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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Hello, My name is Matthew B. Culp DD. I am licensed Denturist, located in Peterborough Ontario. Our clinic has a full in house laboratory, and all work is custom and done on site. Services Provided : -Full Complete Dentures -Partial Dentures -Immediate Dentures -Implant Retained Dentures -Relines -Rebases -Repairs -Professional Mouth Guards -Teeth Whitening Located at: 184 Marina Blvd Unit #11 Peterborough, ON K9H-6M9 (705) 874-6684 [email protected] * Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me*
  2. I have a pair of frabill fxe task gloves. I use em for ice fishing. They're not bad. http://frabill.com/clothing/fxe-apparel/fxe-task-glove-4.html
  3. That's a good looking dog !
  4. I like the part where its all quiet in the theatre and he lets one rip. Hahahaha.
  5. http://www.thebeaverton.com/chris-hadfield-ejected-from-movie-theatre-for-loudly-heckling-gravity.htm Was good for a laugh !
  6. I purchased two kayaks this summer which were old town dirigo 120 xt sit in kayak. They had some similar kayaks there that were sit on tops with the total fishing package one even had a built in trolling motor 50lbs thrust I Believe. I chose the sit in kayak for two reasons versatility and for comfort for me. If I wanted to use the kayak in a rougher chop or in a different element other fishing I felt more comfortable in a sit in ( and anyone can slip out of this kayak regardless of size, if you tip over). You can make any kayak a fishing kayak by buying the different accessories, I have three flush mount rod holders out the back, and one scotty rod holder out the front, and I put my own anchoring system in, So I Would say comfort is number one. I have talked to a lot of guys and watched a lot of programs and I have never heard anyone down talking a wilderness systems kayak. Regardless kayak is a nice change from the regular, although after kayak fishing for a week straight a boat with a motor starts to look really good. I caught a five and a half pound bass on a deep Ontario back lake this summer and that fish drug me 100 ft what a blast. INVEST/ UPGRADE TO THE MOST COMFORTABLE SEAT FOR YOU! That is my number one tip, after sitting in a kayak for 6 hours I can tell ya I was sure happy I Paid an extra 150 bucks and got the top of the line seat.!
  7. I sure hope you know Chris personally. If not, a little low on your part. Hockey Chirps are fine, get personal and it makes you look like an @#!hole real quick !
  8. X2 I have never been stopped by the MNR on the kawartha lakes in my years of fishing, just an occasional OPP checking for alcohol and that boating regs are being met, they didn't even ask for a fishing license when it was quite evident that was all we were doing. This year while fishing a tournament a boat sneaked up on us, and I remember saying to my buddy " finally in all these years were gunna be checked out," which despite being in a tourney I was happy to do. So this MNR boat pulls up and says " excuse me do you have time for a survey?" I remember laughing in my head. Really? So I obliged did the survey with out missing a cast, not a request for a license or checking possession limits happened. I want to see more CO's around, if everybody is playing by the rules, then nobody has anything to worry about. But I see people all the time breaking the rules and breaking them in large proportions. I have called the hotlines and even tried approaching people with education on what they are doing is wrong, but almost everyone I did approach knew the rules and were choosing to break them. I wish they had the "reserves" for CO's, just like volunteer firemen,who cared enough about the fishery to work on their own time wage free, and check a couple boats out, if they found violators contact with CO is made and dealt with. Kinda like neighbourhood watch for the fish. lol Anyways I know this would never happen, so no need for the comments poking loop holes in my theory. Just a guy who wants to do more to protect his heritage and make sure all can enjoy it like I have .
  9. If you like a good survival show, check out naked and afraid on discovery channel its crazy. No clothes, minimal filming crew( maybe 1 or 2 people), they each get one item to bring, and its 28 days of survival in places like Africa, Borneo, Amazon etc
  10. Wow it is amazing what we take for granted daily , and its a true testament of human will. Great Video, very uplifting.
  11. It tells me you did something right as a parent! You should be proud !
  12. Is this happening again tonight ? I Could try to make it down and do my part. Just waders and a large net needed ?
  13. welcome Aboard !
  14. Was out last weekend on Pigeon surface water temp was 60.5 degrees I was going deep with tubes and jigs and nothing went in shallow starting throwing topwaters and bam, needless to say I was surprised to be finding them shallow still.
  15. well there is a launch on the opposite side of the bridge across from Emily pp. Go over the bridge make an immediate left , not sure what condition the launch is in but i've seen people using it all the time. If not there is a few launches around but that is the one is suggested seeming you mentioned Emily pp.
  16. I would go to balsam. just my opinion.
  17. X 2. Couldn't have said it any better. When im out fishing bass this time of year my focus is to stick and move through various sweet spots which will include shallow slop, shallow weeds, island drop offs, deep structure and open water. Usually one will produce and then its a matter of finding other structure similar to what I have had some success on, but jimmer couldn't have but it any better. I have been out fishing with buddies fishing 1 particular area at lets say 6 oclock any nothing would hit, and I tell my buddies just hold on its not "prime time" yet and sure enough like a light switch going off as soon as 7 oclock came around it was fish after fish. This particular past weekend I was finding them in 8ft of water or less around island structure with deep water close by. I have always done better in the evening all my truly big fish on buckhorn this year came after 5 oclock with the exception of 1. That being said I went to fish some smallies on north pigeon, and got skunked so, it can be a little frustrating this time of year to say the least, but there are some pigs out there putting the feedbag on. P.S. found a couple crawfish close to the dock, they were molting, A slow presentation of a 4 inch tube half green half white did well. slow was the key.
  18. I was finding them in 8ft of water or less this past weekend, some real pigs too. But 4 walleye ain't to shabby .
  19. My Favourite Leaf of All time, pound for pound !
  20. 40 years of Friday Night mens league or house league experience doesn't count
  21. Easy for you too say sitting on your couch, You ever fought a guy who had that much of a height and weight advantage over you on skates? Oh and not too mention earns his paycheque from scrapping. Didn't think so. Arm chair quarterbacks are my favourite, would love see your "balls" when put in that situation. (but I really don't wanna see your balls). But don't worry the linesman will be there to bail you out in a second.
  22. There are a lot of algae blooms on buckhorn aswell. However it didn't effect the fishing Saturday evening. I think its a little to early to be thinking turnover as the temps on buckhorn were 67 degrees.
  23. If your talking about elephant lake near Bancroft, Stones live bait is right there on hwy 28 in between woodview and aplsey.
  24. Never had a problem yet with shimano. I have broken 3 crucials over the years. Drove 10 mins to the warehouse here and Peterborough, never asked for a receipt or warranty paper. Just my address and every time within 3 weeks a new crucial was at my door. Sure they were foam handles instead of the cork ones which the broken ones were, but I remember saying damn that aint shabby broken rod after 3 years of use and I get a new one, ok I will keep buying shimano. Now maybe that's because they weren't high end rods like cumaras but its too bad everybody hasn't had the good luck ive had with the customer service. Perhaps my lucks gunna run out.
  25. Ok I won't. Guess you missed the joke there. Woulda guessed by your profile pic, that you would have got it.
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