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Everything posted by mattybculp

  1. Do you find one site is more accurate than another ie The Weather Network, Enviroment Canada, or Accuweather ? Cause it can be crazy between the differences between them. You might think they would all get together and say " im saying its 6 degrees warmer and sunny while the other guy is saying its gunna be a lot colder and rain". Just wondering if you guys think that one is more accurate. I am an educated man (my mother made me) so I understand that they have a great deal of education behind the science of things, and that weather is unpredictable so im saying these things light hearted, not like im looking for heads to roll. Just giving them a hard time like people have since the dawn of weather predicitons, of course its a useful source of information which I continue to use, but im just venting cause I dont care if im on holidays down south and they get it wrong, but when it comes to my fishing trip, which I enjoy and look forward too 50 times more than vacationing im hoping there on there "A" game. Thats all. PS if there are any meteoroligist memebers on the board I apologize if I have hurt your feelings. sort of. - The End-
  2. So true, and im a baseball fan so i get it . But your totally right.
  3. I always say if I was wrong 60 percent of the time like the weather network is, I would be out of business. Will do for sure, I will keep my fingers crossed that the system either slows down or speeds up and will for sure post a reprt with pics when I get back
  4. Well our annual fishing trip is upon us. This year we are heading up Kipawa way in Quebec to target some early season pike and lakers with hopefully some eyes, Starting monday June 3rd to 7th. So like every nut out there I start watching the forecasts as soon as that 14 day trend comes available sometimes twice a day. So ofcourse its starts out with that standard prediciton I swear they put out . 20 degrees, 20% POP variable sun for all the days of our trip, ( which I know from past years always changes) but no matter what, it starts you off with a positive outlook of something that you cannot control, the weather. So ofcourse a few days pass by and the forecast turns to heavy rain forecasts but temperatures respectable, so now im really trying to believe in that statement that " its early, plenty of time for things to change." Sure enough I check 2 days later and its rebounded to favourable and stable weather again. So now im pumped, even a couple fist pumps I can remember were done, alone ofcourse haha. Then I check yesterday for mondays forecast, 1 day later from when I checked it last and whammy like a kick to the stones the weather has turned back to the worst. Hot, humid days with rain and thunderstorm activites followed to a drop to 12 degrees for the first day of our trip which im sure will accompany a nice north wind! I would like to think I have decent common sense, but clearly I go through this same spiel every year, so its clealry not regestering, or as the wife thinks that I have selective memory. But needless to say, weather network you are cruel, and you hurt my feelings. Haha. So now im back on the wagon of believing weather is unpredictable and can take a change back once again, to good weather. I think im crazy. Ofcourse the worst day of fishing is better than a great day at the the office, but I cant seem to get a break the past 4 years, and its tough when you gotta make your reservation 6 moths in advance. I swear im not crazy but stongly considering it. So I shouldnt probably damn the weather network, rather myself for believing in "santa". Ps im chuckling while typing this cause im in denial. You know the saying if you cant laugh at your self, then ........ Cheers guys! Matt
  5. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Bruce !
  6. Moosebunk that is impressive man. WoW !
  7. also felt it in peterborough. It shook 3 pictures off the wall
  8. I Really like the zoom product, I use the hook with the attachment where you can either screw on your bait or the one I prefer is the one you can push the head of the bait up. I fish it weightless and love it. However nothing is as good as real frogs. awwww to remember the good ol' days " i'll take 5 dozen "
  9. awesome video! The lures look great!
  10. I remember fishing opener pike outta GB (Key River) and there was constantly a guy on the bow looking for "Prop Wreckers" I remember one guy tore the lower unit off of his motor twice and 2 props in the course of a week, and it wasnt like he was reckless kinda more like bad luck . it wasnt a lot of fun for him sitting around for days waiting for a new lower unit and props brought out to him and then hours to fix. I remember the bill for it all was crazy, luckily for him money wasnt a problem. Is it true you have to have seperate boat insurance for Georgian Bay? I heard that, but wasnt sure if it was true due to all the rocks.
  11. Buy a net, not a cradle. I have one if anyone wants it ! free for the taking !
  12. Just takes a little research on the intra-net and im sure you will find what you are looking for. Theres gotta be a couple hundread spots. P.S. Welcome to the board.
