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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That's some great stuff Jack...and I don't even walk with a limp yet! Seriously...the recipient will be VERY pleased I'm sure, it looks very realistic.
  2. Why Martin....do you think your baby is his? LOL ! Seek some professional advise Bill..dont' be like the rest of us men!
  3. Thanks Pete...Will give everyones suggestions a whirl if I get up there. Medical issues in the family my have just put the weekend trip on hold.
  4. Maybe take the float tubes to be safe! LOL Sorry, can't help ya bud..haven't been up that way..let alone in the air yet this winter to see what's actually frozen around here.
  5. Right at the dock 12' tapers out to 34 FOW for most of the bay.
  6. Thanks Pete! I made it hypothetical to get what I was hoping... "What makes you decide where to drill a hole"...shoreline detail/island/point etc. Maybe I looked too hard...read too much into things last time out. Maybe instead of travelling all over a slush covered lake last year I should have just drilled a hole between the shoal/point of my own Island and dock...considering all my PB's have come casting off my dock casting at that very spot!
  7. Thanks Darren. Anybody else with experience on this lake?
  8. Thanks Glen. I'll wait 'till we have less activity on our server and try to get it to load up. How long is it?....the video Glen!
  9. Na...they cheat and chum the holes! LOL Besides, Martin, I can stand to lose a few pounds.
  10. Heck with the tent...looks like a great winter preheater for my airplane when up at the lake.
  11. I can't watch it on dial up...but is it the one where the guy shows you to wait and let your hands freeze to the ice so you can pull yourself out without picks?
  12. Tried that last year..rock face that went straight in...34 FOW a couple feet from the shoreline. Nadda.
  13. Amazing what can be done to delay cabin fever around here LOL ! Seriously....this was a serious question..just spiced up a tad to "catch" your interest. Goran...there are no crowds to follow. Last time I struck out I was the only guy on the lake and shooting blind, with a single ice fishing expedition under my belt with DWC and Tonyb leading the way. Sounds like I did a few things correctly....but definitely not my second day where I picked a spot out in the depths and once punched thru I found with my humminbird portable that I was on 180FOW. I'm headin North on Friday and hopefully with the help of this thread will eat! Wayne
  14. I know there's a few here that have fished this lake and/or stayed at Herridge Lake Lodge. I'm absolutely not looking for any fishing spots, just curious how you found the lake for fishing in general and what you caught.
  15. ...with your ice auger, rod, coleman stove and a bag of fish-crisp. You haven't eaten at all for 2 days... How would you decide where to drill your first hole in the ice... with great expectations of eating some lunch?
  16. John, years back I had a '58 182A that I visited many 1000 ft ultralight strips with! Yours would definitely be fine on 2800 feet of grass, or less, for sure fully loaded for a holiday. If you give some more specifics as to how far North you'd like to go, what you'd like to fish for etc I'm sure the lads here, me included, will help you have an enjoyable trip. Like Smokey says, lots of choices and small towns etc that have strips where the lodge will come and pick you up..even though it is really nice when you can leave 1/2 your stuff in the airplane and not worry about it being some distance away unsecure though. Need to put some 'phibs under that machine! Wayne
  17. Rick..you say waterproof units are pretty costly. I just did a search on what is coming in my Lund as the Sony "upgrade" and much to my surprise the unit itself can be had for less than $150US from many online order houses. Put Sony and CDXF50M in a web search and it will come up with lots of places to order from and reviews. 52W x 4 channels. If you want the hand held remote for the thing it costs darn near as much as the unit .
  18. Yep...don't let a troll get your nickers in a knot! Your just doing exactly what they want...causing a ruckus on OFC.
  19. John, due to the Northern Terrain the pickins are pretty slim in many parts for where you can fly in on land and walk to your cabin, then hit the lake. Can you be a little more specific as to WHAT you are flying. It will make a huge difference as to the few spots that are out there. Other options are flying into a dual use strip like Orillia/Lake St.John and then boarding one of Stanton Airways float planes to a back lake cabin. Also how far North are you willing to go? What have you got in mind? Maybe you can fly most of the way and get picked up by the lodge. For instance you can fly into Red Lake and land on the 5000' of pavement and have one of many lodges shuttle you out of there..or from the float base at the town dock. Others like that would be Hearst and then get shuttled West down hwy #11 to the float base and get taken North. Elmhirst Resort on Rice Lake just South of Peterborough has a grass 2800 ft airstrip behind the lodge. Land, tie down and grab a boat. http://www.elmhirst.com/ Strip designator is CPS2. You could also get your float rating while you are there! Deerheast resort in Huntsville has a nice 3000 ft paved "hill" hiding in the trees/rocks just across the highway from the resort...but I wouldn't call it a fishing camp or lodge. High pinky hotel maybe... lol Designator is CDH1 There are others, but like I asked...what are you flying? Lots of grass strips, but you may not be wanting to land an RG or something on them. There's a grass strip just down the road from Lakair Lodge http://www.lakair.com/ that Kevin would surely run and get you from as well, but I have never seen the grass cut on any of my fly overs or drive bys...so you'd want to prearrange that for sure. It's also not in the Flight Suppliment anymore...so maybe the owner closed it up. You could fly up to Moosonee (CYMO). just shy of Hudson Bay, and pay Moosebunk to take you on a tour of a lifetime! Oh...and don't forget...you need a passport to fly back into your country! Don't need one to get here...we'll take anyones money! LOL
  20. Great stuff Aaron. Tony should have brought a sleeping bag and just stayed the night ! LOL As for the hummingbird in the cold. I've left my Portable in the (powered turned off) cottage on Lake Temagami the last two winters and it worked just fine when I used it for depth/fish info last March and I used it this summer as well in the tinny when we portaged into the back lake. Works just fine. Guess I'll see next weekend how it works.... after the -29 to -35 that is going on up there right now.
  21. Thanks for coming out of hibernation Bud! Exactly what I told your son to tell the callers...so they leave their garbage at the other end of the lake..LOL
  22. What..a report with no pretty pictures so we can put a face to the name... and I presume you mean you have a 100 fish to clean between you..not each? No problem finding bait ?
  23. In addition to what Tybo just said...also consider what that outboards alternator is going to cost you each time you pooch it. It's not designed to be charging dead batteries, especially three at a time...it's designed to top up your starting battery(s) and make up for use level due to use of the radio/nav light etc. Continuous output to charge all your trolling batteries is really going to shorten the life of that alternator and I'd only be doing something like this if you are regularily fishing somewhere that you don't have access to power for an onboard charger or similar for your trolling motor batteries. If you want to be certain that you have a battery to get home...consider two cranking batteries and a 1/2/both Marine battery switch. Start on battery 1 and then shortly after you've started out and recharged that one somewhat switch to battery 2 and charge it for the rest of the trip. If for some reason it becomes a dud...you have #1 to get you started and home and vis versa...really good for a day you've killed the battery from still fishing, radio on, nav lights on etc. NEVER leave the battery switch in BOTH for anything but desperation starting when you've almost killed both batteries for some reason.
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