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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Water's still high I see....
  2. Exactly Chris! Great design, but why the need. I have never flipped a canoe unless I wanted to do so. Not even during the fight to get Kristal's 44.5 x 17 Northern in the boat.
  3. I need new stickers for the truck... mine seemed to have got burnt !!
  4. Just realized how fitting my signature is under that picture!
  5. Lots of other places in Ontario to see and explore, but if you want to do it as cheaply as possible then this is your place! Scenery is great and fishing can be too, but as I said it can be a tough go at times. Send me a PM and once company is gone here I'll try to help you out and line you up with Rental choices that you can call if you choose to make the trek. Here's Lloyd sitting on the shore of one of the Speck lakes... 2009
  6. At least he grouped you with a great bunch of guys Lew!! lol
  7. Guess the mail must be slow..... all I got yesterday was an invite to my nephews wedding! ) Good to see it slimed Terry... makes up for some of the hair pulling of waiting for her to come in!
  8. If I've said it once.. I've said it 50 times here on OFC. For the cost of gas money to get there... and for you a boat rental on top... you can do Lake Temagami for FREE otherwise! You can camp on one of several well used and prepared (some with box privies) campsites around the entire lake on Crown land for FREE. Use the town dock to park the boat and shop for free.. park you car behind the train station again for free. Why pay $27 a night to use the Provincial Park (other than to help keep it open) when you can camp almost directly across from it on the first Crown campsite..for free. (and drive over at night to the PPark, tie to the outside of the dock and use the comfort station like about 50 of my neighbours that do so on a regular basis as they don't have indoor plumbing in their cottages). A bit of a boat ride.... but you can boat up the lake on a nice day (with a minimum 16'r to be safe) and walk a short portage trail into at least two stocked speck lakes. On the main lake you can fish for pike, smallies, lake trout, pickeral (we have no walleye in Temagami) and whitefish. Can be a tough fish at times, but I'm more than willing to point you in the right direction if you chose to head that way. Heck, by August we may even get lucky with Jen's treatment and be back at the lake. Have never minded taking someone out rigging for lakers if they present themselves at the dock! Also... I can help line you up with a rental boat and motor, either from my neighbour on Campfire Island, Lakeland Airways or Temagami Marine.
  9. Actually B.. she's currently very happy with her wage, after 7 years of serious education. 4 years to go 'till she gets her own architect seal and can make the big bucks and keep me in the life I'm accustom tooo ! lol
  10. Amazing what you can find on the internet! http://caw973.ca/ESW/Files/2010-01-14_CBA_Brampton_CAW_973_CBA_2013-06-26_Expiry.pdf Now everyone can read it themselves and decide if they want to support the strike, or shed any tears. If I'm reading it right, the lowest wage is $26.54 /hr during the first year of employment. My daughter is currently making less with a Master of Architecture. Pass the Pepsi.
  11. They are building a temporary bridge, so that they can build a new bridge in the original spot.. and then tear down the temporary bridge when the new one is done. Tax payers money at work!! Why not just build a new bridge and tear down the old one when it's done?!
  12. http://www.edge.ca/Contests/BigNiteOut/Fun/Index.aspx ..and the winner is!!! Jennifer!!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa
    3. Tdel


      Couldn't happen to a more deserving person

    4. irishfield


      Definitely helping to keep her chin up... she got the call while we were having lunch, 30 minutes after her Radiation consult!


  13. Well we've found the most expensive hospital parking in the GTA I think... Sunnybrook, $23.75 for 2 hours and 2 minutes! Thank God MJL put me onto a week pass if radiation does take place there...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      LOL.. yah I know, but no control over when a Doctor gets around to see you.


    3. woodenboater
    4. MJL


      Could’ve stayed another hour and had a decent feed at Swiss Chalet in M-Wing food court…Only would’ve cost another $0.25 for parking.LOL


      Glad to help :)

  14. Takes longer for the "Johns" to get them off and he gets paid by the hour....
  15. The best part Drew is what you do for man kind.. day in .. day out! The fish aren't too bad either.....
  16. Terry... is there a cover for the battery area.?? Your reels and line won't appreciate those vented batteries!
  17. Based on that formula Ron... not sure if I've broken even yet on the $149 Berkley Lightning Rod I bought at Lebarons in 1983 !!!! Still my daily user all these years later....
  18. Well when it cracks again... I know someone that does that kind of work..
  19. Thanks Guys and Maureen! Mike... parking info and directions to basement planning and a Dr. Sahgal if you have any input. Send me a PM. Thanks!
  20. Aussie news.. http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-life-news/a-woman-who-survived-cancer-the-ellen-show-and-a-youtube-hit-how-jen-turned-a-negative-into-a-positive-20130521-2jyhl.html
  21. I've told you before Ryan.. thanks for these posts and bringing back some great memories that go with them for me. Super young parents, 3 kids... a duplicate of Leah and I about 22 years ago... but with the boy being the oldest. Enjoy it to the fullest!
  22. Well Jennifer is now famous around the world (currently at 1,005,700 views and climbing on her "leg trick" video) and has even been interviewed via phone from the Sydney Australia Morning Herald... the UK times.. Huffington Post in Toronto and others. She has a handler and licencing agreements in place to be on some TV shows as well. She was supposed to be on Breakfast Television in Toronto last week and that's the good news....... The bad news....... she had to cancel that for now as Jen had a few seizures on Tuesday. Some just her right arm flinching and hand clinching uncontrolled to the point she put her fingernails thru her hand....and a few Grand Mals as well. We got the call up North, at camp, at 7pm Tuesday night and were in Toronto by 2am to join Jen and her Girlfriends at St. Michaels Hospital. CT.. MRI and many other tests done within a couple of hours. Helps that she has her Neuro's cell phone number! On Thursday she had surgery to remove about a 4cm tumour from her brain, directly below where the skull tumour was and it was putting pressure on her motary area of her brain that runs her R arm and hand (that currently aren't working but slowly coming back on line). This tumour grew in exactly 4 months. They removed it as best they could without carving into her brain, but "roots" have been left behind. Being the bugger Ewing's is it will regrow again just like picking mushrooms from a log. Radiation consultation on Monday coming at Sunnybrook and she goes from there. Discharged today and we are home... Just to add misery to the equation.. my truck was hit by a drunk driver (female) last night while parked outside her apartment and caught on fire. Had to beg a ride home for the three of us this afternoon and now also have to deal with the loss of my truck in the midst of needing to get her here and there, as well as me needing to get North and look after a bunch of stuff we left precariously on Tuesday night.
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