  13. Awesome information guys, its much appreciated ! I always enjoy new information !
  14. Well I have been getting into a little more laker fishing these past couple of years, and im talking about more smaller lakes ie. algonquin park lakes not lake Ontario. We hump into a lot of the lakes so downriggers and such arent really viable. Last year I was using steel line on a steel lining rod with decent success. But im not a big fan, if I have a 2-3lbs laker on I can barely feel the fight due to my rod which is like a pool cue. I decided to spool up my okuma line counter with 100 yds of 18lbs suffix performance leadcore (with backing and a 30ft fluorocarbon leader) with hopes i could use it with a "normal" rod. I have an 8ft med/heavy rod whuch I thought would suffice to pair it up with the reel. So does anyone use leadcore without the aid of riggers or divers ? if so im just looking for any advice you maybe able to share with me as my first experience will come first week in june fishing for lakers in quebec so im hoping the water will still be cold enough to touch em with just the leadcore. Is leadcore in your opions better than steel line ? ( im hoping so haha) Tanks as always
  15. I was in a wedding party this summer at the pier by the lighthouse ( i think there were some cannons there ) Buddy of mine has lived up there for 8 Years and have been up a few times but never fished. Never seen little communities come to life when summer rolls in like port elgin and south hampton. Beautiful area. I remember one year we rented kayaks and did a 10 km kayak ride ( down stream) trully enjoyable. I went to step out of my kayak on to what i thought was a sand bottom turned out it was covered with crawfish, i couldnt believe it, i had never seen that many crawfish in one spot in my entire life and too this day i remember that about the saugeen, it to seemed to be quite a healthy river.
  16. So I will make this short. Im a big Fan of shimano crucials, stradics, and curados in particular. I broke the tip off my 2 year old crucial, being an idiot and reeling down a snag on a stump and the trying you pop it off. I even lost the broken tip. I live in Peterborough which is convenient, but I drove it down to the Shimano Warehouse here in town they asked we for my name and address and where I had bought it, thats it, no receipt request or warranty paperwork found around the cork or foam required. I was literally in there for maybe 5 mins. Less than 2 weeks later, a brand new crucial arrives in the mail, asking only for a signature ( no shipping or tax charges . Now granted it had foam butt instead of cork which the broken one was and which I prefer, but I can learn to deal. In a world of bad experiences when it comes to "limited" warranties I have had a couple really good ones with shimano, and thus why I would continue to buy their product and dont mind paying $150 + bucks for items when they stand behind them.
  17. Well I own a .22 in my home, and if push came to shove, I would defend myself and family with that as an absolute last resort. I can tell you that it would have no problem handling the job if your so worried about protecting your family against home invasions. If my families life were in jeopardy I could care a less about the law, my childrens lives would always come before any concern for mine. Everyone with the proper training and testing is allowed to own a firearm. What your talking about is carrying a handgun. Perhaps you would be the majority of the population whom is a responsible hand gun owner, but what about those who wont be ? The times that petty disputes are solved with a guy reaching in his car and ending it with one quick pull, or a kid taking mom or dads handgun to school and killing other 6 year olds, or the stolen hand guns that will become rampant putting even more hand guns into the hands of the wrong people. This is gunna happen. Now maybe its because im not running into crackheads with guns everyday, but i have had knives pulled on me and with common sense i avoided the situations. I have also been in situations where guys tried to beat my wallet outta me. if we were both carrying guns one of us would be dead. One time i took a good beating from 3 guys for some cash, but i never once wished i had a hand gun. If i have a gun isnt there a good chance he will have one aswell? I guess i have two hands, and believe that is the way about solving a dispute not pulling a gun. But yet again ive shot handguns but never had one pulled on me, or been robbed by one, Perhaps if my home was getting robbed by gun toting crackheads i would consider changing my location. I dont want to be america. If a crackhead were gunna rob me with a gun for $20.00 i Would hand it right over to him, and be happy to do it. I think to many people have seen Gran Torino. Do we really need to carry concealed weapons? really?i know its not football season but....... COME ON MAN ! ( wasnt gunna comment but oh well )
  18. This would be too exhausting to even have a debate about gun laws, and wearing concealed weapons. Its embarrassing to read. I wont even make a comment.
  19. LOL. I have watched a few of these videos. I havent seen someone fail to get the hook out as badly as this guy has failed. I like when he says its because the hook is too large then switches to a smaller hook and fails again.
  20. I really enjoy watching " Hooking Up" with mariko izumi.
  21. Depending on the size you need width and length ofcourse ask if they have any off cuts. I had to put a couter top on my reception area an "L" cove approx 8ft by 2 3/4 ft. I went out to a place that had all different kinds of counter tops Corian, marble, granite, etc. They had huge pieces of granite sitting outfront of there wearhouse and show room, I went in picked out a colour which i liked and got that price i believe it was 1300.00 bucks plus another 600.00 to have it measured up and installed. So I asked what was the deal with all the large pieces of granite out front they told me they were off cuts with imperfections in them. So I went out found the same coulour i wanted and the size i was looking for could be cut outta that slab and miss the flaw all together. Ended up costing me 450.00 we decided to do our own measurements ( and we checked like 6 times to make sure we had the correct measurements, there were lots of little different cuts to accomondate walls and trim) and install it ourselves we used a mini van with all the seats removed ( a new caravan) and lots of packing blankets and just drive easy make sure you got a few bodies to help you lift it. If your measurements are correct, it was pretty easy to install and im by no means handy. Its worth the savings to do it yourself with some planning if its pretty straight forward, unless its complicated and then you may want to spend the bucks and have them come and measure it up and install it. In my opinion I like the look of granite better than corian. Just my 2 cents.
  22. Fake or not - that is hilarious. x 2
  23. I hear Ryan Leaf is available .
  24. awesome man, what a battle !
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