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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Pray you and Terry never get together.....
  2. Dog on Temagami knows the difference between a Whitie and a Laker. They ask you first if you have any fish.. so you can incriminate yourself.. before letting the dog go dig them out of the snow! lol Bet they're looking for herring.. no other reason to have the dog out there.
  3. Amazing what you can get back out of 100FOW pounding a big 6/0 hook ! Took me 25 minutes to get my burner cover back last year! lol
  4. My sleds have not seen a road in the last 8 years Bill. Unloaded at my dock on the ice and reloaded on the ice at my dock. Only time they get used. So as far as I'm concerned if you're on the lake it should be no different than a boat.... especially since our local OPP and CO considering drinking a beer in your hut no different than drinking a beer in your tent on the crown shoreline. But that said.. yah Don.. you have to have insurance.
  5. .... which adds to the arguement that sleds shouldn't need to be or anything else on the ice.. it's just frozen water after all ! But try riding 50 feet without your helmut on and they'll be asking to see your insurance and ownership!
  6. Hey.. nothing wrong with city hall.. cost me $75 ($25 licence / $50 chapel) and cost my father 8 steaks! Pretty cheap when you divide that into 31 years! lol
  7. Poor bugger.. .. "sorry hun.. I can't get married that weekend, I'm going ice fishing with the lads" ! "no worries... I'm up for that" !
  8. Thanks everyone... Jen appreciates all the well wishes. We plug away 3 months at a time and enjoy life for all it is.
  9. WHAT.... no BANG? What kinda redneck are you....
  10. Generally a hard item to find in stock in the GTA.. but a slow ice year you may get lucky. Should have ordered on Ebay and it would have been in your mailbox already!
  11. Sounding more positive all the time. As I mentioned before Simon it can be a long long process that most would give up on , but I sure know that you won't and you definitely shouldn't! I just talked with my old old gf this week.... while in the city for Jen's Oncol appointment...and she claims she's a year younger than she really is as she discounts her 14 month "sleep" from when she was 18 years old!
  12. Yah.. because the beer store isn't that far down the road!
  13. You're assuming they're wearing clothes Rob.. most would only be wearing a diaper under that suit!
  14. Man if you could just bottle that methane....
  15. What Bill.. just copying my posts? LMAO !
  16. Look like '03 Denali rims.. as newer ones have 8 spokes. Funny they're satin vs polished though so maybe aftermarket. Guess they "grab" them so quick in Quebec they forget to pick up the center caps.... Good luck with YOUR new ride!
  17. Maybe they should bring back Kerry Fraser... lol..
  18. Why do you need two holes?.. although we (I) usually drill them anyhow. Last thing I'd want is my finder that close to the hole using that stupid arm. As Nipfisher said, some water pipe wrap foam. About 6 to 9" long. Just loop your transducer cable through and around it one wrap. Then you can adjust it as you need based on ice thickness to get the 'ducer below the ice.
  19. I wish... that my 112C would do just that and correct all the charting errors as we go along, from data provided by two drunks in a row boat in the late 1800's, with a length of rope and a weight. Find three 100 foot spots and draw an oval! What.. we missed a 19 foot mountain in between, or well what's a downrigger?? !!.. and how hung up can 4 sharks really get?
  20. Saw the Oncologist yesterday, who is still waiting for clear answers from pathology and the Neuro as to what they really removed. Based on what he actually does know, there will be no radiation or follow up chemo since there is nothing specific to treat. At this point she's on a 3 month watch cycle... so she sees him next in May unless he calls her to say otherwise. Not quite the 28th Birthday present she was looking for, but still smiling!
  21. Thanks to the wonderful tow truck driver that dragged Leah's truck half way across TO tonight.. clearly displaying a hdcp permit! An hour drive to find the yard and $320. See you in court!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ecmilley


      call credit card company and cancel that transaction. those tow truck operators can be ruthless

    3. irishfield


      So ruthless I'd never trust them with ccard info Ernie. Cash to get it out of hock.. now to try and get it back. Place isn't even TTC accessible nor hdcp accessible. Imagine some poor bugger in a chair.

    4. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Call CBC news. They like stories like this and will definitly get some attention to the issue.

  22. Weird that they're not offering the 12Volt pump option anymore. It's just a marine bilge pump (with cord / aligator clips) with an adapter fitting on it to mate with the small hose to the heater. If memory serves me right it's a 450 GPH pump... but if I can ever get to camp I'll check that for you for sure if you're going that route. If you use the water tower... they sell a simple hose adapter.. but be sure to put a valve on the hose from the water tower! ..and YES.. looking at their website I did order it DIRECT!
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