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Everything posted by spincast

  1. great report - sweet job on the boat, and congrats on slimin her first time out
  2. Saw that down the mouth of the Grand last week. Didnt have my camera with me at the time. Very cool
  3. nice eyes! congrats on the PB! That last one is a real fatty.
  4. ahh, as we approach the winter wonderland outside and in, the fair weather fisherman that I am can't help but wonder, and the correct process for C&R when ice fishing is ?
  5. Another great day on the water guys - nice fish
  6. Plan on leaving early or after supper. Between 7 and 9 and 3 and 6, not much point on trying to get through TO anywhere on the 401. If you've tried doing it often enough, you will know what I mean - ask a few of the transport drivers and regular commuters on the board. not sure how close you like to follow the person in front usually, but try to double it. Even with a little boat you're stopping distance will be longer, and as Wayne and Paul mentioned - the guy behind you will ususally need more time than he has allowed too, so help him out. Yes, cars will continue to take the opening, but it surprising how easy it is to maintain after a while. As an interesting excercise if you get in one of those stop and go back ups - find one of the lane jumpers with an easily identifiable car - colour, roof rack, whatever. 9 times out of 10, when the road finallly clears, he'll be within 10 -15 car lengths. As for those who don't understand the concept of lane dsicipline - the net effect of failing to abide by the keep right except to pass requirment of the HTA reduces a 3 lane highway to a 2 lane highway and vauses congestion and accidents. It is not the safe lane as some mis-guided defensive driving organisiations identified it back in the 1970's -it is the middle passing lane and I wish the police would enforce the obstructing traffic charges that can and should be laid. Stating you can't change lanes due to merging and other traffic in the left lane is nothing other than justification for your unwillingness to drive properly. I towed 48 and 53 foot of trailers through Toronto Montreal and other areas for years. Wayne is 100% correct about how effective lane discipline is at keeping traffic moving int he UK and Europe in general. Enforcing it here woudl go along way towards addressingour raod congestion and accident rate. Use da cruze and go with da flow.
  7. Gotta wonder at what point this becomes harrasment? If this turns out the same as the last one.......? Good on ya Ron - add me to your list of sponsors for the "Right to Fish" defense fund - I'm good for a C note if needed.
  8. Im no pro either -those are all nice shots, but I especially like that shot with the eagle on the log.
  9. good times with good friends - thanks for sharing. That first pic is one of my favourite set ups too. Need the feet on the gunwhales to get just the right feel for that wallye tap
  10. Great times with the family. WTG. Supper looks delish. Paris fair is cheaper than that - and bigger from what I remember when we llived in Cambridge - may want to try it next year? One of the first nights (Thursday I think?) they have a wristband policy - gets you all the rides for the price of admission. Of course Demo derby is on the last night so ya cant do both Wonder if the muskie we going to find those birds?
  11. Great report thanks for sharing. The bear cooling off was different - havent seen one swimming that close before; they're usually looking at me in the car. Guess at 38 degrees he needed a dip
  12. Not quite clear from the OP - are you launching and docking from the property you have permission to access, or from the private facility? I dont see how legally they can stop you using your friends property to gain access to the lake if you have permission,(and I would get a letter), but they may have a point about using their docks if that is what is happening.
  13. sweet. looks like a great trip. thanks for sharing
  14. naw -- its just what any normal fish addict would do after dryin' out
  15. and now you're preppin' the Prince to go catch supper?
  16. Nice pic Vince. Glad to hear you got out with E&S - good on ya. My results were similar with G. I knock off. Highlight of the day - listening to a pan pan distress call for a yacht that hit the rocks off Oakville harbour. Turned out well, shortly after CG called off the pan pan - someone nearby had pulled them off. Jordan is a clean screen dude - from 110 - 35 we probably only marked 10 hooks all day, and none wanted play. Headed out to Port D and they were staging everywhere - some great screen shots, but they had lock jaw. Watched the FF show the spoon in their face - Nutin. Charter dudes had a little more luck, but not much from the sounds on the radio - Still- what a beauty day to be out on the water. We decided to finish the outing off with a 15 minute run WOT down the shoreline and back for some fun and to give the motor a work out after a summer of trolling. Time to try some different stomping grounds. LPB is up next I do believe
  17. Wow! - getting some nice use out of the Princecraft in the first year! Way to go. .For sure some of your excess has come from the desire to enjoy your new boat; and the fact that you are identifying the time spent there at the expense of your other life opportunities, means you will in all likelihood find a new balance soon. I would think you will become more selective on your fishing days just as a matter of course - especially now you have noticed the addictions affect. I give myself 1 day out of each weekend to fish and one to the honey do list. I sneak to the river for a cast or two when time permits. Of course once soft water season is over, the other half gets the one day a week to entertain her addiction and I stay home. Moderation in everything, including moderation
  18. great photos - those sunset colours are great; and to have a few walleys for the table too.. excellent.
  19. To just adress the 24 hour comment My link you do have 24 hours
  20. Nice milestone Jacques : - congrats to both of you
  21. If your gf has back pain, get insurance involved,now. It may be nothing - nothing lost. It maybe more. You have a year report the claim, but with a potential BI, dont wait; waiting opens too many questions as to why you didnt report it at the time.
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