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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. WELCOME !
  2. i would highly recommend chaudiere lodge on the upper french.i just got back from4 days of fishing .( working on my report) i have to say that steve and his crew up there are fantastic . you wouldnt be dissapointed.
  3. I really second what Mike P said . Become a member of muskies canada, i know they have a belleville chapter. They usually have a meeting once a month at a local establishment where muskie hunters get together share info, trade tackle and have a good laugh or two . i believe the membership is a little pricey 25 bucks lasttime i checked. You will get a quarterly magazine and info on conservation and even tournaments. Dont give up on the ski's they can be tough. a fish of ten thousand casts. once you get that first one you will be hooked for life. My final tip is to keep a log book that would contain info on date, time , water temp, lure, depth, weather /wind , bar pressure, location, length/girth etc. so next year you can see where you may have been finding them the previous years . after 5 years that book will become priceless. let me know if can help in any other ways .
  4. hey guys , heading out this saturday for the upper french river. we got a lot of guys coming from different areas however everyones route seems to pass at the parry sound area . so we were all gunna try and meet up at a spot, preferably a tackle shop. so im wondering if anyone knows of a tackle shop in parry sound or on 69? we dont need any live bait as the lodge has some. more so a spot to have an excuse to spend some $. lures, rod, reel etc? thanks a lot. looking forward to making a post when i get back .
  5. Pigeon in mho! Found that the north end of the lake is the way to go !
  6. Nip fisher would your recommend chartreuse jigs on the upper french aswell? we are staying near the bottom end of the upper french would you recommend heading towards nippising for better quality fishing or stick around the bottom of the upper french ? it looks like 16 km haul from where we are staying to nippising . Thank you
  7. awesome im interested to see it and how you have it rigged up to your boat
  8. if you can throw a pic or two on so i can see your setups. thanks
  9. which section of the french?
  10. hard to beat a bucktail or large spinnerbait up here in the kawarthas. I really liked the super stalkers as well, especially the ones with the plastic tails. When i was a younger guy, I remember "wiley lures" being a big deal I havent got any of em, anymore. Ps Can you still get the superstalkers with the plastic tail? or is that what makes them super. or was it the size?
  11. Keith is a buddy of mine. He is doing well and stable and is in good spirits considering the situation. A lot of details have not been disclosed as the SIU is investigating. It is my understanding he was shot once in the leg and once in the chest (towards the arm). Keith is not what many would think of a cop typically being. He is a real beauti! does a lot of good things and is a guys guy. So i have no doubt he will make a speedy recovery, it just puts things in perpesctive real quick with a wife and kids at home. I will pass along your well wishes and look forward to the next beer with ya bud !
  12. No i did not purchase my used boat in the US but would like to hear your experience with both . Thanks
  13. hey guys ,im looking at possibly buying a new or used boat. i have done some reasearch into some boats manufacuters ie crestliner,lund,legend etc. im looking for something in the 16 - 18 ft range and i would be happy if it pushes along at 30 mph. this will be my second boat i had a 17 ft princecraft before which i had to sell to go to school. anywhoo any advice good or bad on some aluminum deep hull boats would be much appreciated. just want to be as informed as possible . what kinda boats you guys driving or reccomend . they all claim to be the best . thanks for you input
  14. Does anyone use those topwater frog buzzbaits? I think there from Rebel, with the back legs working like propeller kicking up water. Its not my favourite bass lure but man is it fun, and a producer for anything. If ya dont have one go to crappie tire and grab one . Its a blast!
  15. thanks for your reply. Sadly enough we have to go at the beginning of august due to the fact that most guys in our group can only get that time off so cest la vie! we will try and make the best of it. We were at wolsely bay in june and it was slow for sure lots of little pike and some acccidental ooo smallies, with one decent 45" muskie caught in the north channel trolling a 6 inch white husky jerk.(8pm at night) It probably wasnt the best time of year for us to go but the price was right for sure ! if you have any info you could share thats great and if you have any questions regarding the middle french perhaps i could help. regardless im hoping the fishing is a little better but understand that nothing is for sure .
  16. Thanks guys! im gunna look into those.
  17. Hello im looking at picking up a handheld fishing GPS. Im looking for reccomendations or your thoughts into one that works well for getting out when i dont have my own boat with me and also user friendly. price range 250- 350. Thanks guys
  18. Hey guys just planning our annual boys fishing trip. We decided to move from the middle french (last year, Wolseley Bay) to the upper french this year and are giving some thought to staying with steve at chaudiere lodge. Just looking for any feeback on the lodge or fishing quality on the upper french for august. thanks guys
  19. I cant agree more with the above postings, I keep telling all my friends what a fantastic forum website we have here. Such a great mix of individuals. Although i cannot always provide feedback or opions daily i can promise its the only website i read through everyday. ( wanna see if anyone knows where i can get a sticker for the car to spread the word around). This is gunna sound so stupid but im proud to be a member of a club with such fine people. Wish I had known about it years ago !
  20. Thats funny because from the age of 9 to the time when you couldnt get them anymore i had always used frogs. The crazy thing is that i liked to play with them and thought it was a blast to go out and catch em, but make no mistake i didnt hesitate putting them on the hook. Is there anything better for large mouth. Who needs italo to show you anyway, my grandmother of 82 showed me how to put em on the hook. If i were heading up to the cottage on north baptiste she would always phone me up before i left and say " hey can you pick me up 6 dozen frogs at stones on your way up " The good ole days. Shes still around and still loves bass.
  21. I have fished the lower french, middle french, wondering if you guys think that its worth trying out the upper french or just move on? Thanks guys .
  22. Its amazing these days the lack of respect some kids have. Im not a young guy but, gone are the days of that fear for authority figures ( ie parents,police,or teachers). My parents never beat me but there was always a calming respect and fear of what the consequences of my actions would be.I live in a decent neighbourhood now and live beside this family (obviously disfunctional) whos kids are 6 and 11. The things these kids are saying are things that i wasnt saying till my first year of midget hockey. It doesnt matter what time of day, sunday morning, you can hear explenatives 8 houses away. they will sit there on the side of the road where the speed limit is like 15 and throw pebbles at peoples cars as they drive by, standing right on the curb 5 feet from you ! The balls on these kids are incredible. Not need to hide or run away. You get out of the car and and they basically say to go screw yourself. An 11 year old ! my jaw just dropped.I go right to the parents and within 3 seconds i understand where the kids are getting it from. I call the cops but trust me that fear just isnt there anymore,the kid puts the face on for 10 mins and then pooof the cop leaves and hes right back to normal. I think its sad to say but i think the days of heart to hearts are dwindelling there maybe a few left that will genuinely listen and absorb the advice you give them, but sadly i think for the most part that number is getting smaller. Damn Media!
  23. Thanks Leechman , that was exactly what i was looking for! cheers
  24. hello everyone, i know its a little early to be planning next summmers boys fishing trip but i really want to make it a good one, thus reaching out to ofner's for suggestions. We are looking for some fantastic fishing paritcularly big pike, bass, or muskie? i remember reading a post that was great with guys really catching some lunker pike(Cant remember the name of the flyin lake). Been to kesagami and the french and am wanting to amp it up this year any suggestions guys. Would like to keep it within 10-12 hours of toronto. not wanting to know honey lakes just past experiences you may have had. Thanks so much !
  25. Hey Lew , I also live in the peterborough area and had the same troubles I am 5"10" and around the same weight. The only spot i found that had one that fit me was grimsby tackle and it was a black and yellow bouy o boy one and it fits great i wear it for everything winter related, It was a few years ago that i picked it up from a muskie convention in st.catherines but give em a call.
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