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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Maybe they were trolling for Muskie?
  2. Hey Art, I didn't see any yellow letters! Fortunately. Thx Vince, Charged full on Friday pm and ran today and hopefully tomorrow. I'll check the voltage and pm ya tomorrow. BTW, good day for chromes today! Slayer
  3. Looks like the lithium did the trick Thx again Dave
  4. And to think our son has to endure a whole year of school while staying with Cliff & Sue. :rolleyes: We are very fortunate to call Sue and Cliff great friends.
  5. Oh never mind. I thought you were talking about a church. BTW, St. Francis has a great choir. Slayer
  6. I won't see the 400 again until September, post Labour Day. :clapping:
  7. Thx for the reply Dave. Sorry for the late response. I went back to bed and planned on waking up and starting the day anew sans problems. That didn't work. As you suggested, I pulled the cover and checked all the connections. Everything seemed in order. I sprayed the exposed solenoid piston/shaft with a little bit of lithium and gave the housing a couple of good whacks with a plastic hammer. Taa Daa!! I'm not sure what the root cause was but your reply inspired me to take a second look. Thx again Dave. :thumbsup_anim: Regards, Simon
  8. Got to the launch this am and the '91 Merc 115 wouldn't start. The starter just moaned. Removed the cowling and had a look; The starter/solenoid is turning and lifting, but not lifting high enough to engage the flywheel. This was a recurring issue over the last few weeks so I replaced the cranking battery last weekend and it seemed to correct the issue until this am. Checked the battery when we got home and it was at 75%. it is now charging. Any thoughts, suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thx, Slayer
  9. WooooooHooooooo!!! Congrats to you and yours Dann. Best regards, Simon
  10. Dave Sullivan (owner of City) is a great guy and a better mechanic! I highly recommend him and his staff . Tell him 'Simon' said hello. Slayer
  11. You know any of the Balcombe clan??????? Slayer
  12. TOMATO JUICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slayer.
  13. You did report this work related acccident to your employer, right? And filled out a WSIB form 7? And you told the doctor it is a work related injury? BTW, if you're self employed, ignore the above. Slayer
  14. I read it. Apparently not. Some serious unsubstantiated allegations made before it was locked up.
  15. Very fast!! http://www.google.ca/search?q=how+to+tie+a+bow+tie&hl=en&client=safari&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=nPgDTuPJCMOztweTzvXgDQ&ved=0CCQQsAQ&biw=981&bih=661 Slayer
  16. Matt, If your talking about south of North Bay; the last time I fished regularly there was about 18 years ago. I remember decent bass, pike & walleye. Don't remember seeing or hearing about any Muskie though. Also, it was not a pressured lake back then but not sure how much it has changed. Regards, Slayer
  17. Iboats.com x 3 You would more than likely want a large garage or covered area to work on your boat. Most municipalities have bylaws that would make refurbishing in your driveway a potential problem. Slayer
  18. My 2 cents; 'Water sport' vests are somewhat heavy & hot when wearing outside of water. Not comfortable for fulltime wear/use on the boat. Slayer
  19. Emergency contact information: http://www.camh.net/about_camh/contact_us/index.html
  20. Cliff, If you know his address or specific directions, CALL 911 or the local police/fire department.
  21. When I was the Town Sherrif (in the 19th century), the kids were a lot more respectful. If they weren't, sometimes they got shot at. That's just the way it was. Slayer
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