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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. We had a 1995 indy trail 488 and it's was/still is a super reliable engine. The suspension needed a lot of attention, but engine was awesome.
  2. hahaha. 'Took that e-bike to the cleaners'
  3. Nice start to the season! Love the jaw on the first Speck
  4. Papineau Lake near Mattawa. Great night-burbot action...but they are fairly small there. Might be some rentals there, not too sure.
  5. Locally grown, organic chicken from a friends place. 8.6lbs! Along with the sides, yams, salad, gravy, stuffing. The day before was just as good, a turkey from the same farm, wrapped in bacon and cooked in the smoker... It's been a good season!
  6. Good stuff. Did the boy clean the bird? Grouse #'s down here too this year..
  7. It's a good thing you guys didn't come to North Bay this weekend.... I don't think we would have found brookies like that!
  8. I'll ask around here for you. I know there are a few people still trapping in my area.
  9. That second beav was a big one. You have your own trap line or you working with someone who has one?
  10. We have snow alerts for North Bay. 10 or 15cms. Good, finally I can take my sleds out.
  11. I was fishing a small remote lake, thought I was alone and was singing out loud. Someone in a canoe turned the corner without me noticing until he was within 100 feet. Stopped singing, said hi and avoided further eye contact.
  12. Can't say I have. Well...Once I casted a way-too-heavy spoon with all my might. The holding knot snapped before it ever hit the water.
  13. Wow! Quite the season. Great post.
  14. i have an OFC mug. I'm hoping TJ gives away OFC-labelled maple syrop to all members this spring
  15. Ya, that's quite the machine. Now go get your man card back by taking jumps!
  16. Drink to save the environment I always say
  17. Fantastic. They are much safer in your oven haha
  18. Congrats to you... What's 60 minus 31? ugh.
  19. aww TJ is the little spoon!
  20. Cool. I may get to see these planes as they take-off and start landing. They seem to like my airspace.
  21. Great read. That's quite the on-camera experience and your jitters are understandable...Very cool that you contributed to this documentary I now want to see!
  22. picked up a $160 pair of binoculars for $60. I was quite happy with that. The $10 saw horses make great gifts. I also got a huge drill bits set for $30!
  23. With the e-cig I 'smoke' a lot less, so I don't worry too much about battery life. When I get strong cravings, like with beer, I'll use it a lot, but most of the day I just take a few hits here and there; I still can't get used to using it in public or while working. Still smoke a few cigs a day, usually if a buddy comes over or if I'm working on a site , but overall it's a huge improvement for me
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