Dutch sorry to hear that your dream turned sour. Good thing you ordered an inspection, it did what is supposed to do, protected your interest.
Cliff you are bang on about agents "They are no different" than any other professional, I know I live with one (30years) and see the other side of the coin. Talking calls at all hours, days (even holidays) and inopportune times at the house. Having to play nursemaid to people that can't think for themselves, wearing the hat of financial advisor and lastly general contractor. The last is a pet peeve of mine, why do people that sell or buy their house expect and agent to become their personal repair consultant?, line up a roofer, plumber, electrician, carpenter and HVAC tech while selling or buying a house and even after the deal is done? and if some happens to the repairs that were done in the process god forbid that they call the people that performed them they have to call the realtor first!, then it becomes the agents problem once again for which they receive zero compensation for. The way I see it because agents are paid on a commission basis all most sellers and buyers just see that big amount that are paid out at closings and think that these people are making a killing well for one thing the company gets a cut then government gets theirs then the agent gets theirs then have to pay their expenses, yes some make pretty decent money but the good ones earn every penny of what the get and thrive in very competitive field.
Didn't really mean to rant here just an obsevation from the other side of the coin.
Good Luck in your new home!