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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Good job! He's just a couple weeks from my baby daughter...
  2. Jeez, nice haul! Holy crap.
  3. ZEC is worth the money. Fantastic fishing out there. Joey Tier could help you out with that area. He lives on the border there.
  4. We did some night fishing on that lake a couple years ago. Caught some good Ling. For such a remote lake, it's quite heavily fished/populated.
  5. There are so many lakes in this area to pick through that it's kind of hard to find the 'good-great' ones. I've fished at least 6-7 with little to no luck, although I know there are fish there. The MNR website FISHONLINE is your friend when it comes to the Hwy 63 area. Also, an ATV or good bush truck will get you access to a lot more lakes. Check out Hwy 533, there is a good mix of species along that road with rather easy access, when you exit at Mattawa, go to LaCave Dam and try for Pickeral.
  6. Doubleheader you are thinking of Papineau lake in Papineau-cameron township, Sclitaco is talking about the one near Barry's Bay/Maple Leaf/Maynooth. My in-laws live around there so I've done some research on it, but never fished it. It's reported as a lake trout/whitefish lake. Try Davis Pond right beside papineau for Brookies too!
  7. Hey Linda, when you catch your 45" pike you can retire those handlebarz lures and put them on your pedal bike as tassles haha.
  8. Sorry to hear about the bad luck Michael. My thoughts are with ya today; that's a real pain in the rump.
  9. Same here.. . I pretty much know what Joey knows, so just ask him haha. A lot of stocked lakes (splake, lakers, specks) in this area.
  10. Weekend camping with bro and cousins. See who gets the biggest/most fish again this year (me!)

  11. the entire Mattawa route is PP. Camp anywhere you like really. Sam De Champ would be my choice as well for a maintained park. Nice and quiet. Just watch out for those rangers if you like evening fun.Good pike, bass and burbot in Moore lake.
  12. 15" specks are not small haha. Good stuff. Keep it up.
  13. Oye. I have no pertinent information to add, so I'll just say : Not good for the lake, this type of irresponsible (stupid) fishing had better end soon.
  14. noice! looking forward to progress reports and the inevitable expenses-paid g2g you'll put on
  15. The next PC leader should publicly support stopping for ducks. That would fix this province and at the same time cater to the large population of bleeding-heart conservatives haha.
  16. I thought this was funny as heck. The motorcycle/duck stopper thread is much dumber than this one.
  17. Don't remind me of bird hunting just yet. I see those ruffed buggers nearly everyday, taunting me... earlier in the spring actually attacking me.
  18. Cool, it will be good to get some updated info on some of the smaller lakes around here. Glad to see the MNR spending on research and field work.
  19. They probably feel 'something', but it's normal for them as a survival mechanism. Imagine a walleye laying into a perch or several perch with those big sharp dorsal fins. That's gotta hurt more than a jig head. The walleye doesn't care or was designed to deal with that pain, move on and catch another meal. Their nervous system is completely different than ours so to compare a fish to human is not coherent. Also, my dog certainly feels pain, but I've seen him smash into so many things day in day out (he's not very smart, or hard or seeing) and he walks away like nothing happened. Nature is made to withstand a lot of stress, humans by comparison are soft and weak, which is why our bodies have a low threshold for pain, which is also why we have the brain to create external protections.
  20. Yup. Glad to see them now, but I'll be ever happier to see them in the fall! It's quite a jaunt to get there, no trails down to the water and across the river I have 15 or so acres I've never walked on. I've been working on widening my existing trails and grooming the hardwoods; at some point I'll make a walking trail (s) down to the river. It's not easy terrain! Yup, a much better average size this time of year. I need to haul the waders down and spend a good day exploring the river. If you ever add this river to your 'to do' list, let me know; I have a great location for some camping and free breakfasts!
  21. Sometimes nature is so beautiful and cyclic that painting it just seems redundant. Great shots! You are south of Alg. Park, right?
  22. I have fond memories of PP's when I was a kid. I'm sure little NAW will too. Take lots of pictures.
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