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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Glad to hear you and Diane are having a great time, despite the challenging weather. I think every picture of you has that same grin on your face, I love it ! lol. Hope it picks up for you, I'm sure a biggun is coming your way !
  2. I'm out on buckhorn in 7-8 ft of water sonar is stating a water temperature of 64.8 degrees. I can't remember seeing that before. However it has been chilly at night the last few days. It was 78 degrees on Monday Tuesday. Lol I wonder how the fishing will be. Keep ya posted.
  3. I really enjoy September/October fishing on pigeon/ buckhorn. I usually find after the kids go back to school and the evenings get a little too cool for cottagers and weekend warriors, the traffic on the lake is significantly less and in my opinion I some of the best fishing times of the year. As soon as October hits it becomes big smallie and big muskie time for me as they are putting on the feed bag pretty good and those two species take most of my attention that time of year. I find that the snakes one might catch in july and early august can put on significant weight into October and even November, sometimes the action can be a little slower but size and weight can definitely be worth the wait. I have had some of my best muskie and smallie days in October and November taking both of my PB in those months.
  4. So I was blowing through Cavan yesterday which is a small town outside of Peterborough, and I had to pull into the gas station to grab some gas. I looked over and noticed a boat that I recognized and saw it was the extreme angler boat. I said "hey Karl, I like the show." He said " wait till you see todays show." I expected that to be kind of it in terms of conversation, I'm not the type of guy who prods for information, or even if its a celebrity or athlete I have never been one to ask for autographs or pictures with them its just never been my style. My folks ran a catering company for years and had opportunities to meet lots of celebrities over the years as they had contracts with various entertainment groups to supply the food from pro hockey teams to artists of country, rock and heavy metal music and comedians, and by know means do I think Karl Kalonka is a big time celebrity, but I do enjoy his show. Any who, I expected the conversation to end at me stating that I enjoyed his show and to keep putting out great shows, well in an extremely busy gas station he went on to take 10 mins to tell me how is day went, on the water, what patterns he was noticing, where fish were staging, lure choices that were producing and body of water fished etc. I just thought it was classy for him to take some time, with out invitation to share information with a guy who just said he enjoyed his show. I wasn't looking for anything in return, and granted he coulda just said thanks and that be that, but he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, and I know a lot of tournament bass guys and information isn't something that comes out to often, or better yet accurate information, its generally pretty vague. It made my day, and even though its only a few minute sample size , I would say he's a classy guy
  5. I'm never one to laugh at the mis-fortunes of others, but I laughed incredibly hard watching this. Not a bear attack, not a moose attack, a goose attack ! Priceless! That's one tough goose!
  6. sorry guys your all wrong the best show out there by far is "Outdoor Passion" with host Ray Carignan. There's a half hour of your life you'll never get back. He sounds like Kermit the frog. If you ever need motivation on becoming a fishing tv show host, this will boost your confidence. Big Time!
  7. Steve is a great host, and runs a good ship at chaudiere lodge! Looks like you had some decent fishing and good memories to reflect on !
  8. Thanks Lew, that was a great read, especially being from the area I always enjoy learning something i didn't know before.
  9. Mosquitos are terrible out but my place by rice lake. I pull in the driveway and haven't even got outta the truck yet and I can see them start to swarm around me, as if they are waiting for the buffet to open. black flies are gone, however the blackflies only seem to annoy me, I never really get bit by them.
  10. I'm glad to hear it! With service like that you probably wont hesitate to buy another Shimano product !
  11. sorry my attempt to post a pic through photobucket did not go well. I will try again.
  12. I have a humminbird 570 portable, I don't use it very much anymore, but it does come in handy when travelling back lakes or moving from boat to boat. Suction cup transducer can be a little bit of a pain in the arse sometimes but its one large battery and comes in its own little case, I think they sell em at CT now I paid a lot more for mine a few years back. It may be worth looking at. I think I paid like $375 for mine but I think they are a lot more reasonable now.
  13. Thanks for the tip Lew! Foolishly I was going to go home and apply it to large sections of the grass, without even thinking duh, it might kill your grass if its going to kill the dandelions. thank god its Friday! and the lawnmower Lew is running like a top! thanks again!
  14. thanks folks, I guess I was deep down hoping for a "miracle fix". But I knew that probably wasn't going to be the case. It looks like I will be spending some money on grass seed and top soil.
