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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yah... I can't see any need for a second heater coil. Like I said, we used ours summer of 2011 for the few weeks we got to camp between Jen's chemo sessions and surgery instead of turning the water back on. It almost burns you unless we kept it turned right down low with no pre circulation, so water is plenty hot to shower. Two or three buckets is a PLENTY long shower... or you could feed it off your water tower and not need pump or batteries at all. Pretty sure I bought it direct from the company that makes them. Gotta get to Toronto... I'll dig and see if I can find where when I get back late tonight... or like I said Solo has/had one he was looking to part with. Don't expect a pounding shower... but a simple nice slow steam of hot water that will get you clean. EDIT: Glad I was at least talking to a man of experience and I didn't have to explain the little blue bucket.. LMAO
  2. I have the single tank / burner model TJ. In the winter with 32F water straight from the frozen lake we let the bucket circulate through once and then shower. You get about 5 minutes to a 5 gallon bucket and if you use the small blue metal pail you get Corona in to save water while you're soaping even better. I run mine off the marine booster pack and then recharge it before we leave camp. In the summer.. with lake water already at 65F or so.. the thing almost burns you if you don't keep the burner right down. Solopaddler had one... that he would have sold me before I bought mine if I had known... send him a PM BTW.. the bilge pump is an option from them.. over the standard pump.
  3. Great stuff!! Wonderful when you luck out on videoing something at the right time....
  4. lol Roy! Private land... private most likely before the crown stuff was bought around the shore..
  5. Some pictures up from Weekend at Bernie's! Did well for what's being billed as a "dead" lake! lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      Yeah, from all the reports I've seen out of Nip this winter...the lake is in terrible shape.

    3. fishnsled


      Beginning to wonder if the 2 fish limit is just so the commercial fishing can get their numbers up in the next few years....

    4. irishfield


      Yah.. 26 fish for the VERY few hours we fished between libation.. no shortage of fish in the lake!

  6. Pair for sale in the Tyler Auction!
  7. So much easier unloading on an island when you can drive right to it!! Will so sad to be there... Looks like we have the lake to ourselves! Don't worry land lovers... 24" of ice ! Less than 5 minutes after putting a line down! Best part.. told.. "no Wayne, don't fish there it's too deep!" and "no Wayne.. you can only catch stuff on minnows"! lol A shared entry by Joe and Bernie. Bernie's line.. Joe nice enough to grab and reel in! Biggest blue finned 'eye Bernie has ever seen out there. Bernie with a little guy. Big slot Golden for Rubin. Sorry about the background Will ! Now everyone will be fishing around that white F150! Joe with a little guy on Sunday. Bernie and his slick snow plow!
  8. Looks like everyone's crowding my spot there Bernie!! lol
  9. Hey.. I got 4 fish.. 3 above the hole.. 1 release intentionally.. the other a gifted flipper! lol The unlucky tasted GREAT for supper last night for Kristal and I !
  10. LOL Joe! I'll try to get stuff downsized and loaded up later today, just got a call and my laid back and relaxed lasted exactly 24 hours.. I need to be in Toronto tomorrow after lunch. Leah has her truck down there.. Kristal has mine for work each day in Barrie and son is in Toronto 'till Thursday at Queens park. Might be hitchhiking! My best part... "no Wayne.. don't fish there it's too deep". "no Wayne, you can't catch anything unless you use a minnow". "no Wayne.. don't move your bait.. you'll catch nothing if you move it". Drill two holes.. shovel away the slush.. get the chair comfy... drop the sonar down.. throw a line down and WHAM !!! LMAO !!
  11. I guess you missed the part about YOU putting it up as well meaning piece of advice and someone else typing up crap and putting it on the internet. I guess you have to live it to understand it... Sorry Mike... carry on!
  12. Man Mike... those are some GREAT fish!!! You'll get out again before the ice melts... sure you will !! I wish you all the best... if our paths meet in the city in the near future we need to do lunch with You, Jen, Leah and I. As I'm sure you have over the last couple of years...... we have dealt with people that mean well in the grand scheme of things, but have no idea of the deep hurt that offering "hear say" cancer advise can do to patient and family. Why people type up crap and share it on the internet, like PF put up as a well meaning piece of advise, is beyond me... it's false propoganda. http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/cancerupdate.asp
  13. THANKS Bernie!!!! Just what the Doctor ordered....... ;O) OH..and YES YES.. I did catch the 1st fish.. in 4 minutes!

    1. misfish


      You da man Wayne. Glad you had a great time.

  14. You sound like my older sister Christopher... still unknown, other than an appointment with the plastic surgeon (that did the fancy skull work) on Monday am.
  15. 53 Staples, from ear to ear, are OUT! Doc amazed at how well it healed...
  16. Good to see the big gals are still swimming around Greg! I hear the cookie cutters are floating around bottom dead from VHS...
  17. I heard that everyone's paycheck from there comes with a 24 K gold embossment seal on it...
  18. Hey.. but the test makes this place a better planet!!! When your truck won't pass E test you just take it to North Bay and sell it, just like all the dealers do!! All or none... lets skip the... .. and yah Shane.. the fine is only $110 for expired tags.
  19. Captain Gavin... can't help but chuckle.. in a nice way! lol
  20. Takes three hits to turn the engine light on.... did they warm the vehicle up at all before the test?
  21. ..and here I thought you were in the security biz Emil... do you not have any batteries??
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