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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. ENCROACHMENT; The unauthorized intrusion onto the lands and property of another. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT; An agreement permitting the encroachment of an improvement onto the ajoining parcel of land that may be registered against the title of both properties affected by the encroachment. Application; Under the encroachment agreement the owner whose land has been encroached upon by the improvement essentially forebears from exercising his/her legal right to to require the improvement to be removed from the land. Encroachment agreements are often encounterd where one owner has inadvertently built a building, fence, or driveway over ajoining land. This agreement may contain provisions that call for the removal of the offending improvement upon the happening of a future event,e.g. destruction by fire or wind, or by a specific time. The market value of the property may be adversely affected to the extent that a risk exists and/or that the offending improvement might have to be removed at a certian time or in the event of partial or full destruction by fire or other cause. Obviously this encroachment wasn't registered or your kids lawyer would of noticed it while doing a title search. Maybe have them talk to the lawyer that handled their legal matters for the purchase since he is familiar with their file.
  2. I think there should be a law that states if your an eligable voter and you do not vote you will be fined, lets say 250.00. Then maybe people will take a bit of time and educate themselves about our prov and fed political agendas. And also if you hold a law degree you can't be a politician. And if you promise you will do something, or won't do something during your election campaign and then when elected you do it. Immediate dismissal without compensation. We need more common folk as politicians and less lawyers. That should get rid of most of the lying that goes on right there.
  3. Why do people with kayaks or canoes need a boat launch anyways?
  4. Giving back, is a wonderful thing in this take,take,take, society we live in. I only wish more people would do it. Giving back to something you truly believe in not only makes you feel good, but has a great sense of accomplishment as well. I see this every year with trying to get volunteers for minor hockey in my area. Awesome job Ron and a big thanks for your time.
  5. I have the same charger on my bassboat and have never had any of the led lights blinking on and off. Not sure what that means. Dual Pro has great customer service whenever I have had to have a question answered. I have had trolling batteries last over 5 yrs and still going strong. I just swapped them out and put them in my cruiser two yrs ago and there still fine. I just didn't want to take any chances with tired batteries while fishing bass tourneys. I think the key to battery longevity is battery maintenance. Charge them back up immediately after use. Never leave them sit for any lenght of time half charged or nearly dead. The batteries I swapped out of my bassboat after five yrs were Trojan batteries. My new ones are Energizer and there on there third season and still running like new. Time will dictate if there as good as the Trojan batteries.
  6. Check your neighbours garden. I think your looking for garden worms?
  7. Theres a gas station in Tamiskaming we always stop at to get our beer before heading into the bush(kipiwa sec). We get our licences there as well and the great specials on beer. 24 cans of coors light for 24 bucks. Thats popular with the guys. This place even has a good selection of cigars. Cohibas, Monte Cristos etc. A cool little store.
  8. Crappy Tire aint what it used to be. They have some good sales on fishing gear periodically, but in general their prices on fishing gear are not any cheaper than the small private shop. And crappy has buying power, where the little shop doesn't.
  9. Costco in Quebec has 55 cans of beer for 59.oo taxes and deposit included.
  10. Are you burning old gas from last year?
  11. Henry, I was down at the beach walking my dog this morning and the place looks like a dump. There is garbage cans every 100 ft apart and you have to walk right past them on the way to the parking lot. And still people leave all there garbage all over the beach and shoreline. Absolutely disgusting. What is wrong with people today? Garbage thrown out of car windows all the way up the street as well. most of it is beer cans and empty water bottles. Maybe water bottles should be banned? I don't know.
  12. The worst part is he has to appear in court to pay his no life jacket fine. My buddy got pinched last year for not enough life jackets in his boat and he had to appear before a judge. He said the judge scolded him like a little boy in front of a full house. Rather embarassing to say the least.
  13. Those are the biggest perch I have ever seen. Way to go.
  14. As soon as you pull a bass of their nest the rock bass and other small panfish move in and chow down on the eggs. They can emty a nest in the amount of time that you hook, catch and release a bass. That is why they are so agressive and will hit anything that comes near them. I see people shore fishing on smallmouth spawning beds down the street from my house every spring. When I ask them what they are fishing for they say catfish. You can catch smallies every cast in this area. Must be pretty hard to charge someone for fishing out of season bass when they don't have any in there posession. Is there a fine for disturbing spawning fish thats closed to fishing? I have never seen or heard of a C.O. checking this location for people fishing bass but have seen them 300 mteters down the road at the boat launch, checking fisherman when they come off the water in the evening. Last year they introduced a slot limit on Walleye and are pinching a few people with illegal walleye.
