Well said Paul - The job of moderating the content, and the adherence to the forum rules, should lie with the mods. If a post transgresses the rules, MODify it and notify the OP why in a PM. Flamethrowers do nothing to improve the experience of the site. Notify a mod if you feel a post shouldnt be on. No need to blast and belittle in public. Craig made some extremely valid points. A local trout stream I used to love fishing got a write upon OOD about 10 or so years ago. It used to hold 10 lbers and could be counted on for season long trout. Now, if you see anything come out of there it is less then 12" long, and far too frequently on a stringer of someone who neither reads nor cares about the regs. This site is not intended to be a wikpedia of where to harvest fish, but those who have no respect will use it as such, and we should be mindful of that when posting
Strive to find balance. Respect the resource, and respect the members. The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.