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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. This Is That is a satirical show. Remember the post on OFC a while ago about Quebec forcing dogs to be trained in French and English?
  2. My dog hurt himself again yesterday, I'm claiming him as a dependent and using up some of my LTD.
  3. That better not be the same lake I got skunked on last Thursday hahaha. It was more of a booze cruise... That's my excuse Nice pics Luc!
  4. A Dodge Caravan will do just fine... I just want to see you driving a minivan You'll appreciate the Jeep, just do your research online and a couple test drives.
  5. Ridiculously nice weather this week, eh? Glad to hear you smoothed out the rough year on Lake O!
  6. wow, that's quite the outing. Worth the stress of driving in the fog
  7. We got a company wide email saying 'DO NOT INSTALL'. Serious issues with email. They just took my Blackberry Z10 and gave me a 5C. I usually don't care much about technology, but this phone drives me nuts and I think I had a dream last night that I smashed the crap out of it. There are so many little problems with it, including the privacy issues, which is why I don't have the App Store or iTunes because they want my address, birthday, phone number, 5 security passwords. It won't send messages to my Jeep (well sometimes, but not always ??), can't turn off a lot of the noises, editing emails is brutal, camera sucks etc etc. I trusted my Blackberry and liked the way it handled like a work phone. I might be the first person in the company to actually buy my own and put it on the work plan.
  8. Can't complain with a day like that! Good stuff.
  9. I had a heart to heart talk with Joey prior to the trip. The jist of it was "PUT ME ON LAKE TROUT!!!"
  10. Looking for a frying recipe as I type! Thanks guys!
  11. Joey Tier and I and two other pals went into ZEC Restigo for a three day, two night, lightly-packed trip. We purchased our non-resident papers, got some of that deliciously well-priced Quebec beer and drove into the first of three lakes we'd hit that weekend. The weather was great the first day, horrible the next and good again the third. On the third morning I was chipping ice off of my gear when I started breakfast. Trucks got scratched, we got wet, tents had ice and we all caught fish. Day one, we tried for lake trout and got about 20 between the group. We had a great fish dinner that night. Day two we went a lake for bigger lakers and specs. We only lasted a few hours before we had enough of the cold, wind and rain. I got one small spec and that was it. We decided to travel to lake #3 in the dreary weather. By the evening it cleared up a bit and we nailed a good dozen pickeral, all small, but all blue! That night the weather relaxed and it was cold, super calm, super clear and bright with moonlight. It all made for great photos in the morning. That day we got into some decent walleye numbers and fat pike; in particular, Joey got the nicest fish of the weekend with a 35+ inch pike Weather played a big role in the numbers of fish that were caught, but it was still a worthwhile expedition. Speaking of weather, frost killed my garden so I'm sitting on 30+ pounds of green tomotoes. We are making salsa verde and chow chow right now. We got tons of beans, peas, spinnach, parsley and 6 large pumpkins, as well as a ridiculous amount of tomotoes. Not bad for our first gardening season. Here is a pic from the garden I took one nice morning. Also got some geese for dinner. Marinating now and getting cooked tonight. and....the little is cuuuute
  12. Did I just lose my entire large post? Well, content to wind, I have things to do. Thanks for expiring page.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nipfisher


      Are you ignoring me or not getting my texts?

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Ignored you on the following: Facebook, twitter, text, cell phone, landline, smokesignal, CB, general yelling and handsignals. Oh, and if you wave from your car, don't expect much :D :D

    4. misfish


      Im sorry Blair,but that was way to funny not to laugh at. LOL

  13. Did I just lose my entire large post? Well, content to wind.

  14. You got it MJL. It's the only inland, non-great lake in Ontario with a self-sustaining Atlantic Salmon population. The main spawing creek (Four Mile Creek) is a fish sanctuary year-round (and actually enforced during the smelt run now) and the fishing season is only one week per year. Even the lake trout are closed except for one week per year to ensure that the Salmon are not by-caught. There are tons of healthy lakers in that lake. To me it's actually a shame that they don't continue stocking the lake with Atlantics to actually create a fishery, or just give up on the program, because the bi-product has been the waste of a fantastic lake trout fishery. Anyway, back on topic, not sure if anyone has actually mentioned it here, but other than Atlantics, lakers and specks, all the other char/trout/salmon species are non-native to Ontario. So, if there are no connecting waterways to the great lakes, and Simcoe is no longer stocked, that is your reason why it has no Rainbows/Salmon.
  15. Do you advertise the presence of your cameras or do you leave them incognito? I was thinking of hiding them so that I can catch someone in the act and make them pay by ensuring they never get bonded
  16. I just lost something of value on my property. Might buy a security camera system today. Not a nice feeling. Someone breaking into the house is worse than having things taken off property
  17. ya, but most of them just have bass, so.....
  18. Those rates will likely be seen at local levels more than anything. I doubt the Gov will allow major rate increases across the board. The amound of weather-related claims up north isn't super high this year, if not a bit lower than normal.
  19. Cool, less of a scramble to get the on/off each year. Time to rip up some asphalt!
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