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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Bring a set of warm clothes and decent rain gear. You can always shed clothes but you can't put them on if you don't have them. Good Luck! Whopper
  2. Good deal Clive, glad to here everything is well. Whopper
  3. Dang Fang, I have seen and heard more of these types of reports this year, it's a shame. A group that I have gone with in the past usually takes 8 or 10 people and this year they started with 8 and now are down to just five. Good Luck! Whopper
  4. Call Anglers Retreat and see what they will do for ya, Loyd usually has a couple spare boats sitting around. Good Luck Whopper
  5. Bang on Connie, I'm sure Will will be a repeat customer. Sure miss the golden eyes, the ones we catch at Lake Erie might be bigger but don't compare in color. We didn't have any ice, frozen pipes, only two employes in camp and Brett gone? Uh didn't even notice. Like I said before it's a special place. Thanks for the rest of the story! Whopper
  6. Thanks for the compliment Sandy. It was great to spend a week with good people at a great place. Kinda of funny though the one evening I could see the flash from the photo shoot but couldn't see your boat. Tell the big guy that I have not forgot the offer. Thanks for sharing Whopper
  7. Good Luck Lew and be safe! Have fun everyone, not that I had to tell ya Whopper
  8. These threads are killing me, I guess since I am unable to attend this year I'll sit by myself in a moment of inebriation in honor of the event some 600 plus miles away. I wonder if I can get GCD to send me some of that magic potion so I get the full effect Whopper
  9. Dutch sorry to hear that your dream turned sour. Good thing you ordered an inspection, it did what is supposed to do, protected your interest. Cliff you are bang on about agents "They are no different" than any other professional, I know I live with one (30years) and see the other side of the coin. Talking calls at all hours, days (even holidays) and inopportune times at the house. Having to play nursemaid to people that can't think for themselves, wearing the hat of financial advisor and lastly general contractor. The last is a pet peeve of mine, why do people that sell or buy their house expect and agent to become their personal repair consultant?, line up a roofer, plumber, electrician, carpenter and HVAC tech while selling or buying a house and even after the deal is done? and if some happens to the repairs that were done in the process god forbid that they call the people that performed them they have to call the realtor first!, then it becomes the agents problem once again for which they receive zero compensation for. The way I see it because agents are paid on a commission basis all most sellers and buyers just see that big amount that are paid out at closings and think that these people are making a killing well for one thing the company gets a cut then government gets theirs then the agent gets theirs then have to pay their expenses, yes some make pretty decent money but the good ones earn every penny of what the get and thrive in very competitive field. Didn't really mean to rant here just an obsevation from the other side of the coin. Good Luck in your new home! Whopper
  10. I agree with Joey on this one! Yak with Roy and a cold beer
  11. Good to hear you were well taking care of Cliff. Hope you recover ok. Whopper
  12. Traitor.... Just kidding Lew My very first troller was a transom mount Minnkota but eversince I have owned a MotorGuide with no problems what so ever. Good Luck and catchem up! Whopper
  13. I think it's more of an environmental issue more than anything else. Whopper
  14. Congratulations Dustin! Fine looking family you have, Enjoy! Hope the house you just moved into is big enough Whopper
  15. Congrats to the three amigos! Good on Bernie and his brother for showing the lads around. Looks like a good time was had by all. Whopper
  16. Good report and great pictures! Thanks for sharing! Whopper
  17. Good on you Chris, well done. Thanks to Lorne and Skiel for helping out! May all three of you be rewarded with a big fish! Whopper
  18. Good on you Lew! You and your nephew and a first...priceless! Good pic of the eagle in flight. Thanks for sharing Whopper
  19. Good Luck to you Dustin and family! Whopper
  20. Atta Girl Maureen keep chucking! Whopper
  21. Rip's bang on been using this method for the las year when pike re present in walleye waters and had some very good success and it cuts down on the visibilty on the super braid at the bait Whopper
  22. "Sleded" Wonder if bbr really caught those fish or if he was just taking them off the hook for the young lady j/k
  23. LOL those KY's are called "BRIARS" TG Well done Matt now hit the fish you deserve it! Whopper
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