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Everything posted by spincast

  1. duck daycare , or pike buffet?
  2. Ah, yeah. The last 12 months have been crazy in that department. And the kid eats like a Salmon - constantly.
  3. great stuff Andrew - looks like a blast. The reason I went with an 18 footer too - can do the big water on the right days but still small enough to tow for smaller lakes.
  4. sweet - you have quite the knack when it comes to incidentals, don'tcha?! Beauty shots, as always.
  5. When you lifted the tail off the floor, it was 18.4 - a PB for the G-man. We covered a lot of water while this dude took the stairs to the surface. we had a mixed bag of cohos and bows today, but the bottom feeders were the pigs of the day. Blisters on the lads hands today. the mudders went home, the cohos came home Smoked coho next week,
  6. Visiting with a friend from the board last night ... views like this I wish I had more than just a point and shoot.
  7. lost more than one large salmon to it. 15 years as a mover did a nice job on hands, elbows and shoulders.Sometimes the hands go numb,and loose all strength. Cant drive a tiller because it either. Exercise and being aware is what I have chosen. Some things I just can't do anymore.
  8. sweet. looks like a fantastic way to welcome spring!
  9. I had a St Croix Wild River break a few years back.I emailed them a few questions from the website,and they responded with a name and a phone number I could call to ask some questions. Their service was great. I sent the rod to the Ordan Drive address, they sent me back an upgraded rod (retailed for around 200 if I remember correctly) for 75 bucks. I wasn't even the original purchaser - Any time you can get a 200 rod for 75, well, sounds like a good deal to me. Your situation is a little different, obviously, but I found dealing with them painless and professional. Good luck
  10. enjoyed reading that over the morning coffee - making the most of what life has to offer, excellent
  11. nice! timing didn't work for me this year, but I see you made the best of the short season
  12. nice one .... you'll know that one if you find him again...
  13. Hey Jacques - always good to see your reports. Looks like a great time - I trust all is well cheers
  14. liquid silicone from the camping section at your local ctc. spray on. We used to use it on our older tents when we were frequent campers - works great.
  15. congrats - some nice bruisers there. Good to finally see them back this end of the lake after the last 2 years.
  16. Nice going Andrew - nothing like putting a guest onto some fatties.
  17. that was you huh? heard a couple boats found the right spots. It was a narrow band from what we saw 1t7 FOW or bust., and the winds made for some tough boat control - crazy current, based on where my boards were running, But I have never seen 5Lbs of walleye disappear as fast as those 2 13 year olds ate Saturdays catch the whole farm came out to play for us G got a 6 lb sheepie as well, bit we'll pass on the pix - was a bleeder.... We found a nice warn spot Sunday and managed a couple to bring home. Next couple of weeks and we should be prime time
  18. nice ... soft water, flipping around,,,, hooking some beauty fish .... warm sun on your face,,,,,,
  19. Looks great. Like a seed, the enjoyment from that first outing will continue to grow if nurtured.
  20. Hear much the same G Mech - Colchester and west - Thanks for the feed back both of you Maybe we can compare notes next week. gonna shoot for some early morning kings before loading up for the afternoon trip west.
  21. Making a trip down that way this weekend , and I got two teenage boys to entertain- any one had any luck with silvers or 'eyes yet, and if so, general area, with our without a boat? PM if you prefer - thanks!
  22. 4 hour baseball camp ... 5 degrees, 30 k winds from the NW and snow.... Only in Canada, eh?

  23. must have been one heck of a big fish sandwich . Nice haul
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