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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. We give out prizes at these events and this year I won the Manley Cup for biggest fish. Proof enough for me haha. There are hundreds of lakes like this around here. I could go to a new lake every day for at least an entire summer and I bet I'd only see a handfull of people. The best thing about this lake: not a single piece of garbage was seen. Now that is pristine!
  2. I'm still thinking of your stuffed animal on a hook idea from a previous thread a good way for you to take credit for Mikes fish!
  3. Here are the results of my "pike advice-northeast Ontario" thread. http://ontariofishin...showtopic=64156 Last year, a friend and I scouted out this small lake off of Hwy 11 N; two lakes and two portages, approximately 2.5kms in distance, seperated Hwy 11 and the third lake. The first portage was grown-in and had been abandoned for several years, while the second portage had tripled in distance due to low water conditions. We did not carry the canoe across the very muddy, depressed swamp; instead we walked around the swamp, up on the steep-ish sides and simply stepped foot on its shores, saw some nice rock-cliffs and turned back around. This year, I led a group of 10 generally non-portaging type guys back to this rarely-fished pike lake. Luckily, the water level was slightly higher which allowed us to shovel past the previously dry swamp. Otherwise, there was no way we could have hauled all our gear to the target lake. This is a pic of the landing at the first lake. The swamp. By the time we arrived at the third lake, everyone was swamped! It was hot as and we did not exactly pack sparingly.... guitars and beer cannot be left behind! The first night of fishing was a complete bust. Nobody even had a bite! I focused heavily on deeper edges, 10 to 30 feet of water.This was not a good sign and we started saying things like "maybe it's a dead lake", "at least we are having nice weather" blah blah blah. I was the "fishing consultant" so I was a quite worried that we wouldn't catch anything. One thing I noticed after going for a swim was that the surface temps were very refreshing. Diving to 15 feet didn't make much of a difference. Given the recent hot-spell, I figured the surface temps would have been much higher. The next morning, the early risers reported that they saw fish jumping near shore. A good sign. As I was cooking eggs I heard a splash within casting distance so I reached for my rod which was loaded with a 1/4oz long shank jig and a 6" paddle tail perch... seconds after the minnow splashes, I get a strike and reel in a "decent" 2 lbs pike. Moods instantly cheer up and everyone grabs their fishing rod. After breakfast we resign to a day of fun: cliff diving, exploring, fishing, eating, drinking. We all did a fair amount of fishing that day and actually did ok. I found the pike to bite fast moving lures near the surface over 5 to 15 feet of water, near deeper drop-off. As the sun gave way to longer shadows, I walked down the shoreline to where I had mentally marked some "fishy" spots. Two of the other guys were nearby as I did my second cast and tagged into a huge fish. The battle was EPIC! The bugger took my line into a submerged tree so I had to jump in the water, up to my waist, losing my left sandle to the mud in the process. I played the pike for about 5 minutes with my rod tip near or under the water so my line wouldn't snag on this branch. As the fish approached I had to drag him under the branch before I could grab it, of course it being a pike, it did several huge runs just as I would reach for it. Almost lost my rod a couple times. The two guys behind me, cameraless were laughing and cheering the whole time, trying to get everyone elses attention. I eventually drag the bugger beneath the branch and scoop him into my arms. I immediatly cut the leader, then unwittingly drop my rod into the water. I held it for a couple seconds and when the guys on shore urged me to carry it to the group I just slowly put it back in the water and let it swim. It was between 12 and 15lbs I'd say. No photos taken. I end the day with 10 pike, 8 more than the next person Next morning I wake up to another guy hauling in another HUGE pike. As he fumbles with it on shore, the line snaps and the fish swims away. Moments later the next guy hooks into ANOTHER huge pike, this time he professionally plays the fish and eases it to shore after 5 or 6 minutes. I helped him land it and the photo you see next is me holding HIS fish. The reason I REALLY like this photo, is that his fish was the same size as mine. Not mine, but just like mine;) I have two witnesses, I swear it's true This was the highlight of the trip for everyone and this is what I had come to this lake for. Amongst the other great moments, the three big pike made the trip worth the effort. We are already looking for new spots for next year!
