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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Okay.. I understand it all now. Console is shaking side to side... that angle piece is just working like a pry bar and "stretching" the rivet until the head gives out. When do you want to drive it up to Penetang??
  2. Get me an interior picture when you can Emil.. some thing is shaking the crap out of the boat when you are either trailering or motoring on the water. I can't really tell where this rivet is with the pics you have supplied. Might be as simple as adding a couple more rivets... or maybe not!
  3. Get me a picture so I can see what's around it. Parts are moving and this rivet is being sacrificed. Making it stronger may not be a good thing.. or may solve things. I won't be back on line 'till late tomorrow night or Tuesday am, at St. Mike's all day tomorrow.
  4. "Doesn't stay there"... where is this rivet located Emil?? Something's not right if it keeps disappearing.... Is it being sheared off on a trailer bunk? or what's the real story?
  5. I just thought you were an educated consumer! LOL
  6. Despite the fact that the little buggers have caused me to have Rabies shots twice in my life... I still have a soft spot for those little red haired carnivores.
  7. It's a female companion, that you send for beer, when the fishing is too good to leave the lake!
  8. Anyone know a "jobber" that carries Loctite 401 instock??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      If you need a pu and deliver,let me know Wayne

    3. irishfield


      I'm into Toronto tomorrow, so will see if I can grab some there before coming home.If not.. no rush. Thanks B!

    4. irishfield


      Looks like I can get it at Fastenal in Midland..

  9. Looks like it was built nicely to fit a truck box toooo... you'd think he'd want his "camper" back! lol
  10. If anyone every wanted a Speedy Sharp.. now's the time.. $7.99 at CTC ! (instead of 20 bucks)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      It does if you do it right!

    3. misfish


      Im left handed. LOL

    4. Terry


      don't leave home without it...wonder were mine is, n

      haven't seen it sense the move.might need to get a back up one

  11. Yah I know that G... just a wish.. as I have a huge amount of aircraft parts that I bought when the dollar was about 1.42/1 and there's no point in even advertising them for sale with everything based on the US dollar in aviation.. I'd rather hold onto it till the day the kids have their "auction", than give away 42% right out of the gate. Many local companies, our Plastics plant included, the dollar difference on exchange covered the operating costs if you signed your contracts with US companies at the right time. We are one of a very few major employers left in Midland/Penetang and only because we had no debt going into the "depression". The rest are downsized to the point that they may as well shut down and I know from talking with some of the owners and CAO's they are working on that...
  12. It's called a dollar at par with the US green back.... some think it's a great thing.. it's NOT! Bring back the 75 cent dollar.
  13. 20 years of watching them in the yards both here and in Temagami..... it's a little of both!
  14. A CONSERVATIVE estimate on the OPG parking lot behind Mount Sinai... 11 million $ per year... with NO turn over on any parking spots each day. Based on the turn over I've actually seen, I figure their take is probably 20 million per year. Suspect taxes on said property are about 2 of that. Building was paid for in the first year, the rest is being put against any up rising of our hydro rates... LMAO !
  15. Get back to me in May.......
  16. My 2 cents... or what every you value it at.... The entire point of dlelectric grease is to stop corrosion and keep contaminants out of the connection, which keeps the bare metal contact of the cable and battery post in tact (or your snow plow harness quick connect or what ever else you're using on it to keep clean). Being non-conductive is what you want for this.. it stops any voltage bleed off / leakage from the post to the surrounding contaminated battery case. You are not supposed to be depending on a "grease" to make the connection for you.. nothing can do that properly other than clean battery terminals and connectors. That said.. I never use any grease on battery connections unless they are prone to getting wet constantly (my boat they're well covered). Make sure they are spotless when you make the initial connection and make sure they are tight and stay that way. Check them twice yearly and stay ahead of any sign of erosion.
  17. This year the May "24" is Sat 18, Sunday 19, Monday 20th of all things. The 24th is the following Friday..
  18. If the ice is off of it (which might be doubtful this year) by the time we get to camp, a back lake by air for lakers. If not, well, I'll have to wait a week for pickeral to open and cast off the dock!
  19. Still driving on the lake in Temagami.. will be for a while yet....
  20. Do you drink that while waiting for the fish to smoke or is part of the marinade?
  21. Clive didn't make the video... did he... lol.. not gonna watch it.
  22. Probably work just fine when you put some new batteries on it.. lol
  23. Exactly what we did for Jen's pelvic surgery Lew... parked the truck for the month and rode the Red Rocket every day or walked home (Jen's apartment) if she had visitors that were staying late.. University.. to Lansdowne.. my feet are still sore!
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