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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. LOL Doug...you gots that problem tooooo ..oh...and THANKS Rick !
  2. How many minute delay for the half time show this year ! LOL Joey's got the right idea...more fish for the lot of us on Sunday. I'll be up in "God's country" with Leah and won't have a choice between Superbowl and fishing on our two channel TV. Mind you it looks like -32C for Sunday am...so I may make a choice between fishing and something else...if ya know what I mean....
  3. Anbody that has seen a bull moose in person knows that there is no need to "look" ! "It" presents itself very clearly. LOL
  4. Mark...what was he working in.. injection moulds, stamping dies etc. ? If injection moulds...I can put some feelers out to the many shops we use in the city. Wayne
  5. I just edited a post and it no longer comes up and gives you the choice between quick edit and full edit. Quick edit would just stay on the same page and let you edit right in the post...it now takes you to a full edit/reply page to do an edit adding a couple page loads to get it done.
  6. Rick, will the "quick edit" feature be coming back? It was priceless on Dial up.
  7. but by the looks of the picture is correct....
  8. Amazing what you can get an animal to do after it's been castrated.
  9. I'm assuming prizes for the Ice fishing for Tyler event.
  10. Not sure what the best "bait" would be Darren. He did have a really good show a few weeks back with Pat Burns fishing with him.
  11. Flame job on the paint and some knobby tires to get you down to the fishin hole and you're all set Paul !
  12. Ray..the (semi) legal method..and what I had to do with a Daughter that left her Card in TO, when she came to the lake this summer. Buy another licence from the bait shop and have them tick the box for the "lost" OD card. Fish with the new piece of paper and destroy the old card when you get home. Keep your mouth shut when the CO's boat is banging the gunnel of yours! And Paul..I hear you on the upgrade CAN"T and why I took some Muskie flack fishing my final year of three on my Conservation licence. You can't go buy a 1 year Sports licence and slap it on the back of your three year Con Licence card.
  13. I'm not one for ice myself... ..but when my wife is baiting for ice she usually uses Crown Royal or Baileys! Sorry..couldn't resist!
  14. Do it now...while you're young enough to fall on your face and still be able to re-enter the work force! And I mean that with all the sincerity in the world. If you've thought about it this hard you'll only kick yourself in the arse 20 years from now....wondering if you'd be sitting in a fishing boat on a Wednesday morning...instead of behind the desk you're behind right now. I did it 22 years ago and at the time I left an $18.65/hr job with lots of overtime. Going hiring rate at Wang, IBM and Spar Aerospace in those years was ~ $6/hr, so I'd say I left a good job at the time. .. Now with John's post...I will add that the sacrifice for independance was I missed my three kids growing up! But I'll tell you I'd never have been able to afford their average of $15k/yr (x 3 kids x 5 years average each) for University if I hadn't taken the gamble.
  15. If he doesn't figure out what's causing this pretty quick....Kirk may have a custom rod of his own....
  16. Looks great Lew! Very similar to what Kristal built me for Christmas last year. Now about them thar holes....are they going to help them dry out...or get wet when it rains! LOL
  17. Cliff..just keep your chine up, reline those ice rods and plug forward. Forget the lawyer (sorry Kirk/Marty) he's just going to cost you more money than you'll be able to get...and the most you can get out of the employer by Ontario regs is 1 week for every year or part of, of continuous employement...so they owe you 2 weeks pay for not giving you notice of termination. Nothing more..nothing less well except 4% vac pay.
  18. I don't know John..I already had to buy a bigger boat for all my gear. I probably should stay out of a place like that..LOL
  19. Yep a tad North (20/30 minutes or so) of the Village of Temagami. Far size lake and very clear waters like Lake Temagami. Have never fished it though. ... Just grabbed my area map and A-Nip has Lakers/Pike/Pickeral and Small Mouths in it. You can access the VERY south end by going down the Red Squirrel lake Road. You can access the North end of the lake just before Latchford on a road that runs across the south tip of Bay Lake. On your way in that road you pass Walter Lake that is supposed to have Rainbows in it. LOTS of smaller lakes in the area as Bunk has pointed out and rivers/streams flowing between them. Anima-Nippising Lake is about 10 miles long. LOTS of bays and jogs to it ....so be sure to have good maps of it and the area before heading in, so you don't get lost.
  20. Cliff....you got the new line on the ice rod yet? Take it as a sign for some more R & R. I guess that's when the bugger put the screws to you...while you were away, but this time you can go out and not worry about what's happening at the office. It's unfortunate...but we all run into a few of these self centered, back stabbin, pricks in our lives.
  21. 2 hours from where might help the lads! Temagami Shores. Get a nice room to play in for the night on Valentines Day and transported out to the huts thru the day to fish...or Loon Lodge, or Ketchenany Lodge etc.
  22. Sorry Bud..one afternoon in the boat with you was enough! LOL J/K Have a GREAT time Randy! I'm sure someone here will be game.
  23. Yes Connie...I'm in the aircraft business....but where the heck did you get the idea that I was a fisherman?
  24. Just to help the lads... help you out John. "2 hours" would be about 280 miles from his border crossing point guys...unless he runs into the usual soggy weather of Superiors "foot hills".
  25. ..is there a number we can call? lol
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