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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. "Mean", tolerable or a great boss is all in the eyes of the employee...oh and how hard they really want/need/enjoy to work. Yes I have over 2000 EX employee files in 2 - 4 drawer legal filing cabinets from the last 21 years, half of them would rate me mean, 1/4 tolerable and 1/4 great...and YES we still have a large handful of employees that have worked for us for all of those years that are still very happy. They've watched my kids grown up and I theirs, I played baseball with them as a team (to further the team spirit at work), their spouses and kids are greatful (and tell us so) for what their spouses have EARNED for them....with the opportunity I offered them years ago....to grow with the company...be promoted from within etc. Ray...you got your bags packed yet? LOL
  2. LOL Bookoobeast...if I told him he couldn't go and he went anyhow...the only thing he'd come back to is an ROE and his last pay cheque. You'd have to take it to the labour board to dispute the fact he wouldn't be getting a weeks severence, for his less than year service either, since his termination reason would be insubordination as far as I would be concerned. Employers don't owe you a living. In the first three months you can terminate anyone and not even give them a reason. Less than a year you can do the same with nothing more than a weeks wages as severence.
  3. Well put Cliff/CS/Joe....great to see some others with the employer prospective around here. Ray...send her off with one of her girlfriends, or hell some young stud...then get a sitter and go fishing on the Sunday while she's gone.
  4. ? ... but why do you need to replace the tank? Is it leaking?
  5. Have fun..check my doors for me on the way by please! Mind you I guess you won't be making it to town, since you'll be going down the access road south of town. If you need any last minutes stuff, stop at "Gramps" at Angus Lake. Better tackle selection than LB's and a good rack of magazines for any bored young lad as well! lol
  6. I'm sure misfish or similar Barrie res has a quick answer...but we got no more than 2cm of fluffy stuff up here in Penetang Don. What a change that is!
  7. Yep..fences make for good neighbours...but I bet you share a laneway so the post hole diggin might be fun.
  8. Should be fish around that one island..shouldn't there?
  10. Someone mentions Police and a Lawyer shows up! Who wudda figured ! LOL
  11. Closure for the family with a body fishfinder! In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure if worn correctly, when it auto inflates on water contact, the placement of the air bags dictate how the body will float..face up.
  12. Your wife's name's not Loraina..so you should be fine Phil ! Bucktail..get out the broom..them snaps are gonna do just that...
  13. Either that Jon...or she just wants you out of the house!
  14. Joey, She just keeps calling to make sure you're doing her job for her! Be sure to ask the boss for the receptionists wages, as well as yours, for today.
  15. My old HumminBird 200sx portable worked just fine in -28C last week.
  16. You use to be such a quiet guy Joe !
  17. I also just read the Mustang booklet that came with mine (manual inflator) and it says you must be 16 years old to wear these inflatables.
  18. Did you leave a note.. "I was here... where were you...make sure the 4 hours, for showing up for my scheduled shift, is on my pay check".. LOL I don't seem to be able to get to work today either. Just because it's Valentine's Day shouldn't be a reason Leah won't shovel the path to my shop door! Oh wait a minute...we didn't get any of this mess for once! Guess I'd better get my butt in gear....off to the shop. LOL
  19. Squid is correct fisherman. Inflatables must be worn to meet their CCG approval rating. They don't count as a life jacket in the boat if they are not on your body and correctly fastened.
  20. I want the wabbbbit and I think this one could get some use around here... and this one.. and this one..
  21. Most Cached boats on the back lakes have the drain plugs removed for a reason, so if you're so inclined carry one in your pocket. I've never heard it was okay to just use someone's boat because you felt like it. I know I'd be a tad ticked when I walked a long portage lugging an outboard and fishing gear, to find my back lake boat missing. Based on the chain and lock, these Northerners have the same feeling I think....
  22. Don't worry Dustin...I won't give him a marked fishing map or anything..... lol
  23. That's how they all start Connie...denial! Not sure why anyone would actually admit they went near that....
  24. Doug, I think you should head into work now...sleep on your desk..so you're on time in the morning.! LOL
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