  15. Originally my boat had a 12/24 system trolling motor and came with two 50A CB's.
  16. I caught one two yrs ago on the Ottawa while tubing a shoal for sm bass. I felt a hit and set the hook and the fight was on. It towed my bass boat 100 yrds into deeper water and then turned around and towed me back to the shoal. When I got her up to the boat my jig was about 1 inch above her tail. I had no net and had to tail her. Finally got her in the boat a weighed her on my digital scales and she was 38 lbs. Awesome fish Corey way to go.
  17. I hit the water here at 5am and was off by noon on both sat and sun just to avoid all that was mentioned above. The fishing was lousy anyways. People parking their vehicles 6 ft from each other in the vehicles with trailers only parking lot. Half the vehicles in the parking lot had no trailers. I watched one guy pull his new 3 seater Sea-Doo out of the water and it slid off the trailer half way up the ramp. Trucks stalled in the water because the water is to shallow to launch a big boat. People being towed in all weekend because they have hit rocks. I watched one clown use his big motor to help get his boat on the trailer in 1 ft of water and when he pulled his boat out his stainless prop was toast. Trucks getting towed out of the launch because they backed out to far and got stuck in the sand. It was a CIRCUS. I have heard of at least 15 boats hitting rocks or shoals this weekend. With the water being down about 5 to 6 ft here on the Ottawa things are not looking good. Now if I could only invent a pill for stupidity I would be a rich man. Like my dad said on the weekend common sense isn't very common anymore.
  18. I was out on the Ottawa last sunday and the water was 50 degrees. I went out on wednesday and the water was 59.
  19. I think if your 65yrs of age or older you do not need a fishing licence.
  20. I wrote mine about 10 years ago after I could not get an answer from anyone suppose to be in the know, if you need a boaters card even if you have a capt's licence. Lets just say I'm glad they don't hand out cap't licences like they do these boaters cards. I had to have a medical, eye exam, and pay a guy to come from Montreal to administer the exam and do a on water practical exam as well aboard the 55 foot boat I would be running at the time.
  21. Hey Paul, take a pill and chill dude. No need to be calling a fellow OFNR a idiot. Opinions are like Aholes everyone has one. For your information I have talked to Irish numerous times and I think he's a pretty knowledable guy. I have disagreed with him on different things and he doesn't come back and call me names. As a matter of fact I have never met the guy before but someday I probably will, and we will have a good discussion about various things I'm sure. And didn't anyone ever tell you that first impressions mean alot. This is a great site and we all have the same sickness. We love to fish. And sometimes we even stick up for each other too. Just the other day someone told me Irish likes poop sandwiches, and I told them thats not true because Irish doesn't like bread. Now go fishing Paul it will make you feel better. It works for the rest of us. fish
  22. When all else fails try a 8 to 12 inch sucker under a float and hold on.
  23. I'm heading to Lake Clear to find some nice Walleye on sunday and monday.
  24. I had the same thing, but really bad. I went to a specialist to see if he could help me. He gave me a perscription. A mickey of Wisers Deluxe the night before and a 60 to bring along just in case. Have a good one.
  25. Went out on the Ottawa River yesterday for Northerns. Man was it hot out. We trolled about 4 miles of shoreline and the bite was slow. We went four for six. four hammer handles and the two nicest fish were both lost halfway to the boat. Took my buddy from Victoria out, he hasnt caught a northern since we were kids. Even though he lost both big fish it was nice to see him get all excited. So we are going to try on the weekend again but in a different area. We were slow trolling 8 to 10 inch suckers under floats. And man the water is low some of the shoreline is hard to recognize because it looks so different with all the rocks that are showing everywhere. Managed to remember to put sunscreen on before we left but I forgot to do my toes and burnt them (was wearing sandles). Be very careful out there, I saw rocks yesterday that I never new were there. One in particular that was in 16 fow and a foot below the surface and the size of a house. Thank god I was on the electric. Hopefully will have some pics to post on monday. Have a great long weekend everyone and be CAREFUL out there.
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