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Everything posted by NANUK

  1. Have you tried ? Bay City Marine Don Hyde Marine Proctor Marine
  2. SAE 10W-30 is what is specified in my Yamaha manual, no specific brand or make is mentioned to be a must. sure, Yamaha dealer / mechanic would love me to use Yamalube, but I can get a much superior oil for the same or a few $$ more, so price is not an issue when it comes to maintaining my equipment, as I mentioned above, I have been using Mobil-1 full synthetic for the last 12 years in both motors with excellent results, My 9.9 kicker doesn't have an oil filter, just a mesh screen, That screen used to come out full of gunk when I used Yamalube, not metal particles, just some gooey gunk, with the synthetic its always clean, I even use full synthetic in all my vehicles and small engines like lawnmower, snow blower and the generator, never an engine related issue. overkill ? maybe, but I like the way they run with synthetic oil. I was concerned about the FC-W rating on marine oils, so I had a good discussion with a certified marine mechanic, he also teaches at a local high school, he told me to stick with Mobil-1, said its an excellent oil. The FC-W rating might have some value in salt water environment for extra corrosion protection, but up here I don't find it necessary. Now if it was a 2 stroke engine, I would stick to the manufacturer's specific brand of 2 stroke oil, a totally different animal all together.
  3. I used to get 303 fabric guard at Action Truck world here in Scarborough, not sure if they still carry that stuff.
  4. You can use any good quality motor oil as long as it meets the API & SAE grade specified by your outboard manuffecturer, I have been using Mobil-1 full synthetic in my Yamahas for over 12 years with excellent results.
  5. WOW !!! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Beauty fish Dutch, Congrats !! I am no Muskie expert but it does look very close to 20 lbs. I caught a 22 lbr ski while walleye fishing on Pigeon as well, almost 10 years later, I still remember the fight on a medium spinning rod, 10lb test ?
  7. Typical blue collar body at over 50, Years of abuse in my young & stupid days, Neck, shoulder, elbows and wrist, achillies tendinitis, got them all,
  8. I don't know what the solution is about gun control, I wouldn't even attempt to debate that issue because I don't know all the facts from both sides of this debate. What I do think is one of the most effective solution to this type of extremism has to come from that particular community, Like rodbender's link above, his wife knew what direction her husband was thinking, you can't tell me no one else in his family and friends noticed his behavior ? I can't imagine that I will do nothing if some one I knew would behave that way, specially buying ammo and scoping out his target.
  9. 12 years of owning 2xYamaha outboards, absolutely zero problems what so ever. Regardless of the make, you have to take care and do your maintenance, use ethenol free gas with stabilizer, every fill up.
  10. He was the greatest, nobody compares, his style and technique. RIP Mr Ali
  11. I have a Crestliner fish hawk, bought it new 12 years ago, maxed out the HP with Yamaha, Solid combo ! There was a floatation foam recall on the boat, Also a soft spot on the cockpit floor, Creatliner took care of both issues and they were awesome to deal with. The above work was done by Proctor Marine in Simcoe, also top notch service, probably the best marine dealer I have ever dealt with .
  12. Sad news Steve was a great guy for sure, RIP
  13. What is max HP rating for your boat ? What is prop size ? Dia & pitch ?
  14. Hard to tell without size of boat, size of outboard and maximum hp rating for that boat. I run a 4 stroke on my boat and it gets on plane before you can count to 3, that's with the kicker hanging on the transome. I have it maxed out HP for the boat.
  15. Rapala did and still makes jointed salt water sliver with metal lip, I don't know if that is what you are talking about. https://www.google.ca/search?site=&source=hp&ei=3XbHVrrpD4qte_K9k8gD&q=rapala+jointed+silver&oq=rapala+jointed+sliver&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.0i22i30j0i8i13i30l3.3369.17334.0.21759.
  16. Daiwa Samurai braid,
  17. Replace the bulb with LED
  18. I have the same setup, a 7" sonar/GPS combo and some lights if I am fishing when its dark, I never use the livewell and the bilge pump never comes on, my kicker motor keeps the starting battery topped up when I am trolling, I use a 1000 CCA marine starting battery. If I had too many gadgets, I would consider running 2 batteries in parallel. I do have a group 31 deepcycle battery for my elect trolling motor and always carry jumper cables just in case.
  19. Now THAT wil give the Mrs something to do while I am out fishing, ?......,.Ummm,,,,,,,,,,I mean while I am trying to put food on the table ?
  20. As mentioned above, Not feasible for the boat. For cottage, you will need a panel with a charge rate of 20% of your battery capacity to charge your battery in 5 to 7 hours in optimum conditions,(full/direct sunlight), you will also need a charge controller. As a rule of thumb, a 15 watt panel charges at approx 1 amp per hour, A 100 watt panel will give you approx 7 amps under optimum conditions. At that rate it will take more than 15 hours to charge a 100 Ah battery. and that is under full direct sunlight. normally you only get 3-4 hours of direct sun, unless you have the panel mounted on a tracker to follows the sun
  21. To do a neat job you need a metal punch or a "Greenlee Punch" of the proper size, but you will need access to both sides of the panel. http://www.greenlee.com/products/INDUSTRIAL-STD-PUNCH-KIT.html A metal hole saw will work as well.
  22. I am with irishfield for battery charging, I don't trust any charger left hooked up to the battery, seen too many cooked batteries by "smart" chargers, I use a portable automatic charger and charge them till fully charged, disconnect charger till next time.
  23. An external GPS antenna will use small amount of power if not wired through a disconnect switch, enough to drain the battery over a few weeks. Best to use a DC amp meter to trouble shoot power drain problems on a battery.
  24. A slow charger will take forever to charge deep cycle batteries, Ideally you want to charge a deep cycle battery quickly up to 80% and then reduce to trickle / lower amperage till 100%. Even without an on board charger you don't need to pull the batteries out, you can use a portable automatic charger if space is an issue in your boat. Charger amps depends on you battery amp hour rating, charge rate shouldn't be more than 20% ( maximum) of battery's amp hr rating, I don't axceed 15%.
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