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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Paul you got the pan fish capitol of the world "Rice Lake" right at your fingertips. There is a nice campground called Serpent Mounds PP near Keene. Plenty of pan fish right out in front of the park in the acres of weedbeds. If you decide that this is the spot and need any further info pm me I can put you on some spots. Good Luck Whopper
  2. Congrats Jason! Sounds like you did well picking a bride that let you fish and fished with you on your honeymoon! May you enjoy a long and happy marriage! Good report! Whopper
  3. Get back to work Dawg! I don't feel a bit sorry for ya. Art at least the man has vision albeit a weird one! Whopper
  4. Good report Norm, glad you had a great time. The second pic has a lurker in the woods, imagine who it is. Whopper
  5. Rich I know exactly how ya feel bud, went in blind myself last year and had a blast. The folks sure do know how to make ya feel at home. Glad you had a great time. Whopper
  6. Ya think Raf This was one of the best reports I ever read Whopper
  7. Good deal Art! I was just trying to poke him with a stick
  8. Great report Maureen! Congrats on the first of the year hopefully there will be a lot more for ya! Thanks Whopper
  9. Or should it be humane? Just curious was the dawg catcher around this weekend. Haven't heard one bark yet Whopper
  10. Awesome! love the release shot. If that was me I would have had to go in waist deep so no one could tell I messed my self Congrats Whopper
  11. Good deal Mike! Glad to see I'm not the only one that doesn't color coordinate jig & twister combos Thanks Whopper
  12. Way to cool Kevin! It's a good thing you are doing! Congrat dougle Whopper
  13. Good to hear you had a good time Graham! Whopper
  14. Great report! The smile on your son's face says it all! Congrats! No need to remove any of the pics, you should be proud of em all. Thanks for sharing Whopper
  15. Sounds like you did decent to me, five over 40 for the week. Glad you had a good time. Whopper
  16. Good stuff Dustin! I am sure you and the boys will probably have a path worn to the honey hole in no time Whopper
  17. Great Report Rick! Congrats on being the keeper of the trophy Whopper
  18. No truer words were spoken, felt the same way Bernie last year Thanks for sharing Whopper
  19. Always like to finish those round tripers! Whopper
  20. Good report Cliff! Raf's not that far off Congrats on your first ski! Thanks Whopper
  21. Wow Congrats Rick and Chris! Go ahead rub it in! Whopper
  22. Yep what happens at Lakair stays at ....well you know LOL "crack of 10am" heck Lew already had a 1/2 day of fishing in by then! Good report! would say glad you had a great time but one can't help not too! Whopper
  23. Good deal Garrett! My favorite pics are the ones with the little "G" Thanks for sharing Whopper
  24. Awesome report Clive! At least you got to fish in your shirt sleeves, that didn't happen the week before. You and Jon did well. I didn't catch any big fish on the lure you gave me but I did catch a couple small pike and one walleye on it Thanks! Tell Jon I know how he feels I donated to the OPP fund myself, don't want to see em go hungry. Thanks for the report Whopper
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