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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. That's a nice Lund Pro-V ! LOL Fish ain't bad either....
  2. I'd send you to Fushimi PP...but guess a 12 hour drive might be too far? Bon Echo is a nice place and there are some back lakes West of the park as well that we use to meet in our airplanes years back. Birch Lake has some good pickeral fishing...North of Kaladar around Plevna/Land o Lakes area. Do a google on Birch Lake Lodge and see if they offer camping. We had a hillbilly cabin the year we went there (I've seen ice huts posted here that looked better). I wasn't impressed...let alone the wife/family. Other than that they were great hosts.
  3. Great stuff Pikeie...glad to see a young lad with a sense of adventure these days!
  4. Is that a Red or Real CH Bubba?
  5. Click on TJ's name Jeremy and select send message.
  6. When you figure it out bud...let us know!
  7. Calvin...you do the foot work to go buy the buns/bring them to the G2G and I'll reimburse you for their cost when I see you at the G2G'r. How's that sound?
  8. Gotta wear the free Christmas gift clothing somewhere Pete. I knew someone was going to clue into it after the picture was taken. Did you wanna have a kicker race...or did you want me to fire up big bertha?
  9. The only Turkey's in Penetang that don't seem to mind trudging thru 3 feet of snow...LOL
  10. Just took some more Turkey pictures 5 minutes ago. The house is surrounded...I'd better get my double barrel loaded !
  11. Thanks Bud! Hope they get here in time...in this one horse town!
  12. Center is actually spelled Centre if you want to get technical !LOL
  13. Yah... what Joey said! What time's dinner Brian? Thanks for the report!
  14. Thanks Guys and Cliff...I wouldn't say too dedicated! Needed to drill for water...that or use the outhouse in those temps LOL. Figured may as well fish if I was getting water. Dedication would have been sledding 5 miles up the NE Arm, where I would have had a better chance at catchin something. Was easier just to drill there and then quickly retreat to a heated cottage only 200 feet away! LOL
  15. Around March 13th Carl and hopefully with many Laker shots ! That's Laker...not the usual "lake" shots!
  16. Wouldn't change my success !
  17. Crusty...even if you Incorporate in most cases you'd be the sole share holder, the secretary/officer/director etc of the company. You would still get named sooner or later in the suit when and if it ever comes to that. That's why I've always used the beneficiary style of RSP, cause you never know what's around life's corner. What you could invest in years back was quite limited in this type of RSP, but it's wide open now, especially with the total dropping of Canadian content laws. Another little known tip, that even many accountants have yet to catch onto, is that CRA changed what you can carry over and above your current years allowable input to your RSP. It use to be if you had more than $2000 carry over that you could be subject to penalty. It is now penalized only if you have more carryover than the amount the years income allows for next years input. So if for example sake your 2006 income will allow you to be able to put $5,000 towards 2007 RSP's you can top up your 2006 contributions before March 1st to the max 2005's income dictated and you can also give your RSP holder an additional $5000 that you won't be able to claim against 2006 income...but it will start multiplying returns a year in advance. Even if you had to borrow it @ 8%, it's a bet I'd take considering this years anticipated returns of double that. Another reason for spousal RSP's that I mentioned above. Say you've retired and have minimal income or none. One of your kids needs $15,000 for University. You and your spouse can each withdraw $7500 from your RSP's. This is below the personal deduction limit on our tax return and you'll pay no tax on it. If only one of you held the RSP and withdrew $15,000 you would be paying about 18% tax on the $7000 or so above the personal deduction limit. Like Rick and Dan brought up there are other routes to savings/investments as well. All depends what your "end run" plans are and if you are staging for tax deferral later in life when your tax rate will be less (ie no income anymore lowering you from say a 48% tax bracket to 18% or similar when you go to take the RSP money out). If you are looking for interest on money that will be easily accessible there are also GIC's and Mutual funds. Keep in mind if you put the same money in a 5% GIC as you did in a mutual fund that made 5%. You will have to claim the entire 5% as taxable income from the GIC. With a mutual fund you will pay nothing until you either withdraw, or your fund name changes and at such time you'll have to pay income tax on only 50% of the gain, compared to 100% from a GIC. The only thing with a Mutual fund is you may win,,,you may lose. There is no guaranteed rate. I've said enough here...if you want more info PM me and/or bigbuck that started this thread should start offering some advice, as I'm just a dumb Engineer..not a financial planner. Cheers, Wayne
  18. Nope...I'll have to put my CSI team together on the pictures I took to get the # off the hut door! I think my neighbour knew whos hut it was, so we'll be "talkin" I'm sure!
  19. Taper..it's your RSP and you can change the beneficiary any time you like, like any insurance policy. She only gets the money if you die (before you withdraw or divorce!) and presumably if you're the higher earner you've been doing a spousal RSP for her and your plans are pretty even $ wise anyway if that divorce 50/50 split of assets thing happens. When you've retire or decide to withdraw it's like any RSP...you will have to pay income taxes on the withdrawal amount at a % based on your current income status (hopefully none so it's taxed as low as possible).
  20. Great report 007! You can appreciate the importance of having a compass with you're on the ice now I bet!
  21. No Crusty, a business cannot hold an RSP. They are personal plans only.
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