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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Wrong guy to ask, while I fish for pike and bass, I don't have speciality rods for them, nor have I looked into them as I don't fish for them often enough to justify the outlay. Although I did pick up a crucial through a friend I met on OFC. I saw you mentioned you might be interested in an elite in your previous post. I picked up a couple of the walleye elites just before Xmas and at that time he had a couple bass elites for sale. At % off, it's hard to go wrong. And you are supporting a local vendor, not some foreign owned mega corporation that takes the profits out of Canada. I believe it is important we support our local guys, who are after all our neighbours, for many reasons.
  2. Last I was down at Grimsby Tackle I believe he had a couple bass elites on sale. If you'r heading to Hamilton anyway, always worth checking out G-T http://www.grimsbytackle.com/Specials.html
  3. X2, although I might switch the beer for a Thermos full of Irish coffee
  4. ribs with Mambo sauce, meat so soft teeth not required... short lived and today's cheese onion and bacon stuffed jalapeño poppers. cook at 400 for 20 mins... unfortunately, once out of the oven they disappeared before the camera had a chance to capture their tasty melted presentation. bon appetit!
  5. Congrats on a great year. Fearless and driven to succeed.
  6. Nice Lucas - a smoker in on my list for 2016. I think today's updates to this thread may provide a year's worth of eats We are heading to a friends and are responsible for the appetizers - starting with 3 hour slow oven baked ribs covered in Mumbo sauce (had this when I visited DC last year, addictive to say the least) 2 cups ketchup 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons sweet paprika 1/2 cup Sriracha sauce 2/3 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar 1 teaspoon powdered ginger crab stuffed mushroom caps (these are always a hit and so simple to make) and pork tenderloin satays. If I get a chance I will provide pictures later - for now off to the store to get all the goodies. Happy New Year all. and remember to leave the keys behind.
  7. yup - out through Canada, back thru the US.
  8. You're right MB2 - did some digging - they can access anything, anytime.. this article must have been where I was reading it - this guy tried and failed http://www.cbc.ca/news/alain-philippon-phone-password-case-powers-of-border-agents-and-police-differ-1.2983841 and yeah - as for US Customs -. Nice enough folks when you're working with them, but not a great sense of humour, I must say
  9. Not sure if it is still the case, but it used to be if you had a password on your cell or computer, they can't access without your permission, which you are free to withhold. I believe they need a warrant - or they used to. Which can cause some delays...... Don't be surprised if your Dad is flagged in the system. Happens to commercial drivers all the time - get stopped once with a concern and almost every time after until it gets cleared up you get invited in Cross enough times without the Nexus or FAST card and sooner or later you'll see secondary.
  10. There is a difference between filming and posting. Nothing to stop you taping what occurs between you two, especially in public. However, posting that on line without the officer's direct permission to do so may well be another matter. If a legal action were to arise out of the officers visit, pretty sure that video would be accepted into evidence. Different with border guards though. Ya don't want to try that conversation with them.
  11. So, another year is almost in the books. This year was, overall, rather un-noteworthy for me personally, but still provided some great memories. What were the best for you in 2015? Doesn't have to a PB - just the moments that counted? To open our season, I put a friend onto a PB, great moment for both of us Early June off Jordan - a tough year on O all around, Fishing solo, and the chatter on the radio was slow to non existent success for some of the usual suspects... I found a spot and nailed 4 this size in three hours and a bunch of shakers,,... this was the only one who wouldn't swim away. Felt great to beat the odds This young man had a day he will never forget, This was one of three PBs in one day. A long day of searching with mostly silvers taking my presentations was finally rewarded with this - followed by 4 more golden beauties Persistence and working through the tough bite is always a satisfying day and this one is special - teaching the lad how to toss spinners - my favourite small water presentation that we rarely get to do, and he hits a very respectable PB..
  12. saw those this morning too. Awesome series. His website is well worth a visit
  13. Friday night and needed a change Steamed mussels with onion, garlic,jalapeño, tomato, wine and stock , some fresh baguette, nothing better dipped in the sauce with some santa fe salad.
  14. sweet, gotta love a strike on the last cast...... hardly recognized you with that kinda grizzled look dood...... savin' on the shavin'?
  15. Winter is like Monday - it always arrives - I'm just enjoying a long weekend
  16. Not often I get a chance to put a piece of fish porn up in December. Stopped by the lake for an hour after this morning's martial arts with G. For a change, I got one. Definitely the laziest fish of 2015 - came on like a log with a couple of half hearted runs. Beauty girth though. Sorry all you ice fishers crying over your sleds and tip ups, but I'm a fan of this winter so far
  17. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/us/fear-in-the-air-americans-look-over-their-shoulders.html?mabReward=A7&moduleDetail=recommendations-0&action=click&contentCollection=Opinion&region=Footer&module=WhatsNext&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&src=recg&pgtype=article I have stayed out of this one as I made my thoughts on this particular subject clear last time. However, the article above provides some interesting insights to the impact this gun toting mentality is having on a broad number of America's citizens. Some on here won't change their opinion until their gun is pried from their cold dead hands. Charlton didn't recognize the irony inherent in that statement. Hopefully some can open their minds to an alternative position. Interesting comment from one of the readers of an article ..."Americans shoot other Americans... Canadians shoot with other Canadians" but anyway just thought this was worth sharing.
  18. ohhh yeah Joey --- now that is some sweet cookin'
  19. Got a favourite band? Cause they'll play NYC at some point. Keep your eyes on Wagjag and Groupon type deals for the hotels. I took the missus to see Eric Clapton's tour at Madison Square Gardens last year. Amazing show and a whirlwind tour built into it . Bought the city pass for less than a leafs ticket, got us into an amazing amount of venues. Up the Empire State building (twice), to Ellis Island and the Statue (my folks came through there in the 50s when they emigrated from the UK, very cool to see). Times square, NBC, Central Park, Museum of Modern Art...... We did the 911 memorial outside and inside. It is something I think everyone should see if they can - especially if you have a direct connection to NY or the US. Was good to see that one of my old room-mates who was from NYC, and whose Dad worked in finance, and who planned to follow him into the biz, did not have his name on the verrrry long list - 3 days of well worth it sight seeing. You will run out of time well before you run out of sights. But it ain't cheap, even with the deals...
  20. At the time I am writing this, the counter at the bottom of the page reads 88,942,208 clicks. Think about it. You will have to walk a fine line between spam and storytelling - but if you manage to walk that line, and keep us entertained here, I strongly suspect your circulation will benefit accordingly. I suspect timing of the reports vs the magazine might be key to how you structure that BTW - count me in for a subscription, congrats and good luck
  21. yup.. Worth every penny. Last pretty well forever
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