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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. That girl who sang the national anthem was ridiculously talented. I bet Montreal did that to contrast Boston's horrible anthem singer.
  2. Bonk them like that guy on the Detroit river with the musky Kidding of course
  3. A honda foreman 420cc (newer models are 420) with the footshift is the minimum I'd want. But a good older working machine like the Big Bear or Foreman in the 350-400 cc range would still get the job done. Other than that, any 500cc would be fine. Get chains and those handlebar mounted gloves.
  4. New season of trailer park boys in Netflix . Fantastic entertainment, especially with the tiny amount of tv I watch nowadays
  5. My little river gets all kinds of tires, worm buckets, styro etc etc wash up on shore after the spring freshet. A lot of it comes from the highway about 4 kms upstream, and the abandoned tire yard that is right off the banks of the river near the highway
  6. Holy crap Luc! Hahaha I caught a big sheepshead one while fishing for walleye in Nip and got excited about it. This is jn a league of its own as "surprise catch"
  7. Yep it's an LT, at least I'm pretty sure. I'll get some pics up when I next start her up
  8. You did very well. Harder and harder to get parts for this machines but lots of guys want to keep them around. I picked up an 89 tundra for $125! Actually runs really good and in good to decent shape. A family purchase
  9. Looking for my personal money? Bahahahaha. Yep, good luck. Can't believe crowdfunding works...can't believe people "invest" (read: give away money) in things without getting equity or tax breaks. Looks like a decent lure, however.
  10. Welcome to the Jeep clan. Sounds like you got a good deal.
  11. Is that the lahave dam? Nice fish man. Bet you and your dad are having a blast. Any white fish? They should be hanging around the fast shallow water about now
  12. Good. A reality check for those that think our economy should rely too heavily on oil and oil movement. There should always be a hedge in place for when things don't go the way you expect them to. Hopefully this remains for a while (without dropping through the floor) and Ontario manufacturing, mining and transportation get a boost. Watch your stocks and investments (mutual funds and stocks) if this continues. The TSX has been at an all time high and bullish for a while, and a correction would be natural. Time for me to place some of my higher risk investments into volitility shelters. I'll re-invest when things are lower.
  13. We were fishing the Ottawa river mid day drinking beer (camping somewhere in shore) and my brothers dead line gets bit. Big fish, long fight but eventually gets tangled around a deadhead. Bro grabs mask and snorkel, follows line, third dive he comes up hugging a 3 foot sturgeon. He swims it to shore, we laugh our faces off and the fish gets released unharmed
  14. Breakfast of champions!! That is the kind of trip that eases the mind and soul.
  15. btw, a 'spore print' is a fine dust that is left behind from the gills. That's how mushrooms seed the surrounding soils. It's generally the most accurate way of determining the species.
  16. Had some the other day, baked them with a partridge and olive oil. Delish.They sure look like blewits. Best way to be sure, place one on a white piece of paper with the gills down , wait half a day and inspect the spore print. If it's light pink it's very likely a blewit (I'll never say 100% because I'm not there to see for myself)
  17. Like mike said, some pike are very thin and others are chunky! Nice trip!
  18. I just checked in on your website the other day. Looking forward to reading the new piece and anything about yours/chris' recent trip
  19. walleye in the second last pic looks HUGE!
  20. Bored in Quebec. Waiting for 5 days of night shift. Yuck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HTHM


      I glad it is you and not me.

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Brought the fishing gear and already contacted Mike Rousseau for a potential meet.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      That can't be all bad then!!!.Hope you can work that one out.I hear he's a pretty good fisherman lol.

  21. Looks great guys. I have neither the patience or the skills to do nice work like that. I can cut a tree and chop up the wood though haha. I have an unlimited supply of yellow birch burl if anyone is interested. Some of them are massive.
  22. If you don't have a nice garage or shed and work in the bush a lot, electric sharpeners cannot be relied on all the time. My dad's electric needs the wheel changes for fine and coarse runs. A bit of a chore if you ask me At first I absolutely sucked at hand bombing it even with guides . Chewed up a few chains. Basically, it's a practice makes perfect thing. Make sure chain is tight, clean dirt out of saw with compressed air, if you clip a rock you have to make sure all teeth are now the same length, both sides of the teeth also need to be same length and angle. All practice. Get a couple chains and keep the more used ones for dirty work There may be some good "tricks", but a learned hand will always be your best asset.
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