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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Very good report. I'm happy you did well. From a customers point of view your booth looks fantastic! Your graphics are amazing!
  2. Awesome pix - thanx! Those things are huge!
  3. Not too wonder why the fish left!! It scares me too!
  4. You could feed a family of 4 with 2 of those! And .... have leftovers!
  5. Those are nice piggies! Good on ya!
  6. I always use stabil in my gas equipment & only Shell V power gasoline (V power contains 0 ethanol). I was unaware that there is a "marine grade" stabilizer. Where do I purchase this stuff? My Jiffy auger manual specifies a 24:1 mix. Anybody else have these specs? Mr. Topwater - I strongly recommend you read the owner's thoroughly before operating it. Follow their instructions. If your new auger should fail, at least you have followed their procedures when (hopefully it's not necessary) it comes time for a warranty repair.
  7. Cliff - That video is awesome! The old fella is 1 of a kind! At his age (77) I hope to be able to get out of my rocking chair.
  8. Although I've never used his services - Casey's - has a very good reputation. Also heard several good catching reports from this past week end from his huts. Also good scoop of minnows, plus last Thursday & Friday he offered free huts for the opener! Can't beat free!
  9. Thanx for your efforts! Very informative. The pic of you holding that brookie in such a beautiful setting is the best pic I've ever seen! Awesome!
  10. That's awesome Terry! Thanx. I smell another TOY coming to my house! I have some Bass Pro gift cards from Christmas.
  11. Our local building supply has them for free during the summer months.
  12. Nice fish - congrats! I really like the shots of them coming up the hole. I hope doggie wasn't cold.
  13. Wow! Those are some awesome walleye. Thanx for the pix! Nice boat! I've fished several lakes in your area but have yet to make it to Horwood. Shining tree was a blast but, lottsa smaller walleye. I'll be seeking info for accomodations etc as we get closer to open water. Thanx
  14. Wow! Nice story to go with your beauty pix.
  15. I'm not an expert about who's leading who in the zoo! But, I will say those pix are awesome!
  16. Too bad about the reel. Nice pike. Beautiful scenery.
  17. Nice perch for sure! I can't wait to get out. The cold temps & high winds have kept me house bound.
  18. Awesome! Thanx for posting. That man is a genius! At 77 years old - I hope to be able to get outta the rocking chair!
  19. Hey Nick - Sounds like a good time! Run & Gun! Spread out a bit, when you get on fish, phone the others, you'll all be together then. I can't commit at this time. I'm in the oil fields out west in Fort McMurray. Off for Christmas break right now, but, could get the call to return to work at any time. Have fun. The GTG in 2012 was awesome!
  20. Hilarious but stupid! The title sums it all up.
  21. I use the metal hand warmers. The type you add lighter fluid and light them. I also have artic armour mitts - but they're too bulky to fish with.
  22. Hey Nipfisher - Do you still have your hut at the same location? I wanna get up there again. I love perchin'!
  23. Yup. Co pilot is the wireless remote. I love it!
  24. I have the Bird 798 SI/DI - 1 transducer. I love the side image when I'm trolling. I see fish off to the side of the boat, move over 15' or so - Wham! - Fish on!
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