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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4m2PHCWEeg Pretty cool new reel .
  2. Hi hear ya Lew, I was driving into Peterborough from Keene this morning and mid drive it went from rain to big, heavy, wet snow flake. Good news was it rained a lot last night, and I woke to see almost all the snow gone off my property which was nice, now I just hope my sump pump keeps up with this spring makes me think I should be putting in a battery back up. I hardly ever hear the pump come on but so far this spring she's been running pretty steadily.
  3. http://captrains.ca/ Click on petition on the menu bar .
  4. I heard Angelo Viola speaking to some of the lodge owners last Saturday morning on the fan 590. It is truly devastating to these lodge owners , and I cant help but feel for them especially being a business owner my self. Imagine if they made it virtually impossible for people to access my business, I would certainly go under. I heard there was a petition Mike already started and I'm doing my best to find that link, its something we should support IMO.
  5. What a great game by Buehrle ! Would love to have seen Lawrie catch that ball in the ninth to give Buehrle the complete game shut out, but I'm not going to complain they got the job done. Great defense as well. It was good to see Jose have some good at bats hitting two dingers and 2 walks. Lets see what Morrow has tonight. It seems as though the Jays have always had a tough time at Tropicana field, it would be nice to win a series!
  6. Who knows you maybe ice fishing into June. Lets hope not !
  7. Drew Hutchison looked good for his 5 3/4 innings pitched. It was nice to see the Jays hold onto a win even though it was getting dicey in the 9th. Lets see if Buehrle can follow him up with a solid outing !
  8. Well I consider myself to be a jays fan, listening to a lot of games and watching ones when I can. I hate to say it but, I think we are gonna end up at the bottom of the AL East yet again. I couldn't believe that 2 pitches into the season and they get there first injury. REALLY! Lets just say the jays looked great yesterday...........not! Its tough being a fan of any Toronto team. So what's your call on how many wins the jays will have this year. Im guessing 72, 2 less than last year. Here's to hoping i'm wrong. Go Raps Go!
  9. Man it brought me to tears reading this thread, I have had to put down a couple of my pups over the years, and its the hardest thing I've had to do. When we knew it was time for our 12year old lab to go down I was able to find a vet here in Peterborough who would come to the house to do it. I layed a blanket out in the back yard sun was shining I got him to lay down on his favorite blanket and laid beside him and looked into his eyes until he was gone, I didn't want him to go in a strange environment but at home with us, and then as a last sign of respect I carried his body to the vets vehicle. It was tough on us but I thought it was only fair as he was my loyal friend, sure it cost a little more but was worth it to me. Resting your head on the pillow at night, know you loved her as much as possible and think about the great life you gave her. I feel for you !
  10. I love pic number 15 your daughter is holding that perch like a pro ! Classic!
  11. Knock you the damn out ? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Priceless!
  12. 1st Star for sure in my opinion was the goalie. What a rock ! could easily have been 8-3 USA. Christopher, Im only 35 but every night I would go to sleep listening to hockey games in the winter and baseball games in the summer, it is truly one of my favorite ways to take in a game. Lets your imagination do the work, but that was before it was acceptable for kids to have TV's in the bedroom.
  13. ^^^^^^^^I just texted the wife the same thing saying my hands were so sore from clapping. I don't think they were close to that sore even when sid scored the golden goal in 2010! I feel proud to have witnessed one of the best Canadian hockey games of all time ! Something to tell the kids about when there older.
  14. I have never been prouder ! Canadian Heart !
  15. Just saw the look on Putin's face. Priceless !
  16. Is it wrong that it makes me happy that Russia lost ?
  17. 3-1 Finland after 2 periods Russians better come out flying in the 3rd or it wont be good for team Russia. ( I am pulling for Finland)
  18. Tough break this morning with Hamelin wiping out on the last lap of the 500m speed skate, its too bad cause it looked like he had that race locked up. Those guys/girls are flying though, very entertaining to watch.
  19. That was a little closer than I would have liked, but Canada dominated. I think Norway didn't get a shot in the 2nd period till like the 18 minute mark !
  20. HAHAHAHAHA ! ^^^^^^^^^^^ That literally made me burst out laughing ! Priceless!
  21. Are you watching it ? and if so what events are your favorites? Man I don't know how some of those moguls skiers knees can hold up, I bet its gunna be hard for them to walk when they are 60.
  22. So what exactly does a body shop do to fix that dent ? Are the days of them just "popping it out " gone ? did they replace the door ? just curious as to where the $2145 was spent ?
  23. My girlfriend and I were backing out of a driveway and she backed in to 2003 Honda. Being honest people we stopped, got out looked at the damage which there was none, on either vehicle. Went to the house and got the owner to tell them what happened and for them to see there was no damage, not even a scratch, we both agreed. We parted ways 6 months later I get a call from my insurance company saying that the owner was putting forth a claim of 2200.00 dollars for damages done by my car. The best part is he was claiming damage on the wrong side of his vehicle. I told my insurance co. I had no idea what they were talking about, and never heard another thing about it ! I wouldn't even respond, you tried to do the right thing and look where it go ya. I will say though that autobody repair is a lucrative business with outrageous prices sometimes!
  24. Disregard ^^^^^^^^^. I guess it helps if I read all the posts !
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