  15. Hello all, well its that time of the year and the dandelions are out in full force. I have stopped and bought a 1 gallon jug of scotts weed killer, and it had ok results, but at 40 bucks for a gallon and having a sizeable lawn I'm not made of money.lol. so I read online and watched some youtube videos about people using a vinegar, dish soap, salt or citrus solution. Im just curious as to what you guys use and your results. I hate cutting my lawn and it looks great and the next morning I wake up saying "are you kidding me there back already." Is it true you can buy "industrial" (laugh) strength weed killer in quebec ? or is that a pipe dream. Thanks everyone!
  16. That's ridiculous! He will have to have his hands registered as lethal weapons by age 5.
  17. Well I did a little research and went to a local place here in town that deals with stihls which Lew recommended they were quite informative and nice to deal with. I ended up spending a little more than I had planned but feel as though I got a decent weed trimmer I got the Stihl FS 56 RCE straight shaft. It was apparently on sale for a 229.00 plus tax. Thanks for all you insight and help.
  18. Wow Lew, thank you! That is just awesome, you truly made my day! I work in the north end of Peterborough so it would be a short drive for me to meet up with you. Perhaps if your around Friday late afternoon I could swing by. thank you again and I will have look at that shop on Lansdowne. I will PM you to find out a date and time that is convenient for you and your address.
  19. Hi everyone, I need to purchase a new/used Weed whacker and push lawn mower. I have a decent size property and already have a JD rider but I need a weed whacker and a push lawn mower. what do you use for both and what are your thoughts on them.? I have read some reviews on line but I never trust them lol. For a weed whacker I was looking at a stihl or echo, I would like to get the most bang for my buck I have probably $225 after taxes budget for a weed whacker. I have also been looking around on kijiji for a used push mower as I only need it for a long hill, there was an old lawn boy maybe early 90's that apparently runs , guy wants 50 bucks. any who let me know. I very much appreciate it
  20. I believe our house was built in 85. Thanks cliff.
  21. Hello all, I thought I would ask the opinion of the members here because I value your insight. I have recently purchased a new to me home back in January 2014. So long story short is that I would like to build a deck off the back of our house, I'm not concerned with the deck infringing on our neighbours property as our property is quite large and the deck would be no where near the property line. However off of the back of our house lies our septic tank and then ( i'm assuming) in to a weeping bed. I have a rough idea of where the tank is as it was the first spot to have the snow melted in a nice rectangular shape, however we haven't had it pumped and we did spend a few hours trying to find the access to the tank with out success. So I obviously want to avoid the tank with pouring the footings and all, and my question is this do I need to pay a survey company to come and tell me where it is ? I imagine that would be quite expensive, how much ? Is there a place that rents an x-ray machine? or would my local septic guy be sufficient at finding out where it is.? Thanks guys/gals I appreciate any of your feed back. hopefully this isn't too stupid of a question.
  22. Sufix 832 Advanced leadcore is the one that is a thinner diameter , and sinks 30% deeper and is claiming to be 70% stronger. Sufix performance is there standard leadcore. I use the Advanced strictly for the thinner diameter. Thus why the advanced is double the price of the performance. Room on the reel was everything for me
  23. If memory serves me correct I was getting about 5-7 feet per colour at about 1.5 - 2 mph. 10 yds per colour segment. It does eat up a lot of room on a reel, but not nearly as much as what the older lead core lines did. I think I spooled up with the 18 lbs test " suffix 832 advanced lead core" cause I was excited to give it a whirl and that was all they had in stock, so if your running 12 lbs, I would imagine it would be a smaller diameter I think I put 100 yds of Dacron backing and a 20 ft flouro leader. A skilled guy like yourself will figure out the line to leader connection which was my primary complaint. I think your going to like it. Ps the different bright colour sections are nice for visibility, you can really see that leadcore sink.
  24. I picked mine up at BPS over a year ago. I think it was around 40 bucks after taxes for 100 yds.
  25. I have the suffix 832 lead core on my big Okuma line counter reel. I was kind tired of using Steel line when we go laker fishing In Algonquin etc. Even though I have a line counter I like the feature of the different colour sections of line to help with knowing exactly the amount of line you have out ,a certain amount of yds trolled at specific speed achieves an approximate depth. The main reason I switched was to fight a fish with out the conventional "pool cue" steel rod. That was achieved, just make sure you have some good guides on your rod and your good to go. And the line sinks quite well. The only trouble I had was tying a double uni to my flouro leader. I would pull back the sheath , cut the piece of lead out then I would do my double uni. I found it better to have a swivel instead. One last thing make sure your reel as a decent amount of line capacity as you will need it. Am I in love with it ? No. But for me it's a lot better than the alternative when you don't have riggers or don't want a 2 -3 oz weight on the other end. It's a good product and was right for me. Hope this helps. Matt Culp
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