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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. I sat here last year and stated that no matter what gas cost I was going to get my trips in. Well after last weeks trip I may have to rethink this matter, stopped for gas in Vermillion Bay and I had close to a quarter tank of gas left,(24gallon tank) filled up .....$95.00, went in to pay and handed the girl a $100.00 and she asked my how much I got and I said $95.00 and even she was shocked. Saw gas for as cheap (LOL) as $3.06 a gallon all the way up to $1.24 a liter, needless to say besides my outfitters fee gas was the biggest expense for my trip. Not complaining because it was worth it just thought I share some info for those about to imbark. Whopper
  2. On to the fish porn. With the weather conditions most of the week the bite was slow and the pike weren't really aggressive and sometimes we really had to work hard on the walleyes but we still managed to catch fish everday. Verticle jigging and drifting jigs worked on the eyes and every once in a while it worked on the pike to. I probably tied on a dozen baits for the pike and caught them on everyone that I used except for double jointed Rapala and a chub minnow in a walleye finish. Caught plenty of these for the week My first fish on a suick This next shot was on of my favorites from the week Some of the pike for the week Last morning woke up the sun was shinning for a change but it was cold and snowing Last evening of fishing on Friday night, the wind was brutal and man was it cold, still managed to catch some eyes though Saturday the 26th it was time for the long trek home. Taxi please! On the way home saw plenty of wild life, two moose and a linx (no pics) and a few deer Pretty healthy looking black bear Drove straight through (19hours 45minutes) on the way home only to stop for gas and for some wildlife shots. Had a great time and look foward to returning to Sportsmans Lodge, Little Vermillion Lake. Oh and the fish that made the trip for me, well I waited along time for this one. A special THANKS to Connie, couldn't have asked for better company. Hope you enjoyed my story! Cheers Whopper
  3. Left on Friday the 18th and drove north to the Red Lake area in search of monster pike and some walleye for the table. Hooked up with a few other board members that I haven't met before and wasn't disappointed, great folks! Arrived at the pick up point at Saturday at about 10 am Pilot, plane and the owner of the camp were waiting, it was my first time flying in a twin engine float plane. Holy crap what the hell is this stuff, drove through snow flurries from Vermillion Bay to Balmertown and yes it was cold. Up and away just a short 15-20 minute flight out Safe landing Got unloaded and hit the cabin to unpack and do some fishing. Ran in to our neighbors for the week. Great people these two and I don't personally know another women that would have fished in the conditions we fished in all week, hat's off to you Sandy (graftongirl). I can say this now because I'm out of Adams (reefhawg) reach, but he really needs to make her permanent Hope I don't offend any of the other female members. A eagle that we saw more than once during the week On your mark get set .... We have lift off Sees something Fly by pick up, witness this more than once during the week This is what I call dinning out My guide for the week, to those of you that might not know this gentleman, Connie Inman(TennesseeGuy), class act all the way and he can flat get in done, if it wasn't for him and JP Bushey (lipdip) I don't know if I would have made this trip. Thanks to both of you. Oh and by the way this is the type of guy Connie is, we were getting ready to eat one night the buzz around camp was that there was two people from another party that had not returned and it was almost dark with dense fog on the lake. Connie had a nice depth finder with GPS and did not hesitate to get up and go looking for them. Now visibility was less than 50 yards and he returned in just under an hour with the stranded fisherman, they were turned around and headed the wrong direction when he found them and brought them back safely, two happy campers that's for sure. The other two guys in our group, great people also! Ahhhhh dinner for four Dinner is served The weather wasn't very good all week, snowed the first day and the last day and rained everyday in between but we still caught fish and ate walleyes all week. The worst thing was the multiple fronts and the wind was brutal. Part two to follow! Whopper
  4. Good stuff Rizzo, good to see ya out almost thought you gave up the sport Whopper
  5. Damit man after reading this episode I think I'm going to start drinking. Hope thing work out for ya Wayne Whopper
  6. Lew you my friend have shouldered more family tragedy than anyone should in a short period of time. I am deeply sadden to hear the loss of your brother. Thoughts and prayers are with the entire Knighton family God Bless Phil
  7. Go back a page or two there was some reports from last weekend, I believe Steelcats was one of them. Good Luck Whopper
  8. Well maybe just maybe if I drive fast enough I'll pull some of the warmer air up with me Whopper
  9. I'll get back to ya on this one Out to prove LipDip's theory Whopper
  10. icefisherman use the search feature, this topic has been brought up just recently and I believe Irishfield (Wayne) had some good suggestions on the camping on crown land part. As far as boating with any lake your unfamilar with get a good map and if unsure ease your way around. Hope this helps! Good Luck Whopper
  11. That paddle fish is pretty cool Matt. Good on you for catching. After yesterday the river will be rising and muddy, got some much needed rain. Whopper
  12. Awesome pics Dan! I always enjoy the site of the "Sleeping Giant"! Whopper
  13. Hope it heals up better than new for ya Gerritt and you become pain free soon! Take Care Whopper
  14. Awesome pics Raf and you've been in some gome company! Whopper
  15. ss do a search on leaky boats and what ever Wayne (Irishfield) said do! Good luck!
  16. Cliff that reminds me of Kramer on Seinfeld when he fell a sleep on the roof sunbathing. "Stick a fork in him he's done"
  17. Well put Gerritt, don't know how i missed it glad I did. Good job fellas! Whopper
  18. Don't mean to step on Matt's thread but down here while fishing most rivers or lakes that contain multi species those jigs with twister tails will catch anything at any time of the year. Whopper
  19. My question if inside wouldn't a dark color make it unbearable during the summer. I've only seen the truck bed spray on in dark colors. Just curious Whopper
  20. I wasn't having to much trouble before but noticed is moving pretty quick today. Whopper
  21. I talked to Don awhile back and he said that him and Ruth had made reservations so I'm pretty sure they will be there. Heck someone needs to stay sober Opps did I say that out loud
  22. Sounds great Mike, glad everything worked out for ya! Looking foward to the final cut! Next up Armstrong area, hmmmm.... now thats and area that really interests me! Great pics Mike! Whopper
  23. Good report Jason! Congrats on having fun with the little man! Whopper
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