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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I should have stopped in last night for a hands on inspection.. drove right up Drury last night as I bailed off the 400 onto Canal Road to get home via 11. Send that back to Brian... after marking the salty screw bases. Get him to counter bore a small pocket so if they loosen off they can't slide off.
  2. Come on... not a single airplane picture or video.. what kind of fly-in trip is that?? !!
  3. Sorry Steve, been a little preoccupied to get to your PM. Fang has you about covered... although I'll caution that most times that I've flown over the hub access point road that vehicles are parked along the side of same for almost half a mile. Sometimes as far as boatline marine. Be sure to have at least 2 gallons of water in the vehicle to wash the dust off your windshield so that you can see to drive on your way out. It's usually a pretty rough road. Other option as I've told many is to launch in town.. park behind the train station (across the tracks) and boat down the NE arm using campsites along your way. Boating will most likely be as fast as driving the wash board access road anyhow. Some campsites have box privies (that you may or may not want to use), others have nothing. There is a mini campsite and navigation map that Leisure Island house boats gives out to each customer... suspect you can buy it at Gramps Outdoor Store at Angus Lake before you get to Temagami. That combined with a shoal map and you'll be golden.
  4. Considering Leah and her youngest sister haven't talked now in about 3 years, they'd probably charge you double if you mention my name!
  5. ..and if you do take Roy's advise... you can stay at my sister-in-laws where you can get a camp site, or a cabin, as well as that boat rental. www.manitoulinresort.com
  6. Yes.. unless something recently changed you can walk it in in the Peterborough industrial park.
  7. Thanks guys!! And yah Ryan, Mike's "17 case dilemma" gave me a good laugh tooooo !! Think you need to drop by an nursing home with some of that Mike!! (Jen won't drink it, but thanks anyhow) To help keep it interesting around here.. Leah has pneumonia and pleurisy just to add to the "fun"!
  8. Jen's all set up for the latest state of the art high intensity localized (within 0.5mm of target)radiation starting Wednesday, for 5 days. Tuesday she had a new MRI and Wednesday between 9am and 10:55 she saw 3 doctors and 3 specialists without leaving the room we were in (should always happen that way!)... and had her final consult... overview... contrast CT and a plastic mesh moulded over her head and shoulders that will clip her to the table in place. The definitely not so great news... the MRI shows what we expected, that the "removed" brain tumour has already started growing again in only 26 days...as well as she has a new skull tumour forward of the original one at the hair line / forehead and if that isn't enough she also has a small one at the back by her neck. They're going to hit them all each day with radiation and we're waiting to find out on Tuesday if there is any chemo she's allowed from here out. Scary part is her MRI from 28 days previous didn't show these two new tumours at all.
  9. Adventure fishing maps... they come laminated. http://www.adventurefishingmaps.on.ca/ You'll need two for Temagami.. same deal for Lady E depending on your plans. $9.95 each. Also probably available at "Gramps" Outdoor store at Angus lake, but I'd call first.. or get you order in direct to adventure now.
  10. Tell him to buy an airplane.. the fuel bill with be less than the truck!
  11. Great stuff Nick.... you're still a few casts ahead of me for this year!!
  12. You wouldn't believe how much of a privacy (for you) issue can be allowing people to hunt your property, as they start out in the corners and then end up walking right past your bedroom windows at 5am. If you charge them... and don't like it or them being around you can't get rid of them as easily as you can by simply saying "hey, you brought me no venison... this isn't working out... sorry but no more hunting" !
  13. Thanks Jedi! Finally got ahold of wife and daughter. Taking 3+ hours for cell phone texts to go through and they were out eating. Not even a puddle on Lansdowne.. apartment dry and power is on. Hope it stays that way....
  14. Sure hope Jen's basement apartment is staying dry... MRI tomorrow.
  15. Great stuff Chris... enjoy it to the fullest and don't wait so long next time!
  16. Looks like Bri has just enough slope in that parking lot... sure hope so!
  17. I'd better call all my cousins and see if there's a party...
  18. If the thing didn't blow up... you're probably good. Was in Chilliwack... 1976... attendant filled a straight truck (that was on fumes) with gasoline. Driver made it about 400 feet and into 3rd gear when the hood blew off. Gas doesn't like being compression detonated at 22 to 1 !
  19. Gear up.. gear up... they never learn. Landed an amphib with the wheels down (on water). Senseless tragedy, that plays itself out over and over again unfortunately. Get your head out of the cockpit and look outside from time to time. DANG !! Condolences to the families.. father, son and son in law. (oh.. and before anyone gets their panties in a knot, they'll say the same thing about me when I do it in the years to come)
  20. Great shots James... but of course I saw them a few months ago! Guess the secrets out... lol... the naturals are back !
  21. Could do like everyone else North of hwy 17 and clamp a hitch on the tent trailer bumper and hook on the boat. I see at least 4 a day come through Temagami .
  22. "I thought you put the drain plug in"! .. or in the case of the Temagami OPP on the Friday of the May 24 weekend... "I had no idea there was three plugs in a Stanley".
  23. They should have blurred the back ground on that bridge Terry!!
  24. So what do you plan on frying Cliff....
  25. It was there.. something I've found when you try to edit since the new board update, things go to double hockey sticks on ya some times.
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