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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I wouldn't even get off the boat in Jamaica....unless it's a guarded van trip straight to Appleton's Rum distillary. The Island sure hasn't become safer in the 17 years since I was there last! But yah ! Have FUN and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Kinda like walking many streets of TO at night... You may be on holidays, but the bad types aren't no matter where you go.
  2. walleyejigger....Do you have any chance of going bankrupt in your life time? Do you operate your own business, are you open to lawsuit, frivilous or otherwise. drive a boat without sufficient insurance coverage, build flying machines, have people land in your yard that could crash/die and have spouse/family sue your ass...etc ..etc.. or any scenario that sees you sued for more than your insurance company is going to cover you for? Any RSP you've worked hard to build up that is held with a bank/trust company etc is gone in the above scenarios.....RSP's with a life insurance company with a named beneficiary can not be touched by any of the above...because it's not your money..it's assigned to someone else already, you just haven't died yet. A very important feature to consider, especially if you're starting out fresh in a new business venture like a few members here have expressed a desire to do here in the last while. A bank loan that can't be repaid due to business collapse could very well see your RSP's being siezed for the outstanding payment...especially if you're in the same bank for both!
  3. Always to max allowed....but only behind the assigned beneficiary "curtain" of a life insurance company. Never with a bank or trust company!
  4. Even Non-Resident anglers can catch and use Northern Leopard frogs for bait. 12 max for them or us resident anglers. Makes you wonder why a non-resident can catch frogs..but they can't catch and use minnows.
  5. ..Guess it wasn't that important....
  6. I thought that's what Monday to Friday were for.....
  7. Maybe you should keep that boat on the side at all times Terry ! LOL Does make your heart beat when you hit that stuff...try it landing at 50 to 60 MPH and you think you're going into the lake!
  8. Nothing wrong with catchin a large pike while still wearin your jammies! LOL Great stuff...driving trucks on the lake now? How thicks the ice?
  9. LOL Roy and Rick "Postage paid in Sturgeon Falls"! They have printers up in them thar sticks?
  10. I used the same aquarium heater in my outdoor/back step water bowl for the dog for 10 years. It's still working just fine and was many years old before I even started using it. No reason for it to burn out even if it's on continuous. Cycling in an inside tank is probably tougher on it than constant on. As a matter of fact I've never had an aquarium heater burn out on me period in over 30 years. Have had a few that the thermostat arc'd closed and cooked the fish though...
  11. He'd just store them in the shed anyhow Dan !
  12. If you were in the shower...are you sure it's the lock off the shed ! . . . . Good show Joe! Carry bolt cutters in the car eh....hmmmm LOL
  13. You did buy the cold weather package for that new vehicle of yours Paul? Better plug it in if you're going out tomorrow !
  14. Can we drill holes in the floor and use it to fish from Ronnie ?
  15. I was going to add to my post... "save it Ron".... I knew you'd be along to torment. See you in a month Bud!
  16. Ya got that right Lew! Oh well... the fish will still be there..heck..they'll still be there after I've been and gone! I just want to pet my new boat more than anything...just to make waiting for spring that much harder.
  17. Look at the bright side Stan...you had some good looking company. You could have been stuck in a fishless hut with me instead ! LOL
  18. Lake Bernard Outfitters Phone: 705 384-7948
  19. Thanks Lew. Just spent 2hr 45 plowing the laneway with the truck. Usually takes 45 minutes. Also did the neighbours for him..he had his van stuck in the snow bank and I had to push it out of the way first. He'd already been at it for over an hour with his small snowblower. They had just driven back from Huntsville..he was playing in the pond hockey tourney up there...took them 3 and a 1/2 hours to drive home..usually about 1hr - 30/1hr 45 max. Just looked at temps and conditions for tomorrow.. -44C windchill and -30 temps up North and it looks like another 30 or 40 cm of snow overnight here. So I think tomorrow will be another snow plowing day and we'll try to head North Tuesday when the temps look to be rising considerably...well at least 10 degrees LOL
  20. Only if he's had a previous outdoors card/fishing licence and anyone with an apostrophe in their name forget it. All the money they spent on their website and they couldn't use a programmer that knows the way around the syntax error created by someone with a name like O'Malley!
  21. Yep...we're still here Maureen. Yesterday I couldn't bring myself to waking Leah up to go and today a good foot of snow, WIND and I couldn't see my shop door when I looked out the back door at 8am...and you know how far that is..20 feet at best. Calling for a much as 40 more CM today/tonight with Gravenhurst area as much as 10cm/hr with a possible blizzard warning to come later today. Of course radar shows nothing anywhere else, just the huge squall over the immediate shoreline south of Georgian Bay = US and Collingwood area! The nice thing about working your own hours though...no pressure to hit the road just because it's the weekend....we'll try again tomorrow. Hope you had a safe trip to the city and back today.
  22. I figured it was just sitting on top of us Maureen. 6", out here on the point, since the hockey game started at 7Pm. Guess I'll be plowin snow before we can leave in the am.
  23. Gotta love being a mod with a way around the word sensor ! LOL
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