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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I can find out on that pretty quick Nick... with Son working for the township. Thing is.. all these people that bought "waterfront" in the last 40 years that are now high and dry, it wasn't waterfront originally. My wife grew up on Sturgeon Bay about the time she started pre-kindergarden, and her father still has a copy of the survey and they had 268 feet of front yard. When I was there for the first time in 1981 it was about 95 feet of front yard. Guess what... there is about 265 feet of front yard again...
  2. When you find a new boat to hang out in, be sure to wipe your feet before jumping in....
  3. Sad.. that nobody considered this in the 4+ months since the ferry stopped operations in the Fall.. to do something before spring. It's not that the water level will effect the service, it's the bumpers and I believe they said on the news last night this is going to cost $275,000 ! + the loss of business to the little shops everyone frequents after parking their cars and waiting for the ferry.
  4. GBay Pike opener is gonna be sweet.. or is that sweat.. 22C and sunny tomorrow !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      You and that other guy have a great day Wayne. Did ya buy him a gift?LOL

    3. irishfield


      Na.. strictly a big pike day tomorrow Peter... and Bri, I guess he'll find out! lol


    4. irishfield


      Ended up being 26 degrees by 2pm!!!.. and a boat full of fish!

  5. They sell that in Foodland up there Dave....
  6. Brings back memories of our son with a life jacket on in Kelso Park in Milton.. while I fished the reservoir.. Thanks for sharing a "day in the life" with us.
  7. I get it right from time to time ... at least that's what the wife tells me!
  8. Best grass killer for an interlocking stone walk... not enviromentally correct, but...
  9. You'll need courtesy lights along the sides and because of width you'll need a light in the center on the rear as well. Suspect a yellow on side of the tongue or just where it starts to V out.. one yellow on the wheel well area and then your red tail lights visable from side (or an additonal red on the side) and the above mentioned center read running light. I'll poke around and see if I can find the rules to confirm my suspicion. The above is the way my trailer is for my 22 foot lund.. and on my enclosed trailer because you can't see the tail lights there are red corner markers at the rear as well. Here you go... http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/tp-tp13136-trailer_e-414.htm
  10. Why not.. there's open water ! The folks today probably use dry suits, not something we had when I was 15 !
  11. Rob... I leave all my rods in the hangar.. some in the boat.. some lying about. The only ones that have ever grown mould on the cork where the ones in the floor storage locker and I'd forgot to leave the access door cracked open for air flow. Garage will be just fine...
  12. Yah.. Bunk took the picture! lol Now back to targeting trout...
  13. Cripes... he almost shot me for just bringing it in the boat!
  14. One great community... it shows over and over again here.
  15. I just sit on the front porch and wait from them to walk by...
  16. Might wanna go back and read the "rules of engagement", that allowed you to sign on, before you get toooooo happy ! Bass are open year round some areas of Ontario... they're just Muskie food anyhow IMHO ... lol
  17. I've viewed it three times now Cliff and I already know enough crappy spots... but I know what you're saying!
  18. HARD ! Neighbour on Island across from ours... still sledding to town !
  19. That reminds me... I need to go through my box to find some good baits for Wednesday!!
  20. Look at that "vote for me" face time! Hope I'm wrong.... Quotes We have had many conversations with members of the public and our scientific and academic communities who want to see the Experimental Lakes Area stay open. Investing in science and research to help us understand and prevent pollution is a wise investment for the people of Ontario." Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario Ongoing research at the Experimental Lakes Area has produced decades’ worth of continuous data. Ensuring this important information continues to be collected will help us identify emerging threats to our environment and understand critical changes in ecological communities over time. I look forward to working with the federal government, the Government of Manitoba and other partners to keep ELA operating." Laurel Broten Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs The Experimental Lakes Area is an incredibly productive outdoor laboratory. It has an unmatched record of generating critical information about acid rain, mercury contamination, climate change effects, and the connection between phosphorus runoff and algae blooms in lakes. The ELA is a go-to place when we need information to make environmental progress." Jim Bradley Minister of the Environment Ontario recognizes the Experimental Lakes Area as a world-renowned freshwater research facility that contributes to our growing knowledge of ecosystem health and informs our stewardship strategies. I am pleased that our government is working with the federal government towards the goal of sustaining operations at this unique natural resources laboratory." David Orazietti Minister of Natural Resources
  21. Don't worry.. they'll get you back when you come in for warrantee work Dave! lol
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