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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. You recognized it! Now give me your eyes
  2. X2 what CK said. I'd bring small in-line spinners (mini worm harnesses) and a little extra weight to get below thermocline. Good luck, jam-on.
  3. pretty awesome first salmon indeed!!
  4. glad you had a safe and fun trip and that grandma is doing better. That little monster must have had a great time....I don't mean jack Also ooks like the walleye and bass did a good job of greeting you on your return!
  5. It would be a hard sell to convince me to kill any native fish just because its under-favored compared to another species. Not sure it s illegal though... Since its not a sportfish??
  6. Ha. I know exactly where you speak of Maybe if you narrowed it down to 3kms I could figure it out.
  7. Yes, the weekend is not over yet. But I'm sunbaked and vacuuming was supposed to get done yesterday The wife-to-be and I visited Nipissing on Friday night and enjoyed a fantastic sunset on calm waters. We pulled in a couple walleye, but the fishing was slow overall. Yesterday, my brother was in a canoe race so my father and I met up with him at the designated portage and gave him a few peanut butter sandwiches, which he slammed down before heading across Talon Lake. After the race, Dad and I launched the canoe and trolling motor on a nearby lake looking for whatever would bite in the mid-day sun. I've fished this lake many times, caught a couple big pike on it, but in general, this lake just teases me with huge bites and missed fish! This time I found a shoreline filled with big smallies and largies. We managed 6 fish in our short trip. Most around 3.5-4lbs (guessing). Dad kept three for din-din. Last night, in redemption of the slow Nipissing outing on Friday, me and fiance travelled north to a hotspot for walleye. As is always the case, the setting sun triggers the walleye big time! Sarah was first up with a good fish followed by a barrage of non-stop action. We kept 6 to fill our limit and got a few pictures of the nicer ones. She bought some "Simon-pink" fish handling gloves, but she keeps forgetting them. This time I convinced her to hold it for a photo.... I think she did very well. Thanks for stopping in.
  8. Lovin' the paddle tails with xtra-strong jigs lately. This one is 1/4oz, but 1/2oz would get you even deeper if jigging in the wind.
  9. Great report... Line by line. I like your color matching on the jig combos. By far jigs catch more walleye faster than anything else.
  10. Middle Brother-Theater Fantastic live performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHAYylJaN9A
  11. exciting read! THis trip will surely make returning to work hell.
  12. I won't even get into my thoughts about wind farms, but to your comments I say As for the bears down south vs north....there is fear mongering that happens in the south. It's like people get suprised and worried just because a bear was seen. It's unhealthy to create a state of fear out of something so simple as a bear walking out of the bush. It just shows how disconnected to nature people can be. On our job site we've seen several bears during the midnight security shift....so we put up signs that say "bears in area" hahaha Until the bears actually do something like pawing at cars or trying to approach people it's just a precautionary state. It'll get shot if its actually a dangerous bear, but if it's just looking for food because we didn't empty our garbage, well, then its time for us to empty the garbage and smarten up.
  13. Offer those gentlemen something better than Mo-D next time Roy, jeez They deserve at least a Keiths. Great thread. Makes me feel less like a tree-hugger and more of a ethical fisherman for jumping in the water and reviving a big pike a couple weeks ago.
  14. This song really gets to me...very well written "our son is losing his mind the drugs that he hides you can see in his veins the steps that he's needing to take His back it might break We both need you here" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSP2IzUaF7Q&feature=related
  15. Fantastic family trip!! That fish fry looks like just one of MANY highlights!
  16. You know OFC too well. We love pics and stories with happy endings Best of luck moving forward!
  17. What a great sponsor list! Those who did the marketing did a fantastic job, holy cow! I'm sorry I could not contribute this year, but I promise I'm gonna help out, somehow, next year. Its also cool to see OFC as a sponsor.
  18. Perfect time to re-finance my home!
  19. Bleach won't do much. Use Moldicide. Good luck!
  20. Sounds like your just moving stuff, not performing a remediation. Not much regulating that. If you are very concerned you can: 1-Refuse the job 2-get a consultant in to identify the mold, give recommendations and they will assume the risk ($$$$) If you are just trying to make sure your guys are safe, make them wear the proper PPE, control dust as much as possible and/or put all the moveables in large bags and seal them before you move them. You can also buy a moldicide from Home Depot and apply it to affected areas before handling it. Mold is litterally everywhere. If there isnt' a massive surface area of it actively growing, I wouldn't have a serious concern about it for worker health.
  21. Check out the front page of today Nugget. There is your answer Lots of damage reported in the Tilden area.
  22. They called for tornados today, but then it was retracted. Last sunday, there was a good storm that ran through and had us waiting in the forest trying to paddle accross a lake right in Marten River. Also, earlier today was brutal for about 30 minutes...when did you arrive at your cottage? Edited to add: this saturday there were some freaky looking clouds north of Tilden; sure looked like tornado clouds to me. I lasted all of 10 minutes on the water before they got too close for my comfort.
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