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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Hahaha. That's the one I nearly caught as it randomly jumped into the boat, right..haha. Great shot
  2. I was thinking the same thing... Although nip doesn't perform that good in the summer. Looks like an incredible time!!!
  3. I'm not putting makeup on a pig here, but the 14ft pointed isn't all that bad. My brother, who I consider the biggest canoe snob, owns a chestnut prospector (which I've used throughout my years) and even HE admitted that my sportspal isn't all that bad. Infact, when paddling in pairs, me and Sarah can actually keep up to him when he's got a partner. now if your paddling solo, STAY AWAY from sportspal, it's like paddling a bar of soap, especially in the wind. I put rocks at the front just to keep it semi-straight. Clearly I'm biased, as I own and love my sporty!
  4. Uh oh, now she'll be asking you why you would ever need an entire day to catch fish "it only took me two hours" haha. Sweet laker.
  5. Its much cooler except when the sun beats down. Time for a hat or maybe I'll wash my hair with sunscreen for the remainder of the summer.
  6. Well versed, with the help of several U2 verses. Great report!
  7. first cast? He's got the luck...keep him nearby at ALL times!!
  8. great is an understatement. I haven't even caught a musky and your just piling them into the boat
  9. He certainly is proud of you... not only because you have maintained the boat and the cottage like a man, but because you have a great attitude and appreciate all that your dad has done WITH you all these years. I hope you have a great fishing season Alex... we are all behind you 100%
  10. Great mix of species, especially from the dock. I love easy fishing... Nothing to carry, fuel up, haul etc etc. The beer on the dock is a bonus!
  11. ya, good point. I have a battery powered sharpener...maybe I should use it more than once every two years haha
  12. i was gonna say, if that beaver shot was actually a fish...that's a STRONG fish!!
  13. camped on saturday night at a new lake....I couldn't catch a pike to save my life. Nor did I see or hear anything pike-like of the lake. There was only one camp on the lake and some guy was trapping minnows. The bait fish volumes were amazing, so either there are no pike or they are well fed. Yesterday we went to my favorite smallie lake to keep me and the fiance un-bored (is that a word). We snorkeled a bit, found some free lures, then journeyed around the lake. The action was essentially non-stop with over 30 fish boated and over one million strikes. A nice relief for this work-filled summer. "He's splashing me!!" hahaha
  14. A couple more from the weekend.
  15. wow. Great replies. I was casting some cranks to smallies yesterday and definitly noticed a lack of backbone in my 6'6" spinning rod. Lost a lot of fish due to a soft hookset...even though I was pulling at a 9 or 10 on the hookset meter using 10lbs PP. I've been seriously looking for a ML 7" spinning outfit (crucial or st-croix or fenwick) but I think I may go for a MH instead and use it as my crankbait, weed ripping rod. It seems that its not so much the cranks themselves that are tough to cast a good distance, but it's because my rod isn't well matched for the job. Those clacking cranks seem to get unanimous approval! Will be the next one in my box. Still, I find a grub and jig unstoppable for just about any brand of fish:thumbsup_anim:
  16. Never met him, probably never will. I certainly respect that you are there, you know the people and I don't. If I seem like an armchair judge, just imagine how the head-office bean counters at the mining, company are viewing this! BUILD IT BUILD IT!!!! I want this bugger to get build as well, but for god's sake, let's settle down and take everything into consideration first. The gov is currently signing development agreements with a hot pen. I've dealt with Cliffs through investments and saw a lot of illegal activities that were never regulated by the OSC. They'll do whatever they can to get their way and the goverment is supporting it. Our current goverment has very little respect for the environment and only wants the stock market to jump past 13, 000 points so that they can say "we navigated through a recession, vote for us". (both Prov and Feds) The ROF will be huge for Ontario's economy.... but any defense for the environment is welcome...that's my opinion.
  17. They should use your thought process as a template for the proposed rail line design. It'll save them from installing all those unecessary turns. "Sounds like any other profitable business to me" Are you trying to say all mining companies are ethically equal?... Yikes. Cliffs is evil, I'm sticking to it. Debeers HAS done a lot (good or bad I don't know) for the local native bands in the north. Didn't they just pump tons of money into the recent Attiwapiskat housing crisis? They also built roads, pay royalties etc etc. That is nothing new for mines on native land... When the band properly negociates of course. Moonias is ultimately trying to protect the land from a clear attempt at pillaging. If Nipissing still has natives rights for fishing and land use, then obviously a massive mine on pristine native land will be strongly opposed/negociated. I don't see a problem with adding some land protection... The mine will obviously get built anyway, but it shouldn't be at anyones expense. A couple chromite mines and another nickel mine won't change the world, so why wouldn't we appreciate the process of negociation and proper planning? In the end, it is THEIR land and the our Governement concurs. Moonias and his people have a right to speak up. And by the way, its called a Venture, not an Adventure.
  18. Nice 60cm + walleye! Can't complain about much on a day like that.
  19. nice largies!!! that one is a 5 gallon pail!
  20. Nice mini_g2g. Those are some ofc worthy bass!
  21. Holy cow...i mean holy sheep!
  22. that's what I'm using Almost bought a 7" crucial for a great price.... turned out they were out of stock grrr... I may look into a longer rod for my casting needs. I'll be at the tackle shop today I've noted all the suggestions and I'll see what this shop has in stock.
  23. Thanks for the answers so far guys, as you can probably tell, I'm a under-experienced when it comes to fishing crankbaits...learning as I go with your help!
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