipissing on the windiest day of the year. You can guess now who won that fight. We never made it out to my shack, its too far in blizzard conditions, the old tracks are gone and I won't risk crossing a pressure crack after conditions change like that and visibility is low. We bumbled around a small area of the lake, getting stuck, guessing and generally just showing up to the fight. We fished three locations and got into a few small fish, but nothing worth discussing. At 4pm we were done. DONE. I was asleep at 7pm last night. The photos will explain. Still I had a great time, lots of laughs and some catching up! Early morning snow Nick in his little cubby Exactly how I felt after hours of wind-blasting
  10. You need military relief???? How about government supplied grocery gift cards?
  11. If I can get out of my driveway and dirt road, then we'll meet up haha. It doesn't seem so early when you go to sleep at 830pm. Lew, what time do you crash-out? Right after desert?
  12. The snow is falling all side-like

  13. Probably slushy. I drove on Callander Bay and it's wasn't too bad because the snow has been knocked down. It's the wind I'm more worried about. 30k/hr sustained on Nipissing makes not for an enjoyable day. Apparently you Simcoe guys are a little more wind-weathered!
  14. Pretty nasty out, but beyond that it's nothing terrible up here. My 'dirt/snow/ice' road to the highway is gonna be JUUUUNK!
  15. I was talking to someone the other day about the Eddie North outposts, and I was mentioning some of your trips and said something to the effect of "...ya I know him..." ... .. I had to stumble and correct myself and explain what I really meant by " I know him". hahaha. Hope the interview sounds good; remember that radio adds ten pounds.
  16. Oh ya, Splake, Specks and ' Bows up there are very hit or miss. So much so for me, that catching 2 lakers was my best outing in that area...ever!
  17. Kicking puppies is a Rob Zombie approved activity. Nice Vid, lovin' the massive hooksets and the double holes. I used to drill double holes while Laker fishing 'just incase' that big one was caught.
  18. haha thanks, I'll take as a compliment I would need a 50+ gar, an Atlantic and the only Coho swimming in Nipissing to deserve an A+ hahaha. Not as good as walleye. In fact, on it's own I don't love it. But...it's flesh quality being slightly rubbery and not-flaky is great in chowders and other stew-type meals. Whereas walleye and perch would flake and fall apart the Ling holds up, which is why I like cooking with it. Was it a red Polaris sled? If so, that was him! How'd you guys do out there?
  19. I ate it once...so it`s definitly not poison haha. Ive never heard that one before actually. It`s basically a gross flap of fat and skin and does not taste good. Buddy likes it though
  20. Yer back. Looks like a good pair of fishing buddies you have there!
  21. hmmm, my walleye don't come with that kit.
  22. The weather was great this loong weekend. I added an extra 'O' because I took Friday off as well. JoeyTier and his two buddy's and my Buddy (my dog's name) took advantage of some days off and of the relatively clement weather (clement is the opposite of inclement, right?) to take to the bush and fish hard. It's not that it was very warm (-27 one morning), but the sky's were stable and we finally reached above -10. Monday was the best day....more about that later. For me, it started Thursday night. My Dad and my Brother met for a quick evening fish on Nipissing. This time of year, being 'later' in the winter, the big walleye tend to start feeding a bit more. I fish Nipissing not only for sustenance (perch, ling, walleye), but also to catch and release 5+ lbs walley...I love seeing those big slabs! Well, the big girls have started feeding, as my brother caught a 7lbs 3oz fatty at 27.5". Out of respect for my Brother and not posting his face on the internet, I made some modifications We had a nice sunset so I took a photo opportunity with my Cherokee. On Friday, we snowmobiled to a large back lake for walleye/pike and caught nothing but dinky perch. My wife was a trooper and joined me, but she was a bit pregnant and feeling ill, so it was a bit of a tough day. She's really awesome to have stuck it out until dusk No photos. Saturday, we took advantage of Lake Trout opener. It was bright and sunny and we were stoked. Here is Buddy doing the hard work for me. That dog LOVES pulling stuff! The group got two decent lakers, and I missed a good one (suprise suprise for the laker loser). Not what we had envisioned, but still I enjoyed the day and would return to that lake. Sunday, we reverted back to Nipissing...a confidence booster if you will. The walleye were on fire for me, and Joey's buddy got a solid 4+ lbs big girl, released back to the lake. He also caught a 6lbs+ ling which I kept and cleaned.. Tip: clean ling partially frozen, otherwise they are like slippery eels Monday, it was -27 in the early morning. So we started later . We opted for another Lake Trout lake and it was a great decision on Joey's part. Not only was it -10 and no winds by noon but within 3 hours we had our limits (2 each, 3 guys) of 20"-24" orange-fleshed trout (with other fished missed). We then moved to a splake lake to fill our aggregate limits but the splake didn't cooperate; it was still a perfect cap to the loong weekend. Gaaawd I love fishing!
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