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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. The funniest Cash experience I had was when I took my F-in-law over to Lucan to buy his CH701 aircraft from the 80 something year old priest of the Lucan Catholic Church. Sitting in his office doing the paperwork and my f-in-law pulls out $30K in $100 bills and hands it to the priest. His hands were shaking so bad we had to count it out for him. He was fearful his roof was going to fall down from God frowning upon the transaction. LOL There is generally cash involved in any aircraft transaction to complete the "lies" of the last guy that bought it at X dollars. Leah's always been concerned that I'll crash coming home one day with my little bank cheque box sitting on the seat beside me full of cash....and the newspaper headline will read. "Drug trafficers body found at crash site, aircraft destroyed, money impounded, wife brought in for questioning...."
  2. It's just a harmless little fluffy bunny wabbit...
  3. ..but it's getting harder and harder to use. Everyone with their Debit and Credit cards...being Sheepple so Revenue Canada can track your @$$ with the stroke of a keyboard. Cash is tabo and like Terry says if you have it you're are suspected of being into crime. I really get pissed when a store cashier will state "don't you have credit cards" and I say "why...don't you know how to make change". Try depositing or withdrawing a large quantity of money anymore from a bank...heck try even spending a $100 bill these days. Not sure what they are worried about...it's the 5's and 20's that are fake these days. 15 years ago if you went into a bank to get a large quantity of cash to pay a contractor, but a boat etc, they'd give you them nice red $1000 bills. Now it's all worn out 20's. Winners eh....wife shopped there over Christmas..hmmm.. no she spend cash as well..we're good! Thanks Joe!
  4. Not much further North.... Brian, that wasn't an invite to bring your gun! Clampet...you bin in the shine again? There ain't no wabbit in that picture! LOL Maybe he thinks it's an Acme company trap.....
  5. LOL...will be good to see you again Spawn!
  6. But how many actually catch their own bait and take it North. Very minimal in the past..and of course this may change drastically with current goings on. This new Regs does make it illegal for a private citizen to bring bait North... that they have caught themselves down south...so education is the key here and message boards like this should be getting the word out much quicker than the days of pen and poster. If you are concerned for the well being of our fisheries, as a bait seller, try to educate the guys that frequent your shop of this fact and not just that you can't sell them any minnows to take North. I'm sure once the smoke clears there will be safe bait available everywhere, just going to make this winter interesting I bet. As for nothing stopping anglers from moving the VHS North/inland..nothing but using their brains but I know too many, like the 8 pole wonders trolling St. Clair are self serving and don't care what the regs are and will do it anyhow. I personally would prefer that they have their trip "ruined" without their favourite bait...as I sure don't want VHS in our lake because some that don't give a bull bring VHS infected minnows with him/her.
  7. Yep..you're right on there fisher....where were ya yesterday? LOL My '90 Ford Supercoupe is that way..and suspect many computer controlled cars are these days. They need to self reset the idle speed and will die if you take your foot off the pedal.
  8. Thanks Steve! Yes I know, was just trying to generalize that the same # of people will be needed to supply the demand. That will mean that the Northern Licence holders will need more employees to do so. That said, the Northern retail bait sellers are having a hard time stocking minnows...since they can't get them from the south... were things aren't frozen over!! Talked with Jim at Dad's in Temagami about 10 minutes ago and he has just enough Shiners to MAYBE get him thru the weekend. As for the commercial vs personal catching of minnows down south. The guy that collects his personal minnows is no doubt fishing the area...not heading North with them to spread disease. Were as the Commercial operator has no control over where the minnows are heading...as SOP seems to be for fishermen/women to grab 6 to 10 dozen minnows on their way out of TO.... at their favourite bait shop...blow some oxygen in the bags and head up North. This way they know they have bait and they don't lose time fishing by taking the time to support the local bait shops when they get up there. Made sense at the time....but the times are a changing, so please change your tactics and buy bait local to where you are fishing.
  9. LOL Connie...you're probably correct!
  10. Yes in all seriousness it is a good idea Brian. I'm sure a game could be easily put together in the lodge or one of the larger cottages one evening..or REALLY miserable day.
  11. Frozen over from aerial shots...but I don't believe it's safe.
  12. I fully understand your pain Zack. I get the same with guys wanting "how do I" when it comes to building their airplanes. They even get rude when Leah won't put them thru to the shop to me and ask her for her name, how to spell it, etc, so they can get her fired. They only want free advise and are never going to buy anything....BUT unfortunately it's part of being in business. You parents are in the same boat. Own/operate a fishing lodge, so you are going to get the ones wanting nothing but free advise being the biggest pain. It's all part of the game, put on a happy face and say sorry..but the channel is wide open...maybe try fishing Callander Bay.
  13. Not going to subscribe to another fishing board just so I can cast a vote on some "poll". If it's a legitimate lobbying attempt to the MNR, then I'm sure it will come up on OFC and we'll debate it/vote on it here. At this point I can only speculate...but I'd presume this poll was started by someone in the bait collection or sales industry and they don't like the price they'll be paying for shipped in bait.
  14. Thousands of little furry animals all leap to their deaths because one does it...doesn't make it right. Sure, everyone one of us feels for the guys that collect bait for a living... being told they can't do it anymore in the south. But like the East Coast's Cod fishery...there's a darn good reason for it. I'm sure like anyone that has been laid off from a company, they (the bait collectors) can relocate if they wish to continue collecting bait. The same demand is going to be there from anglers, so they will need just as many workers collecting it.....just from new locals in the North. Northern bait can still be sold in the South...just not the other way around. Like I said, just do your homework before you jump on board supporting something. That goes for everything in life, not just minnows!
  15. Isn't it fishmaster that was always complaining people were ripping him off for money/bait at his self serve location, lack of bait will save him the grief. I'm not going to register either....but.... Any effort to save the bait industry, that has been reduced thanks to the possibility of disease spread, is no doubt putting profits ahead of biology and the long term effect such spread will have on our fisheries. Go fully educated before you supports such a "cause". We already have enough problems with Zebra mussles, spiny water flea, gobbies, etc from poor angler/boat trailering habits. Lets not add to it with sloppy bait handling practices.
  16. You saying it wouldn't run while the boosting vehicle/pack was still on it...or after you disconnected Jamie. If still on it's a fuel issue. What I liked about old Dodges...you could pull the battery and they still ran! GM's on the other hand...lol What's the vehicle?
  17. Are you saying it won't start at all Jamie...or it starts and then dies? -20C and moisture = ice. Fuel line anitfreeze and fill the tank. Have you tried to see if it will run while being boosted? If not it's a fuel issue.
  18. I'm bringing my wife, so not the kinda poker I was planning to play....but you never know, may be the only game I get into if she reads this. LOL Besides...this is where Lew will tell you...why would you stop fishing just because it's raining.....
  19. It tells you something when a "paper" company like Direct Energy can put their name on the National Trade Centre. I was going, but Lew saved me the trip and I can get some work done instead.....I'll send ya half the parking & entry fee Lew so you can get into the fishing show in February. LOL Wayne
  20. Okay Brian...we'll hunt Muskie 'till ya get there! LOL
  21. Drifter got cancelled for this weekends bungaloo on Nipp and is heading for Temagami instead. Wonder whom he was with that's playin it safe?
  22. Great "torture" Nipp! Can't wait for spring.... That main land or Island?
  23. Cruise control and freezing rain....that'll come back to bite you one of these days....LOL
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