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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Happy belated birthday! Glad you enjoyed the weekend. Whopper
  2. Great report! Looks like a great mothers day! Whopper
  3. Good report Matt! Congrats! Whopper
  4. Have a safe one bud! Got my tackle packed to today Enjoy yourself!
  5. lol Gerritt! Good report Congrats on the catching! Whopper
  6. 105 He's in pretty good shape for and ole man and a plumber to boot! Happy Birthday ! Whopper
  7. Well unfortunately I will be taking a weekend off of fishing but come the following I will be in paradise for a whole week. Good Luck to those that get out this weekend! Whopper
  8. Way to funny Wayne! Whopper
  9. Bring on the slime! The bigger the better! I need a good lube Whopper
  10. mdej your response is exactly why I posted this thread in the first place. If this helps anyone at all the purposed is served. I do wear a PFD while fishing alone while underway in my own boat, otherwise I pretty selective on when I wear one, just felt that I should have been wearing one last Sunday anywho. Just for the record though at no point all weekend did I ever feel unsafe on my buddy's boat, he does such a great job handling rough water. Already decided that my next purchase will be and inflateable that I will keep in my boat bag (and for those of you that know me my boat bag goes were ever I go) for the future for such conditions. Rick your totally right and that is one of the reasons that I felt so bad about this in the firstplace. Every year we hear about people drowning and say to ourselves this could have been prevented by wearing a PFD. I'm sure that if I was to asked my wife (not that I would have to ) for some extra money to purchase something that would keep me safe she would be glad to. I hope Whopper
  11. No need I was just joking with ya
  12. Dang Tracker were just starting to reep the benefits of the soft water and your all ready thinking about the hard water season. Polking fun at Roger just may wake up a sleeping giant. Whopper
  13. Good for you Wayne! I pay a third of that for a boat that's only worth about 10K at the most with no coverage on gear. So what are you going to spend the money you saved on.....maybe some flowers for the Mrs Whopper
  14. Good Luck Mike and I'm sure you and Dan will do just fine! If this trip is like others that you have reported it will be great! Relax, be yourself and have a great time. Whopper
  15. Hate to hear this Tom! I guess I should invest in a fire suit eh! In the past I have seen fires first hand from the air said but an awesome site. Been pretty lucky about the travel plans in the past but two years ago we had a ban on fires until the last two days of a flyin trip. Hope you get some rain! Whopper
  16. I feel terrible and I have to come clean with something here. I have privately talked to a very well-respected member of this site, Uncle Buck that observed a very important item missing in my last fishing report. The item missing in fact was myself not wearing a PFD while fishing last weekend at Lake Erie in some really rough conditions. I am actually embarrassed that I was not wearing one at the time a picture was taken in such conditions, I know better and it was pretty stupid of me not wearing one. We (the captain & I) did however have two life rings with ropes on the deck in the case one of us would have went overboard but in looking back that wouldn’t have done any good if something would have happen to the both of us. We tend to compliment, comment and share our moments on fishing so there is nothing wrong with asking someone the obvious, especially when it comes to safety, Thanks Goran. Safety is something we tend to over look until it becomes to late and something happens. I realize what I did wasn't a very smart thing to do and will try to use my head for something other than a hat rack in the future. I know wearing PFD’s has been knocked around a ton of times on this site and really when it boils right down to it, it is a decision that each one of us has to make for ourselves whether to wear one or not. BUT IN THIS CASE THERE WAS NO GOOD REASON FOR NOT WEARING A PFD. The main reason for this post is just maybe someone will think about grabbing a PFD and putting it one when it is absolutely needed, which to some maybe be all the time and to others during selective times. With over 400 views of my last post I’d really feel bad if someone would get the wrong impression and not wear a PFD even on a big boat in those conditions. Thanks again Goran! Whopper
  17. I knew what you meant xrap as far as when the fish was caught and your right that would be a toughy. I'd almost be willing to bet that if a person would be the type to harvest OOS fish he probably has more than he's supposed to in the first place. Terry you right about the clear and unclear deal, but at least you have stricker rules than we do. An example is possesion, I can go to Erie and keep my daily limit for a week (6 fish and daytimes the number of days fished) but I have to have proof that I was infact there longer than a day. Now IMHO I don't need to keep a weeks worth of fish, hell I don't even have enough freezer space, but that's just me. The walleye fishing in the western basin of Lake Erie has been phenominal this year but along with that people are taking advantage of the situation and some are getting caught which is a good thing. I've heard the State ODNR officiers have been really cracking down this year with checks at the public boat ramps. Whopper
  18. Yep fish fry is in the works, my son is graduating from a community college at the end of the month and he wanted to celebrate with a fish fry . Just glad he didn't ask for any money Thanks everyone for the kind words it was interesting indeed. Whopper
  19. First off xrap I don't blame ya for being angry. Your statement about not being able to identify the fish though is enough to get the culprits in trouble through if I understand the rules. If I'm not mistaken you must leave a patch of skin & date on each fillet for identification purposes no matter what the species is. As far as the trash goes I think and invite with the culprits (lead them to believe your taking them fishing) is in order for trash removal. Whopper
  20. Good work Wayne O' ! You've earned a ride in your new toy! Hope you have a great season and with any luck I'll see ya at Lakair. Whopper
  21. Good Luck Matt! Had an impeller go out on me a couple year back while on vacation on Canada Day, well $150.00 later and a lost day of fishing (dealer didn't have the right one and tried to do a make shift) had a friend overnight me the right one and 15 minutes later it was fixed. After that I always carry a spare. Whopper
  22. Dang Roy that pic makes you look tall! Of course I don't have any room to talk
  23. Had a great weekend at Lake Erie except for battling the waves. Saturday's wave heights were 3 to 5 footers and Sunday's were 5 to 8 footers. Made for some good drifting but was hard on the body. Fished out along the Canadian border south of Peele Island drifting worm harnesses on the bottom. Boat of five caught 13 good sized fish on Saturday and Sunday only two of us went out and caught twelve. Didn't take a lot of pics but heres a few. Saturday Sunday Had a great time and think we did pretty well for the rough conditions. Whopper
  24. Excellent report Mike! A person needs one of those days every once in a while. Congrats on a great outing! Whopper
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