  4. This thread is hilarious. Great (original) pics Mike!
  5. Gotta love it when that happens! That' is one tasty looking sink shot. Just wondering, if your a trout "junkie" does that mean you'll be smoking them
  6. Great report and information.thx.
  7. Sweet! Those walleye look delish!
  8. How can I go to work when there is a 300 000 km long sun storm about to hit earth's magnetosphere? honestly, this might be my best excuse yet.
  9. Yup, no logic at all. The same as this morning when a couple guys wanted to bonk a 12lbs pike even though they don't even like eating fish. I also got chastized for quickly releasing a big fish instead of waiting for a camera. In the end, I managed to educate a few guys on how to catch and care for fish.
  10. Good job ending the curse with a BANG! Whata fish.
  11. well, that changes my tactics. I'll be swapping out my single element stove for a double... no sausages on the fire for me.
  12. one of my favorite albums of all time. Have you heard their latest album? Only a couple years old.
  13. Excellent:clapping: I can't believe you went from "skunk" the one night to "walleye, ling and trout" the next morning
  14. Thanks Darren. I was thinking the same... Its been unusually hot this year and I expect very few snot rockets in this under-pressured lake... Moosey: I'll be within 1hr of north bay (not that far north, really). You are probably correct as well! Not too much water to cover and since I'm fishing for the same fish likes to attack my stinger of walleye, it shoudlnt be too hard to find them I always overestimate the amount of fishing I do on a "boys" weekend so I'm trying to shorten my "search" time. Regardless, if there are pike, I'm sure I'll find at least a couple. Parasite: I never underestimate you "southerners" you have some good pike waters and I'm sure you've learned some sweet tricks! Northern ontario has actually been tough for me when it comes to pike. Coming back from alberta where I could caatch 10 to 20 lbs pike with ease, my area of the north doesn't give up its gators as easily! 10lbs braid with homemade leaders all the way... Not too concerned with bringing them in... Just finding them I have 14 guys relying on my lake picking skills. That's 14 against 1 if nobody catches anything haha
  15. I suspect it is not spring fed. Judging by the water level stains on the rocks, it fluxuates with yearly rainfall. Are spring fed lakes typically clear? This one is tannin colored... Also, I suspect big pike in there, so I'm guessing deep, like you said... The surface temps must be unusually high this year.
  16. I'm going to a small, very pristine, pike lake this weekend and given the hot temperatures I am unsure where to start looking for them this July. The lake is maximum approx 40 feet deep, its a granite lake and has no major inflow. Also, its tea colored water. I have a good selection of pike lures/bait and I'm prepared for deep trolling with bottom bouncers. My first thought is to troll the main lake at around 20 feet. What would you do??
  17. You must have good calices on your break fingers! It was like watching a mini-carpumentary.
  18. My brother canoeing at night without lights/reflectors. Nearly got trounced by a fair sized boat at high speed.
  19. Might sound like a stupid question given the name, but are you referring to Discount Bait on Trout lake rd?
  20. I love bass boats too, they can't reach most of the lakes I fish in
  21. That was good for a smile. Thanks for posting
  22. great average size for those top water smallies nice suprise indeed on that whitefish. I havn't caught one in years. I tried Net lake a couple winters ago but never properly explored the lake...now you've got me intrigued
  23. Ugh, looks worse than the new civic. Indeed Roy, looks like a bowtie on that grille. On the plus side, it'll only take 12 glued on, plastic air scoops to make it look decent.
  24. Still not sure what speck trucking really means... but I certainly got a lesson in Speckle-ese. Makes my fish look like crap.
  25. you have enough bass there to fill up a 50lbs musky!
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