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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Guy with the sign needs one too....or he missed 4th grade.... LOL
  2. Two Interstate Deep Cycles fully charged last about 2 or 3 days dry camping with our motorhome. Lights kept to minimum where needed, exhaust fan ran when cooking, water pump for each use of water etc and on the cold nights running the furnace fan which is the big user. I would assume you'd have a propane fridge. Some still need a power input...but minimal for the control circuit. I use to use one of those small 1 ' x 1' panels just to help maintain things during the day. A few years back I moved up to 2 of the 1' x 4 foot panels and when we did our trip to the West coast and back in 2004 we found we could go 4 or 5 days dry camping and that included a lot of furnace running at the 7800ASL of Yellowstone NPark.
  3. Can't patent it now....been shown in a "public forum".
  4. Tomorrow should be interesting....with many thanks to the A-Channel promoting 10" of ice on the news tonight!
  5. Glad you understand what I'm sayin. Not trying to ruffle feathers...just tryin to make sure all the lads are still here for Spring openers!
  6. Absolutely FF. On a lake like Simcoe a compass at minimum in your pocket, at least, to find shore...and take a heading/bearing while you can still see it before the weather turns....so you'll know how to get home. A GPS would allow you to continue to move around hap hazardly and still find your way home...provided the batteries don't die!
  7. I hear yah Clampet..I was being tongue and cheek..but with a point. I'd rather see this young lad promoting safety and a fear of questionable condition 4" of ice...than someone with enough age/knowledge that he shouldn't be promoting walking on 2.5" of ice, especially in a high current area. Some stuff is better left out of the text of a post, as there are MANY impressionable young minds still being programmed here on OFC and I wouldn't want any one of them thinking.."well he did it so we can do it."
  8. To find the shoal/hump you marked while in the boat during the summer...
  9. His attitude will keep him alive guys! Hats off to him! Clampet..that "Cowboy" that came by in the airboat on the Sturgeon River was actual the rescue unit and I bet that someone in one of the houses on the bluff called them about you and your buds on the ice and they were just being proactive. Good thing you didn't need them with them getting stuck and all! LOL
  10. Good thing the Lake area was a shallow as the Gene pool he's from..... What's with these people.........
  11. Heck TH..live dangerously...go lie on the beach at the end of the runway and let 747's and such land with their wheel gear 10 feet over your head! Just remember to plug your ears! lol If you do hit a beach...take everything with you in a beach bag/backpack...leave nothing in the rental car. The place isn't what it used to be and you may find the car cleaned out on your return.
  12. "We’re asking all anglers and bait fish dealers in the affected areas to help slow down the spread of VHS to protect fish species by observing the necessary restrictions on the transport and use of live bait fish this winter." And John...you are allowed to trap and possess 120 minnows if you possess an Ontario RESIDENT fishing licence.
  13. Be great to finally meet you Jack! We'll be there all week. Wayne and Leah
  14. LOL...can't rattle my nerves (anymore) Bud. I know it went direct from Minnesota to Temagami with no Boat shows enroute. Tonyb...now you have a reason to make it to Lakair. Leah will be selling charter tickets from the bench at the gas dock. Whopper already has his from advance sales... LOL
  15. Make sure you slide the block back in the hole when done! Death trap otherwise....I think it was Spiel that took a dunk in a similar freshly iced over hole.
  16. Maybe take a job as the night watchman, to help pay for it, and just sleep in the boat Kirk... lol I hear yah Terry. I haven't paid anything for it yet...other than the loss of my Glastron as trade. They haven't asked for payment yet and it wasn't a pressed issue when I ordered it. They know me, where to find me, and will only get worried when Lund is looking for their money. Once I have to cough up, YES, it will be insured for sure.
  17. LOL Terry. I think Leah and I are going to go up next weekend. Will have a boo, take some pictures and I suppose have to pay for it as well. Then leave it there, safe in their storage building till ice out. No point in hauling it home, finding room for it here and then hauling it back up in May for first use. Not going to try it out on the Niagara as a first run in February, that's for sure! Spiel...a new boat?? How many you allowed?
  18. ..because my new Lund was delivered to Temagami Marine this morning !
  19. No more pain because your body is terrified they're be more needles if there is. I'm with Doug...less invasive measures first. Yes Doug..I'm getting there. My new RSP advisor's Husband is ART Certified and in Stayner. She's bumping me in for an appointment. Cliff...if accu works and you can function pain free, then that's all that really matters.
  20. Won't happen Doug...nobody cares...it's a carp...not a Muskie! LOL
  21. The "Police"...could be theme music for the ice conditions these days... "don't stand...don't stand....don't stand so close to me..." LOL
  22. I would never buy the complete camera/recorder in the Islands unless you're willing to consider it disposable. Accessories and lenses only.
  23. A class mate in first year was Triumph's road manager. Still have the free audiophile album he gave me. Good 'ol Franky...anything for a laugh. Okay Rick...this threads kept the cabin fever down...what's next before that "poll" thread I see that just popped up gets out of hand? LOL
  24. Keep your wife on the boat in St. Martin if she likes jewellery ! If that won't work...just a tip to make the pain easier....Sit on a stool at the jewellery counter and order a drink from the male worker. They'll "feed" you as long as she looks interested in what they have to offer...or at least they use to. They figure the longer they can keep hubby in the store...the more they'll sell. And what Jamie said....if you need a new lense for your camera etc...that's the place. Just go educated. Had no luck deep sea fishing either time in St. Martin. 8 hours of not a sniff from the sea at what was being trolled. Me and my pal ran them out of beer on booth outings and when it was gone told them to take us home. Very disappointing compared to my Cancun Charter the year before.
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